Ana Intihar Marulc - Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ana Intihar Marulc - Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Balkans Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences, (2022) , Vol 5, No 1
ISSN: 2620-164X |
Abstract: European Union has a diverse environment and recently the awareness of the importance of sustainable development has increased significantly. Subsequently, the greener and more sustainably oriented narratives have been used in documents and legislation produced by the European Union. The European institutions have established a legal framework to facilitate sustainable investments. Consequently, member states of the European Union have been implementing more sustainably prone legislation, but have chosen different legal approaches on how they will tackle the challenges associated with the adoption of more sustainably prone legislation. One of the successful ways how member states encourage more sustainable choices are tax abatements. This article compares and evaluates the best approaches by member states with better-developed tax abatements for sustainable choices and their results. The findings of this article are that various approaches have been developed and suggest how other countries can mirror proven ways towards improvement.
Keywords: Tax abatement, Sustainability, Legislation.
JEL Classification K34 ∙ H23
Keywords: Tax abatement, Sustainability, Legislation.
JEL Classification K34 ∙ H23
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Jimenez, G. and Flores, J.M. (2015). Reducing the CO2 emissions and the energy dependence of a large city area with zero-emission vehicles and nuclear energy. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 78, pp. 396-403. DOI:
Koenigsberg, O., Kohli, R. and Montoya, R. (2011). The design of durable goods. Marketing Science, 30(1), pp.111-122.
OECD. (1992). The Polluter-Pays Principle. OECD Analyses and Recommendations OCDE/GD(92)81. Paris: Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development.
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