The Council controls the financial operations of the Association and about the observed irregularities, without delay, informs the Steering Committee.
The Council has three members elected by the Assembly. Mandate of members of the Council shall be four years and they may be re-elected.
The Council reports to the Assembly of the Association at least once a year.
The Council is an advisory body which exercising its advisory function gives suggestions for improving the functioning of the Association. The Council also makes recommendations to the Steering Committee on all matters relevant to the implementation of objectives and activities stipulated by the Statute.
The Council may be constituted of members of the Association and other persons who by their activities showed considerable interest in the work of the Association, the realization of its objectives and activities.
The Council has three members elected by the Assembly. Mandate of members of the Council shall be four years and they may be re-elected.
The Council reports to the Assembly of the Association at least once a year.
The Council is an advisory body which exercising its advisory function gives suggestions for improving the functioning of the Association. The Council also makes recommendations to the Steering Committee on all matters relevant to the implementation of objectives and activities stipulated by the Statute.
The Council may be constituted of members of the Association and other persons who by their activities showed considerable interest in the work of the Association, the realization of its objectives and activities.
Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans - UdEkoM Balkan
179 Ustanicka St, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
tel. +381 62 812 5779, E-mail: [email protected]
179 Ustanicka St, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
tel. +381 62 812 5779, E-mail: [email protected]