Katerina Shapkova Kocevska
Faculty of Law Iustinianus Primus, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, blvd. Goce Delchev 9b, 1000 Skopje, N. Macedonia
DOI: doi.org/10.31410/Balkans.JETSS.2019.2.2.210-220
Katerina Shapkova Kocevska
Faculty of Law Iustinianus Primus, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, blvd. Goce Delchev 9b, 1000 Skopje, N. Macedonia
DOI: doi.org/10.31410/Balkans.JETSS.2019.2.2.210-220
Balkans Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences, (2019) , Vol 2, No 2
ISSN: 2620-164X
ISSN: 2620-164X
Abstract: This paper examines the entrepreneurship education programs present at the universities in Republic of North Macedonia. The analysis covers the overall higher education system, including both state and private universities. The authors use qualitative content analysis in order to explore and compare different aspects of the programs, including: objectives and expected outputs of the entrepreneurial program, its content, learning and grading methods, quality assurance and literature list. The findings of this work are expected to raise awareness about the importance of entrepreneurship education in the country and to serve as evidence for the relevant stakeholders to deliver more competitive, innovative and business supporting educational system.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business Friendly Environment; Entrepreneurial Education; Higher Education; Content Analysis.
JEL Classifications A23 · I21 · L26
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business Friendly Environment; Entrepreneurial Education; Higher Education; Content Analysis.
JEL Classifications A23 · I21 · L26
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