Goran Pavlović
Stefan Zdravković
PhD students, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Economics, Đure Pucara Starog 3, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
Goran Pavlović
Stefan Zdravković
PhD students, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Economics, Đure Pucara Starog 3, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia
Balkans Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences, (2019) , Vol 2, No 2
ISSN: 2620-164X
ISSN: 2620-164X
Abstract: The successful operation of the organization is not based exclusively on customer satisfaction, but it is necessary to ensure the satisfaction of all relevant stakeholders. For an organization, it is first of all important to provide value for its employees, as it will result in a greater degree of their satisfaction, loyalty and productivity, which further leads to value creation for consumers. Companies are making significant efforts to build a unique image in order to present it as a unique and desirable place to work, which can also be defined as an employer brand. The main goal of the paper is to determine whether the employer brand has a positive impact on employee satisfaction and loyalty. The results showed that the employer brand has a significant impact on employee satisfaction and loyalty, and that satisfaction has a positive moderator role.
Keywords: Employer Brand, Employee Satisfaction, Employee Loyalty, Human Resources
JEL Classifications M12 ∙ M51
Keywords: Employer Brand, Employee Satisfaction, Employee Loyalty, Human Resources
JEL Classifications M12 ∙ M51
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