Association Assembly is the highest authority and is constituted of all active members of the Association who in the status of the active voting members in the Assembly spent at least one year from the date of receipt to this level of membership.
The Assembly meets at least once a year. Extraordinary session of the Assembly can be scheduled on a reasoned proposal of the Steering Committee, as well as the initiative of at least one third of the members of the Assembly. The initiative should be submitted to the Steering Committee in writing and it must specify the issues which should be considered.
Assembly session convenes the Chairman of the Steering Committee with written notice of the place and time of the Assembly session and the draft agenda. The session is chaired by a person who is, by public vote, elected at the beginning of the session.
For the decision on amendments to the Statute, statutory changes and the dissolution of the Association two-thirds majority vote of members present is required. Assembly sessions can be organized electronically.
The Assembly meets at least once a year. Extraordinary session of the Assembly can be scheduled on a reasoned proposal of the Steering Committee, as well as the initiative of at least one third of the members of the Assembly. The initiative should be submitted to the Steering Committee in writing and it must specify the issues which should be considered.
Assembly session convenes the Chairman of the Steering Committee with written notice of the place and time of the Assembly session and the draft agenda. The session is chaired by a person who is, by public vote, elected at the beginning of the session.
- brings the plan and program of activities;
- adopts the Statute, as well as changes and additions to the Statute;
- elects and dismisses members of the Steering Committee and the Council;
- considers and adopts, at least once a year, the report of the Steering Committee and the Council;
- considers and adopts the financial plan and report;
- decides on status changes and dissolution of the association;
- decides on joining to federations and other associations in the country and abroad.
For the decision on amendments to the Statute, statutory changes and the dissolution of the Association two-thirds majority vote of members present is required. Assembly sessions can be organized electronically.
Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans - UdEkoM Balkan
179 Ustanicka St, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
tel. +381 62 812 5779, E-mail: [email protected]
179 Ustanicka St, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
tel. +381 62 812 5779, E-mail: [email protected]