THE IMPORTANCE OF THE EUROPEAN HEALTH TOURISM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY OF WELLBEING Todorka Kostadinova Medical University - Varna, 55 Marin Drinov St., 9002, Varna, Bulgaria Siyka Katsarova Medical University - Varna, Bulgaria, Department of Health Economics and Management; European Spas Association; Bulgarian Union of Balneology and Spa Tourism DOI: 4th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2019, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-29-5; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: This chapter builds on knowledge about modern management tools and economy of tourism sector with focus on the health tourism and the importance of health tourism destinations for the customers, for the European tourism business and for the economy of wellbeing. The main goals of the authors are to present on the first place the important role of the Health tourism for Europe with two of its components: spa tourism (travel to spas combining medical and health components) and wellness tourism (aiming to enhance ‘health’), as it has grown exponentially in the recent years and become increasingly relevant in many destinations. On the second place - to propose an algorithm for an integrated model of health tourism destination management by using modern management and marketing tools, including innovative internet platforms. On the third place - to mark the important steps to those European destinations with natural resources, historical traditions, educational potential and modern infrastructure (with focus on Bulgaria) for being recognized and positioned as a competitive European destination for health and spa tourism. The authors’ suggestions will allow upgrading and elevating the existing understanding for the benefits for the European citizens and for the European tourist destinations (incl. Bulgaria), as well as to an advanced understanding of the tourism mix and the role of the positive impact of health tourism in the tourism business in Europe generally, as well as for improving the health and economy of wellbeing. Keywords: health tourism, wellness, spa, destination management, algorithm, innovative solutions, economy of wellbeing. REFERENCES Dvorak, D., Health and Well-being in tourism destination, Turku, 2014, http://julkaisut.turkuamk. fi/isbn9789522165404.pdf (accessed on 1.10.2019). European Spa Association: Tourism Manifesto 2019, Brussels, contents/news, (accessed on 20.10.2019) Mainil,T., E.Eijigelaar, K.Jeroen, J.Nawijn, P.Peeters, Research for TRAN Committee –Health tourism in the EU: a general investigation study, EU Parliament, Committee on Transport and Tourism, Brussels, 2017; eu-a-general-investigation-study/oclc/993633429#details-allauthors; (accessed on 1.11.2019) Milkov, M.; Matev, L.; Gradanska, S.; Kostadinov, Y.; Roussev, Pl; Kostadinova, T.; Dimov, P., Management of obstructive sleep apnea in certain professional groups through screening programs, Известия на Съюза на учените – Варна, (Journal of Union of Scientists, Series: Medicine and Ecology, 2017;22(2):38-41. ISSN: 2603-4565 (accessed on 21.11.2019) Ministry of Tourism, Bulgaria: National strategy for sustainable development of the tourism on the territory of Bulgaria 2014-2030, Sofia, 2014, useruploads/files/strategy-bulgaria-2030_25022014.pdf). (accessed on 18.10.2019) Nenova, G.; P. Mancheva, Paraskeva; T. Kostadinova, K. Mihov, Kalin; Sv.Dobrilov, Mentoring in the Fields of Physiotherapy and Integrated Care, Journal of Imab. 2018; 24(1):1923-1927. ISSN: 1312-773X, 24-1p1923-1927.pdf (accessed on 1.10.2019) Shivachev, Y.; D. Grozdeva, P. Mancheva, Paraskeva; Bogomilova, G. Nenova, T. Kostadinova, Multidisciplinary Cooperation Between Complementary and Conventional Medicine with Patient Suffering from Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Journal of Imab. 2018; 24(3):2125- 2128. ISSN: 1312-773X, 2128.html, (accessed on 1.10.2019) Petrevska, B., B. Nikolovski, The level of seasonality in Macedonian tourism and strategies and policies for coping with it, 3rd International Thematic Monograph, Thematic proceedings modern management tools and economy of tourism sector in presentera,2018,http://, (accessed on 18.11.2019) Puetter, M., The impact of social Media on Consumer Buying attention, Journal of International Business Research and Marketing, Volume 3, issue 1, 2017. Sarah, S., The Importance of Social Media and Digital Marketing to Attract Millennials Behavior as a Consumer, Journal of International Business Research and Marketing, Inovatus Services Ltd., vol. 4(2), pages 7-10, January., 2019 v4y2019i2p7-10.html, (accessed on 1.10.2019). Shmarkov M.S., Russian Federation Digital technologies in the organization and management of tourist organizations, 1st International Scientific Conference „Modern Management Trends and the Digital Economy: from Regional Development to Global Economic Growth” - MTDE 2019, Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 81 (accessed on 15.10.2019) TMF Group Study: The Cafeteria in Hungary, Global Reach local knowledge, Budapest, 2015, (accessed on 20.11.2019). Tourism Act of Bulgaria, Regulation 2., 2016, Vaijdova, L, Modern Marketing Communication in Tourism, Journal of International Business Research and Marketing, Inovatus Services Ltd., vol. 4(2), pages 20-23, January, 2019,, (accessed on 8.10.2019). World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and European Travel Commission: Exploring Health Tourism, 2018,, (accessed on 10.10.2019).
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