Srđan Šapić, PhD, Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Liceja Kneževine Srbije 3, Serbia
Jovana Filipović, Teaching assistant
Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Liceja Kneževine Srbije 3, Serbia
Jovana Savić, Junior researcher
Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Liceja Kneževine Srbije 3, Serbia
Srđan Šapić, PhD, Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Liceja Kneževine Srbije 3, Serbia
Jovana Filipović, Teaching assistant
Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Liceja Kneževine Srbije 3, Serbia
Jovana Savić, Junior researcher
Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Liceja Kneževine Srbije 3, Serbia
3rd International Thematic Monograph - Thematic Proceedings: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2018, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, Macedonia; ISBN 978-86-80194-14-1; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Business Studies, Megatrend University, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia
bstract: The aim of this research is to determine whether habits and customs as elements of culture affect the behaviour of consumers in the sector of tourism, that is, whether they affect the process of researching tourist arrangements and their use, as well as visiting travel agencies and consumers’ loyalty towards them. For this purpose, empirical research was conducted on a sample of 237 subjects. The results indicate that habits and customs have an impact on the above-mentioned aspects of consumers’ behaviour in the tourism sector, which confirms research hypotheses. Travel agencies should consider the relationships between habits and customs of consumers and research and purchase of touristic arrangements, consumer`s visit and their loyalty, in order to create and implement the most appropriate marketing strategies.
Keywords: habits, customs, consumers’ behaviour, tourism sector
[1] Luna, D., Forquer Gupta, S. (2001) An integrative framework for cross-cultural
consumer behaviour, International Marketing Review, 18(1), pp. 45-69, DOI:
[2] De Mooij, M., Hofstede, G. (2002) Convergence and divergence in consumer behaviour:
implications for international retailing, Journal of Retailing, 78(1), pp. 61-69.
[3] Gürhan-Canli, Z., Maheswaran, D. (2000) Cultural variations in country of origin
effects, Journal of Marketing Research, 37(3), pp. 309-317,
[4] Wood, W., Neal, D. T. (2009) The habitual consumer, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(4),
pp. 579-592,
[5] National Tourism Organisation of Serbia, date of access: 15.08.2018. http://www.serbia.
[6] Hofstede, G. (1994) The business of international business is culture. International business
review, 3(1), pp. 1-14.
[7] Katunarić, V. (1996) Tri lica kulture, Društvena istraživanja, 5 (5-6 (25-26)), pp. 831-858.
[8] Povrzanović, M. (1987) Pojmovi običaj, navika, obred/ritual, ceremonija, slavlje, svečanost
i praznik u jugoslovenskim i inozemnim rječnicima, enciklopedijama i leksikonima.
Narodna umjetnost: hrvatski časpopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 24(1), pp. 39-80.
[9] Graybiel, M. (2008) Habits, rituals, and the evaluative brain. Annual Review of
Neuroscience, 31(1), pp. 359-387, DOI: 10.1146/annurev.neuro.29.051605.112851
[10] Verplanken, B., Orbell, S. (2003) Reflections on Past Behaviour: A Self‐Report Index of
Habit Strength. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(6), pp. 1313-133, DOI: 10.1111/
[11] Šapić, S. (2015) Međunarodne marketing aktivnosti-kulturalna dimenzija, Ekonomski
fakultet Kragujevac.
[12] Ji, F., Wood, W. (2007) Purchase and consumption habits: Not necessarily what you
intend, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 17(4), pp. 261-276, DOI: 10.1016/S1057-
[13] Gligorijević, Ž., Stefanović, V. (2012) Turizam kao društveno-ekonomski fenomen:
pojmovni i vremenski obuhvat, Ekonomske teme, 50(3), pp. 269-282.
[14] Liu, Z., Siguaw, J., Enz, A. (2008) Using tourist travel habits and preferences to assess
strategic destination positioning the case of Costa Rica, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(3),
pp. 258-281,
[15] Tassiopoulos, D., Nuntsu, N., Haydam, N. (2004) Wine tourists in South Africa: A
demographic and psychographic study, Journal of Wine Research, 15(1), pp. 51-63, DOI:
[16] Pestana, M. H., Gageiro, J. M. (2005) Vacation motivation of senior tourists, Euro Asia
Journal of Management, 15(1), pp. 17-34.
[17] Ćurčić, N., Bjeljac, Ž. (2007) Navike i ponašanja turista vezano za putovanja – analiza
prema polu, Demografija, (4), pp. 303-314.
[18] Plog, S. (2001) Why destination areas rise and fall in popularity: An update of a Cornell
Quarterly classic, The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42(3), pp.
13-24, DOI: 10.1016/S0010-8804(01)81020-X
[19] Boniface, B., Cooper, C., Cooper, R. (2006) Worldwide destinations, Routledge, UK.
[20] Hofstede, G. (1980) Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related
Values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
[21] Hofstede, G. (2011) Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context. Online
Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1).
[22] Hofstede, G. (2001) Culture’s consequences 2nd ed. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
[23] Šapić, S., Golo, J. (2017) Uticaj dimenzija kulture na stavove i namere potrošača prema
stranim i domaćim proizvodima. Marketing, 48(4), pp. 235-243.
[24] Mojić, D. (2003) The Influence of National Culture on Organizational Subcultures And
Leadership Styles In Serbian Enterprises: An Empirical Analysis. Sociologija. 45(4), pp.
[25] Mojić, D. (2007) Organizacije i Nacionalna Kultura. Sociologija. 49(4), pp. 347-368.
[26] Oliver, R.L. (1999) Whence consumer loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 63, pp. 33–44.
[27] McKercher, B., Denizci-Guillet, B., Ng, E. (2012) Rethinking loyalty. Annals of Tourism
Research, 39(2), pp. 708–734.
[28] Moisescu, O. I., Gica, O. A. (2014) The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Behavioural
Loyalty in the Case of Travel Agencies from Romania. Amfiteatru Economic, 16(8), pp.
[29] Silva, G. M., Gonçalves, H. M. (2016) Causal recipes for customer loyalty to travel agencies:
Differences between online and offline customers. Journal of Business Research, 69, pp.
[30] Marinković, V., Senić, V., Kocić, M., Šapić, S. (2013) Investigating the Impact of
SERVQUAL Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction: The Lessons Learnt from Serbian
Travel Agencies. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(2), pp. 184-196.
[31] Oisescu, O. I., Gică, O. A. (2013) The Effect of Demographics and Travel Frequency on the
Relationship between Service Quality and Brand Loyalty in the Case of Traditional Travel
Agencies. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Negotia, 58(3), pp. 23-43.
[32] Roger-Monzó, V., Martí-Sánchez, M., Guijarro-García, M. (2015) Using online consumer
loyalty to gain competitive advantage in travel agencies. Journal of Business Research, 68,
pp. 1638–1640.
[33] Huang, L. (2008) Exploring the determinants of E-loyalty among travel agencies. Service
Industries Journal, 28(2), pp. 239–254.
[34] Rajaobelina, L. (2018) The Impact of Customer Experience on Relationship Quality with
Travel Agencies in a Multichannel Environment. Journal of Travel Research, 57(2), pp.
[35] Richard, J. E., Zhang, A. (2012) Corporate image, loyalty, and commitment in the consumer
travel industry. Journal of Marketing Management, 28(5–6), pp. 568–593.
[36] Campo, S., Yagüe, M. J. (2008) Tourist loyalty to tour operator: Effects of price
promotions and tourist effort. Journal of Travel Research, 46(3), pp. 318–326. https://doi.
[37] Fisher, D. (2004) The demonstration effect revisited. Annals of Tourism Research, 31(2),
pp. 428-446.
[38] Fisher, D. (2009) Gridegroup analysis and tourism: Tipping as a cultural behaviour. Journal
of Tourism and Cultural Change, 7(1), pp. 34-47.
[39] Gnoth, J., Matteucci, X. (2014) A phenomenological view of the behavioural tourism
research literature. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research,
8(1), pp. 3-21.
[40] Klemm, M. (2002) Tourism and ethnic minorities in Bradford: The invisible segment.
Journal of Travel Research, 41, pp. 85-91.
[41] Moller, C., Weiermair, K., Wintersberger, E. (2007) The changing travel behaviour of
Austria’s ageing population and its impact on tourism. Tourism Review, 62(4), pp. 15-20.
[42] Stephenson, M., Hughes, H. (2005) Racialised boundaries in tourism and travel: A case
study of the UK black Caribbean community. Leisure Studies, 24(2), pp. 137-160.
[43] Light, D., Young, C. (2014) Habit, memory, and the persistence of socialist-era street names
in post socialist Bucharest, Romania. Annals of the Association of American Geographers,
10(3), pp. 668-685.
[44] Lee, H., Deniczi-Guillet, B. D., Law, R., Leung, R. (2012) Robustness of distance decay
for international pleasure behaviour: A longitudinal approach. International Journal of
Tourism Research, 14(5), pp. 409-420.
[45] McKercher, B., Yankholmes, A. (2018) Travel as learned behaviour: Western migrants in
Hong Kong and Macau. Tourism Management, 67, pp. 191–200.
[46] Bagozzi, R.P., Yi, Y. (1988) On the evaluation of structural equation model. Journal of
Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), pp. 74–94.
[47] Byrne, B.M. (1998) Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS, and SIMPLIS:
Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming, Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ:
Psychology Press.
[48] Hair, J.F., Black, B., Babin, B., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L. (2006) Multivariate Data
Analysis. 6th ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[49] Fornell, C., Larcker, D. F. (1981) Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable
variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), pp. 39–50.
[50] Nunnally, J. C. (1978) Introduction to psychological measurement, McGraw-Hill, New
[51] Diamantopoulos, A., Siguaw, J. (2000) Introducing LISREL, London: SAGE Publications.
Keywords: habits, customs, consumers’ behaviour, tourism sector
[1] Luna, D., Forquer Gupta, S. (2001) An integrative framework for cross-cultural
consumer behaviour, International Marketing Review, 18(1), pp. 45-69, DOI:
[2] De Mooij, M., Hofstede, G. (2002) Convergence and divergence in consumer behaviour:
implications for international retailing, Journal of Retailing, 78(1), pp. 61-69.
[3] Gürhan-Canli, Z., Maheswaran, D. (2000) Cultural variations in country of origin
effects, Journal of Marketing Research, 37(3), pp. 309-317,
[4] Wood, W., Neal, D. T. (2009) The habitual consumer, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(4),
pp. 579-592,
[5] National Tourism Organisation of Serbia, date of access: 15.08.2018. http://www.serbia.
[6] Hofstede, G. (1994) The business of international business is culture. International business
review, 3(1), pp. 1-14.
[7] Katunarić, V. (1996) Tri lica kulture, Društvena istraživanja, 5 (5-6 (25-26)), pp. 831-858.
[8] Povrzanović, M. (1987) Pojmovi običaj, navika, obred/ritual, ceremonija, slavlje, svečanost
i praznik u jugoslovenskim i inozemnim rječnicima, enciklopedijama i leksikonima.
Narodna umjetnost: hrvatski časpopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 24(1), pp. 39-80.
[9] Graybiel, M. (2008) Habits, rituals, and the evaluative brain. Annual Review of
Neuroscience, 31(1), pp. 359-387, DOI: 10.1146/annurev.neuro.29.051605.112851
[10] Verplanken, B., Orbell, S. (2003) Reflections on Past Behaviour: A Self‐Report Index of
Habit Strength. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33(6), pp. 1313-133, DOI: 10.1111/
[11] Šapić, S. (2015) Međunarodne marketing aktivnosti-kulturalna dimenzija, Ekonomski
fakultet Kragujevac.
[12] Ji, F., Wood, W. (2007) Purchase and consumption habits: Not necessarily what you
intend, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 17(4), pp. 261-276, DOI: 10.1016/S1057-
[13] Gligorijević, Ž., Stefanović, V. (2012) Turizam kao društveno-ekonomski fenomen:
pojmovni i vremenski obuhvat, Ekonomske teme, 50(3), pp. 269-282.
[14] Liu, Z., Siguaw, J., Enz, A. (2008) Using tourist travel habits and preferences to assess
strategic destination positioning the case of Costa Rica, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(3),
pp. 258-281,
[15] Tassiopoulos, D., Nuntsu, N., Haydam, N. (2004) Wine tourists in South Africa: A
demographic and psychographic study, Journal of Wine Research, 15(1), pp. 51-63, DOI:
[16] Pestana, M. H., Gageiro, J. M. (2005) Vacation motivation of senior tourists, Euro Asia
Journal of Management, 15(1), pp. 17-34.
[17] Ćurčić, N., Bjeljac, Ž. (2007) Navike i ponašanja turista vezano za putovanja – analiza
prema polu, Demografija, (4), pp. 303-314.
[18] Plog, S. (2001) Why destination areas rise and fall in popularity: An update of a Cornell
Quarterly classic, The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42(3), pp.
13-24, DOI: 10.1016/S0010-8804(01)81020-X
[19] Boniface, B., Cooper, C., Cooper, R. (2006) Worldwide destinations, Routledge, UK.
[20] Hofstede, G. (1980) Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related
Values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
[21] Hofstede, G. (2011) Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context. Online
Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1).
[22] Hofstede, G. (2001) Culture’s consequences 2nd ed. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
[23] Šapić, S., Golo, J. (2017) Uticaj dimenzija kulture na stavove i namere potrošača prema
stranim i domaćim proizvodima. Marketing, 48(4), pp. 235-243.
[24] Mojić, D. (2003) The Influence of National Culture on Organizational Subcultures And
Leadership Styles In Serbian Enterprises: An Empirical Analysis. Sociologija. 45(4), pp.
[25] Mojić, D. (2007) Organizacije i Nacionalna Kultura. Sociologija. 49(4), pp. 347-368.
[26] Oliver, R.L. (1999) Whence consumer loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 63, pp. 33–44.
[27] McKercher, B., Denizci-Guillet, B., Ng, E. (2012) Rethinking loyalty. Annals of Tourism
Research, 39(2), pp. 708–734.
[28] Moisescu, O. I., Gica, O. A. (2014) The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Behavioural
Loyalty in the Case of Travel Agencies from Romania. Amfiteatru Economic, 16(8), pp.
[29] Silva, G. M., Gonçalves, H. M. (2016) Causal recipes for customer loyalty to travel agencies:
Differences between online and offline customers. Journal of Business Research, 69, pp.
[30] Marinković, V., Senić, V., Kocić, M., Šapić, S. (2013) Investigating the Impact of
SERVQUAL Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction: The Lessons Learnt from Serbian
Travel Agencies. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(2), pp. 184-196.
[31] Oisescu, O. I., Gică, O. A. (2013) The Effect of Demographics and Travel Frequency on the
Relationship between Service Quality and Brand Loyalty in the Case of Traditional Travel
Agencies. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Negotia, 58(3), pp. 23-43.
[32] Roger-Monzó, V., Martí-Sánchez, M., Guijarro-García, M. (2015) Using online consumer
loyalty to gain competitive advantage in travel agencies. Journal of Business Research, 68,
pp. 1638–1640.
[33] Huang, L. (2008) Exploring the determinants of E-loyalty among travel agencies. Service
Industries Journal, 28(2), pp. 239–254.
[34] Rajaobelina, L. (2018) The Impact of Customer Experience on Relationship Quality with
Travel Agencies in a Multichannel Environment. Journal of Travel Research, 57(2), pp.
[35] Richard, J. E., Zhang, A. (2012) Corporate image, loyalty, and commitment in the consumer
travel industry. Journal of Marketing Management, 28(5–6), pp. 568–593.
[36] Campo, S., Yagüe, M. J. (2008) Tourist loyalty to tour operator: Effects of price
promotions and tourist effort. Journal of Travel Research, 46(3), pp. 318–326. https://doi.
[37] Fisher, D. (2004) The demonstration effect revisited. Annals of Tourism Research, 31(2),
pp. 428-446.
[38] Fisher, D. (2009) Gridegroup analysis and tourism: Tipping as a cultural behaviour. Journal
of Tourism and Cultural Change, 7(1), pp. 34-47.
[39] Gnoth, J., Matteucci, X. (2014) A phenomenological view of the behavioural tourism
research literature. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research,
8(1), pp. 3-21.
[40] Klemm, M. (2002) Tourism and ethnic minorities in Bradford: The invisible segment.
Journal of Travel Research, 41, pp. 85-91.
[41] Moller, C., Weiermair, K., Wintersberger, E. (2007) The changing travel behaviour of
Austria’s ageing population and its impact on tourism. Tourism Review, 62(4), pp. 15-20.
[42] Stephenson, M., Hughes, H. (2005) Racialised boundaries in tourism and travel: A case
study of the UK black Caribbean community. Leisure Studies, 24(2), pp. 137-160.
[43] Light, D., Young, C. (2014) Habit, memory, and the persistence of socialist-era street names
in post socialist Bucharest, Romania. Annals of the Association of American Geographers,
10(3), pp. 668-685.
[44] Lee, H., Deniczi-Guillet, B. D., Law, R., Leung, R. (2012) Robustness of distance decay
for international pleasure behaviour: A longitudinal approach. International Journal of
Tourism Research, 14(5), pp. 409-420.
[45] McKercher, B., Yankholmes, A. (2018) Travel as learned behaviour: Western migrants in
Hong Kong and Macau. Tourism Management, 67, pp. 191–200.
[46] Bagozzi, R.P., Yi, Y. (1988) On the evaluation of structural equation model. Journal of
Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), pp. 74–94.
[47] Byrne, B.M. (1998) Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS, and SIMPLIS:
Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming, Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ:
Psychology Press.
[48] Hair, J.F., Black, B., Babin, B., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L. (2006) Multivariate Data
Analysis. 6th ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[49] Fornell, C., Larcker, D. F. (1981) Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable
variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), pp. 39–50.
[50] Nunnally, J. C. (1978) Introduction to psychological measurement, McGraw-Hill, New
[51] Diamantopoulos, A., Siguaw, J. (2000) Introducing LISREL, London: SAGE Publications.
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