Marko Gašić, PhD, Assistant
High School of Business Studies, King Peter I 70, Blace, Serbia
Vladan Ivanović, PhD, Assistant Professor
MUP RS - Directorate for Emergency Situations in Niš, Vojvode Mišića no. 56, Niš, Serbia
Marko Gašić, PhD, Assistant
High School of Business Studies, King Peter I 70, Blace, Serbia
Vladan Ivanović, PhD, Assistant Professor
MUP RS - Directorate for Emergency Situations in Niš, Vojvode Mišića no. 56, Niš, Serbia
3rd International Thematic Monograph - Thematic Proceedings: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2018, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, Macedonia; ISBN 978-86-80194-14-1; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Business Studies, Megatrend University, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract: Tourism plays an important role in the developing country’s economy and is considered one of the main industries for the growth of the country’s economy. Mass tourism is a thing of the past for tourism countries that want to develop their tourism in a good way and ensure sustainability in the future, and therefore alternative forms of tourism represent an essential orientation for the further development of tourism. Unique tourism products (among which the rural tourism product is especially distinguished) have become highly valued by tourists who want to escape the uniformity offered by globalization and the modern way of life in urban city centers. In a large number of countries, considerable attention is paid to rural tourism, which records a constant growth rate of tourist demand and makes it an important component of the development not only of tourism, but also of rural areas as a whole. The paper presents the historical development of rural tourism in Serbia, as well as the material base and tourist transport of rural tourism in Serbia. The aim of the paper is to examine the degree of development of rural tourism in Serbia and to determine its economic contribution to the economic and social development of the country, as well as to determine the limiting factors that prevent a more dynamic development of this economic activity in the country.
Keywords: alternative tourism, rural tourism, sustainable rural tourism, development of rural areas, benefits of rural tourism.
[1] Wallace, G. & Russel, A. (2004). Eco-cultural tourism as means for the sustainable
development of culturally marginal and environmentally sensitive regions. Tourist Studies,
4(3), 235-254.
[2] Saarinen, J. (2006). Traditions of sustainability in tourism studies. Annals of Tourism
Research, 33(4), 1121-1140.
[3] McAreavey, R. & McDonagh, J. (2010). Sustainable Rural Tourism: Lessons for Rural
Development. Sociologia Ruralis 51(2), 175-194.
[4] Neumeier, S, Pollermann, K. (2014)., Rural tourism as promoter of rural development –
prospects and limitations: Case study findings from a pilot project promoting village tourism,
Europ.Countrys. · 4· 2014 · p. 270-296.
[5] Tourism Sustainability Group (TSG) (2007). Action for more sustainable European tourism.
[6] Popesku, J. (2011). Menadžment turističke destinacije, Fakultet za turistički i hotelijerski
menadžment, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd
[7] Haven‐Tang, C. & Jones, E. (2012). Local leadership for rural tourism development: A case
study of Adventa, Monmouthshire, UK. Tourism Management Perspectives, 4, 28-35.
[8] Brandth, Β. and Haugen, M. (2011), “Farm diversification into tourism - Implications for
social identity?”, Journal of Rural Studies, Vol. 27, pp. 35-44
[9] Hall, D., Roberts, L. and Mitchell, M. (2003), New Directions in Rural Tourism, Ashgate,
[10] Lane, B. (1994). Sustainable Rural Tourism Strategies: A Tool for Development and Conservation,
Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 2(1-2), 12-18.
[11] Galvasová, I. et al. (2008). Průmysl cestovního ruchu. Praha: Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj
[12] Tej, J. & Matusikova, D. (2014). Tourism product creation as a basis of economic
prosperity of a destination. Економічний часопис-ХХІ, 5-6, 45-48.
[13] Kiper, T. & Özdemir, G. (2012). Tourism Planning in Rural Areas and Organization
Possibilities (p. 123-150). In Ozyavuz, M., ed., Landscape Planning. Rijeka: InTECH.
[14] Ghaderi, Z & Henderson, J.C. (2012). Sustainable rural tourism in Iran: A perspective
from Hawraman Village, Tourism Management Perspectives 2–3:47–54.
[15] Nunkoo, R. and Gursoy, D. (2012). Residents’ support to tourism: an identity perspective.
Annals of Tourism Research, 39(1): 243-268.
[16] Matarrita-Casante, D. (2010). Beyond Growth. Reaching Tourism-Led Development. Annals
of Tourism Research, 37(4), 1141-1163.
[17] Saxena, A. & Ilbery, B. (2010). Developing integrated rural tourism: Actor practices in
the English/Welsh border. Journal of Rural Studies, 26(3), 260-271.
[18] Dong, E., Wang, Y., Morais, D. & Brooks, D. (2013). Segmenting the rural tourism market.
The case of Potter County, Pennsylvania, USA. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 19(2),
[19] Regmi, N. (2016). Rural tourism in Nepal: development and sustainability: A Case Study
of Parbat District, Nepal, Bachelor’s Thesis Centria University of Applied Sciences, Kokkola-
Pietarsaari Unit.
[20] Krajnović, A., Čičin-Šain, D., Predovan, M. (2011). Strateško upravljanje razvojem
ruralnog turizma - problemi i smjernice. Oeconomica Jadertina, pp. 30-45, Sveučilište
u Zadru, Odjel za ekonomiju, Zadar, Hrvatska.
[21] Ivanović, V. and Madžgalj, J. (2018). Green tourism as part of the green economy in the
function of future sustainability in tourism, International Monograph CHALLENGES OF
GREEN ECONOMY, Faculty of Business Studies and Law University „Union - Nikola
Tesla” of Belgrade, Faculty of Strategic and Operational Management University „Union
- Nikola Tesla” of Belgrade, Scientific Professional Society for Environmental Protection
of Serbia „ECOLOGICA, pp. 195-216.
[22] Todorović, M., Štetić, S. (2009): Ruralni turizam, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Geografski
fakultet, Beograd.
[23] Lukić, A. (2005). Na selo, na selo...razvoj ruralnog turizma u Europi, dostupno na: http://
[24] Yozukmaz, N., Ekiztepe, B.A., Ceken, H. (2014): The importance of rural tourism: Rural
tourism practices in the world and in Turkey, International journal of social and economic
sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 37-44
[25] Petrić, L. (2006): Izazovi razvoja ruralnog turizma: Dosadašnja praksa u Europi i reperkusije
na Hrvatsku, Acta turistica, br. 18, 138-170
[26] Nulty, P.M. (2004): Keynote presentation: Establishing the Principles for Sustainable
Rural Tourism, Rural Tourism in Europe: Experiences, Development and Perspectives,
World Tourism Organization
[27] Demonja, D., Ružić, P. (2010): Ruralni turizam u Hrvatskoj: s hrvatskim primjerima dobre
prakse i europskim iskustvima, Meridijani
[28] Rabotić, B. (2013). Selektivni oblici turizma, Visoka turistička škola strukovnih studija,
[29] Todorović, M., Bjeljac, Ž. (2007). Osnove razvoja ruralnog turizma u Srbiji, Glasnik srpskog
geografskog društva, br. 1, str. 135-148
[30] Glasnik Zagrebačke županije (2005). Razvoj seoskog turizma u Zagrebačkoj županiji, Zagreb,
br. 9.
[31] Maksimović, M., Urošević, S., Damnjanović, Z. (2015). Theoretical concepts of rural tourism
and opportunities for development in the Republic of Serbia, Economics management
information technology, Vol. 3, str. 162-172
[32] Petrović, Đ. (1979). Razvojni put seoskog turizma na području opštine Ivanjica, Turizmologija,
Zbornik stručnih i naučnih radova, Viša turistička škola, br. 4, Beograd
[33] Marković, S., Ostojić, M., Popović, I., Miljković, O. (2011). Ivanjica - kolevka srpskog
seoskog turizma, VI Međunarodni naučni skup Mediteranski dani - Trebinje, Turizam i
ruralni razvoj - savremene tendencije, problemi i mogućnosti razvoja, Tematski zbornik,
Trebinje, 07-08. oktobar, str. 306-323
[34] Muhi, B. (2013). Ruralni turizam kao komponenta integralnog i održivog razvoja sela u
Vojvodini, Zbornik matice srpske za društvene nauke, br. 1, str. 129-137
[35] Bjeljac, Ž., Popović, I. (2004). Materijalna baza turizma u prostoru Dunavsko-moravskog
koridora, Beograd.
[36] Madžalj, J., Gašić, M. and Ivanović, V. (2018). Ekološka politika Srbije i Evropske unije,
Istaknuti tematski zbornik radova vodećeg nacionalnog značaja Istočna evropa i postmoderni
izazovi, Centar za strateška istraživanja nacionalne bezbednosti CESNA B, Beograd
u saradnji sa Fakultetom za pravo, bezbednost i menadžment “Konstantin Veliki” Niš
Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla u Beogradu.
[37] Ivanović, V., Gašić, M., Plavski, J., Madžgalj, J. (2015). Priroda kao osnov zelene ekonomije
Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije – Ecologica. Vol. 22, No 78,
str. 329-333.
[38] Čomić, Đ., Kosar, LJ. (2001): Globalne komunikacije i turizam, Naučno-stručni časopis iz
turizma - Turizam, br. 5, str. 27-29
[39] Web site ITSN: (03.03.2018)
[40] Web site Selo: (04.03.2018)
[41] Bogdanov, N., Zečević, B. (2011). Javno-privatno partnerstvo u razvoju ruralnog turizma,
Program UNDP “Održivi turizam u funkciji ruralnog razvoja”
[42] Đorđević Milošević, S., Milovanović, J. (2012). Održivi turizam u funkciji ruralnog razvoja
- Mala poljoprivredna gazdinstva i ruralni turizam u Srbiji, Fakultet za primenjenu
ekologiju Futura, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd
[43] Radović, G., Pejanović, R., Radosavac, A. (2013): Uloga države u razvoju ruralnog turizma
u Republici Srpskoj, Agroznanje, 14(2), str. 241-249
[44] Bošković, T. (2012): Ekonomski efekti razvoja turizma u ruralnim područjima Srbije, Škola
biznisa, Novi Sad, br. 2, str. 29-34
[45] Master Plan for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia, (2011), Ministry of
Economy and Regional development, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
[46] Štetić, S., Cvijanović, D., Šimičević, D. (2014). Posebni oblici turizma Dunavskog regiona
Srbije, Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd
[47] Premović, J. (2015): Ljudski resursi kao strateški potencijal održivog turističkog razvoja
Srbije, doktorska disertacija, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Ekonomski fakultet, Kragujevac
[48] Dragulanescu,I.V., Drutu, I. (2012). Rural tourism for local economic development, International
journal of academic research in accounting, finance and management sciences,
Vol. 2, pp. 196-203
[49] Gašić, M., Madžgalj, J., Ivanović, V., Perić. G. (2015). Uticaj ruralnog turizma na lokalni
ekonomski razvoj, Naučno - stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije - Ecologica,
br. 77, str. 32-37
[50] Ciolac, R. (2011). Tourism in European rural area - case study Austria, Agricultural Management/
Lucrari Stiintifice Seria I, Management Agricol,13(4), pp. 109-112
[51] Slavković, V. (2015). Zakonska regulativa u oblasti zaštite životne sredine kao faktor očuvanja
turističke resursne osnove, Turističko poslovanje, str. 95-102
[52] Matijašević-Obradović, J., Kuzman, B., Kovačević, M. (2014). Značaj pravne regulative
u oblasti ruralnog razvoja Srbije, Agroekonomika, Časopis departmana za ekonomiku
poljoprivrede i sociologiju sela, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, br.
63-64, str. 63-74
Keywords: alternative tourism, rural tourism, sustainable rural tourism, development of rural areas, benefits of rural tourism.
[1] Wallace, G. & Russel, A. (2004). Eco-cultural tourism as means for the sustainable
development of culturally marginal and environmentally sensitive regions. Tourist Studies,
4(3), 235-254.
[2] Saarinen, J. (2006). Traditions of sustainability in tourism studies. Annals of Tourism
Research, 33(4), 1121-1140.
[3] McAreavey, R. & McDonagh, J. (2010). Sustainable Rural Tourism: Lessons for Rural
Development. Sociologia Ruralis 51(2), 175-194.
[4] Neumeier, S, Pollermann, K. (2014)., Rural tourism as promoter of rural development –
prospects and limitations: Case study findings from a pilot project promoting village tourism,
Europ.Countrys. · 4· 2014 · p. 270-296.
[5] Tourism Sustainability Group (TSG) (2007). Action for more sustainable European tourism.
[6] Popesku, J. (2011). Menadžment turističke destinacije, Fakultet za turistički i hotelijerski
menadžment, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd
[7] Haven‐Tang, C. & Jones, E. (2012). Local leadership for rural tourism development: A case
study of Adventa, Monmouthshire, UK. Tourism Management Perspectives, 4, 28-35.
[8] Brandth, Β. and Haugen, M. (2011), “Farm diversification into tourism - Implications for
social identity?”, Journal of Rural Studies, Vol. 27, pp. 35-44
[9] Hall, D., Roberts, L. and Mitchell, M. (2003), New Directions in Rural Tourism, Ashgate,
[10] Lane, B. (1994). Sustainable Rural Tourism Strategies: A Tool for Development and Conservation,
Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 2(1-2), 12-18.
[11] Galvasová, I. et al. (2008). Průmysl cestovního ruchu. Praha: Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj
[12] Tej, J. & Matusikova, D. (2014). Tourism product creation as a basis of economic
prosperity of a destination. Економічний часопис-ХХІ, 5-6, 45-48.
[13] Kiper, T. & Özdemir, G. (2012). Tourism Planning in Rural Areas and Organization
Possibilities (p. 123-150). In Ozyavuz, M., ed., Landscape Planning. Rijeka: InTECH.
[14] Ghaderi, Z & Henderson, J.C. (2012). Sustainable rural tourism in Iran: A perspective
from Hawraman Village, Tourism Management Perspectives 2–3:47–54.
[15] Nunkoo, R. and Gursoy, D. (2012). Residents’ support to tourism: an identity perspective.
Annals of Tourism Research, 39(1): 243-268.
[16] Matarrita-Casante, D. (2010). Beyond Growth. Reaching Tourism-Led Development. Annals
of Tourism Research, 37(4), 1141-1163.
[17] Saxena, A. & Ilbery, B. (2010). Developing integrated rural tourism: Actor practices in
the English/Welsh border. Journal of Rural Studies, 26(3), 260-271.
[18] Dong, E., Wang, Y., Morais, D. & Brooks, D. (2013). Segmenting the rural tourism market.
The case of Potter County, Pennsylvania, USA. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 19(2),
[19] Regmi, N. (2016). Rural tourism in Nepal: development and sustainability: A Case Study
of Parbat District, Nepal, Bachelor’s Thesis Centria University of Applied Sciences, Kokkola-
Pietarsaari Unit.
[20] Krajnović, A., Čičin-Šain, D., Predovan, M. (2011). Strateško upravljanje razvojem
ruralnog turizma - problemi i smjernice. Oeconomica Jadertina, pp. 30-45, Sveučilište
u Zadru, Odjel za ekonomiju, Zadar, Hrvatska.
[21] Ivanović, V. and Madžgalj, J. (2018). Green tourism as part of the green economy in the
function of future sustainability in tourism, International Monograph CHALLENGES OF
GREEN ECONOMY, Faculty of Business Studies and Law University „Union - Nikola
Tesla” of Belgrade, Faculty of Strategic and Operational Management University „Union
- Nikola Tesla” of Belgrade, Scientific Professional Society for Environmental Protection
of Serbia „ECOLOGICA, pp. 195-216.
[22] Todorović, M., Štetić, S. (2009): Ruralni turizam, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Geografski
fakultet, Beograd.
[23] Lukić, A. (2005). Na selo, na selo...razvoj ruralnog turizma u Europi, dostupno na: http://
[24] Yozukmaz, N., Ekiztepe, B.A., Ceken, H. (2014): The importance of rural tourism: Rural
tourism practices in the world and in Turkey, International journal of social and economic
sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 37-44
[25] Petrić, L. (2006): Izazovi razvoja ruralnog turizma: Dosadašnja praksa u Europi i reperkusije
na Hrvatsku, Acta turistica, br. 18, 138-170
[26] Nulty, P.M. (2004): Keynote presentation: Establishing the Principles for Sustainable
Rural Tourism, Rural Tourism in Europe: Experiences, Development and Perspectives,
World Tourism Organization
[27] Demonja, D., Ružić, P. (2010): Ruralni turizam u Hrvatskoj: s hrvatskim primjerima dobre
prakse i europskim iskustvima, Meridijani
[28] Rabotić, B. (2013). Selektivni oblici turizma, Visoka turistička škola strukovnih studija,
[29] Todorović, M., Bjeljac, Ž. (2007). Osnove razvoja ruralnog turizma u Srbiji, Glasnik srpskog
geografskog društva, br. 1, str. 135-148
[30] Glasnik Zagrebačke županije (2005). Razvoj seoskog turizma u Zagrebačkoj županiji, Zagreb,
br. 9.
[31] Maksimović, M., Urošević, S., Damnjanović, Z. (2015). Theoretical concepts of rural tourism
and opportunities for development in the Republic of Serbia, Economics management
information technology, Vol. 3, str. 162-172
[32] Petrović, Đ. (1979). Razvojni put seoskog turizma na području opštine Ivanjica, Turizmologija,
Zbornik stručnih i naučnih radova, Viša turistička škola, br. 4, Beograd
[33] Marković, S., Ostojić, M., Popović, I., Miljković, O. (2011). Ivanjica - kolevka srpskog
seoskog turizma, VI Međunarodni naučni skup Mediteranski dani - Trebinje, Turizam i
ruralni razvoj - savremene tendencije, problemi i mogućnosti razvoja, Tematski zbornik,
Trebinje, 07-08. oktobar, str. 306-323
[34] Muhi, B. (2013). Ruralni turizam kao komponenta integralnog i održivog razvoja sela u
Vojvodini, Zbornik matice srpske za društvene nauke, br. 1, str. 129-137
[35] Bjeljac, Ž., Popović, I. (2004). Materijalna baza turizma u prostoru Dunavsko-moravskog
koridora, Beograd.
[36] Madžalj, J., Gašić, M. and Ivanović, V. (2018). Ekološka politika Srbije i Evropske unije,
Istaknuti tematski zbornik radova vodećeg nacionalnog značaja Istočna evropa i postmoderni
izazovi, Centar za strateška istraživanja nacionalne bezbednosti CESNA B, Beograd
u saradnji sa Fakultetom za pravo, bezbednost i menadžment “Konstantin Veliki” Niš
Univerziteta Union Nikola Tesla u Beogradu.
[37] Ivanović, V., Gašić, M., Plavski, J., Madžgalj, J. (2015). Priroda kao osnov zelene ekonomije
Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije – Ecologica. Vol. 22, No 78,
str. 329-333.
[38] Čomić, Đ., Kosar, LJ. (2001): Globalne komunikacije i turizam, Naučno-stručni časopis iz
turizma - Turizam, br. 5, str. 27-29
[39] Web site ITSN: (03.03.2018)
[40] Web site Selo: (04.03.2018)
[41] Bogdanov, N., Zečević, B. (2011). Javno-privatno partnerstvo u razvoju ruralnog turizma,
Program UNDP “Održivi turizam u funkciji ruralnog razvoja”
[42] Đorđević Milošević, S., Milovanović, J. (2012). Održivi turizam u funkciji ruralnog razvoja
- Mala poljoprivredna gazdinstva i ruralni turizam u Srbiji, Fakultet za primenjenu
ekologiju Futura, Univerzitet Singidunum, Beograd
[43] Radović, G., Pejanović, R., Radosavac, A. (2013): Uloga države u razvoju ruralnog turizma
u Republici Srpskoj, Agroznanje, 14(2), str. 241-249
[44] Bošković, T. (2012): Ekonomski efekti razvoja turizma u ruralnim područjima Srbije, Škola
biznisa, Novi Sad, br. 2, str. 29-34
[45] Master Plan for Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in Serbia, (2011), Ministry of
Economy and Regional development, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
[46] Štetić, S., Cvijanović, D., Šimičević, D. (2014). Posebni oblici turizma Dunavskog regiona
Srbije, Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, Beograd
[47] Premović, J. (2015): Ljudski resursi kao strateški potencijal održivog turističkog razvoja
Srbije, doktorska disertacija, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Ekonomski fakultet, Kragujevac
[48] Dragulanescu,I.V., Drutu, I. (2012). Rural tourism for local economic development, International
journal of academic research in accounting, finance and management sciences,
Vol. 2, pp. 196-203
[49] Gašić, M., Madžgalj, J., Ivanović, V., Perić. G. (2015). Uticaj ruralnog turizma na lokalni
ekonomski razvoj, Naučno - stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije - Ecologica,
br. 77, str. 32-37
[50] Ciolac, R. (2011). Tourism in European rural area - case study Austria, Agricultural Management/
Lucrari Stiintifice Seria I, Management Agricol,13(4), pp. 109-112
[51] Slavković, V. (2015). Zakonska regulativa u oblasti zaštite životne sredine kao faktor očuvanja
turističke resursne osnove, Turističko poslovanje, str. 95-102
[52] Matijašević-Obradović, J., Kuzman, B., Kovačević, M. (2014). Značaj pravne regulative
u oblasti ruralnog razvoja Srbije, Agroekonomika, Časopis departmana za ekonomiku
poljoprivrede i sociologiju sela, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, br.
63-64, str. 63-74
gašić_ivanović_rural_tourism_in_serbia_and_impact_on_economic_and_social_development_pp_1-16.pdf | |
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Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans
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