Milan Počuča - Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad, Geri Karolja Street no. 1, Novi Sad 21000 Serbia
Jelena Matijašević - Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad, Geri Karolja Street no. 1, Novi Sad 21000 Serbia
5th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2020, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-42-4; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: In the last several decades, tourism registers continuous growth on the global level. The subject of analysis of this paper is the ratio of the number of arrivals and overnight stays of tourists in general, as well as the number of arrivals and overnight stays of tourists by regions for the chosen three-year period 2017-2019. Also, this paper establishes and analyses both the total and quantitative indicators of the accommodation capacities by regions, also for the chosen reference three-year period.
The last analysis refers to the survey of accommodation capacities by types of tourist resorts and facilities in the year 2019. This paper is methodologically based on the theoretical analysis of the relevant contemporary standpoints in theory, normative analysis of legislative sources and quantitative analysis of statistical indicators in the field of the subject of research. The research is based on official statistical data of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. The goal of the presented analyses and conclusions regarding the obtained results, and in the light of the frequency of tourist and accommodation capacities, is the emphasis on the importance of the tourist turnover at a certain tourist destination, which is one of the basic components of the development of the tourist potential.
Keywords: Tourist potential, Arrival of tourists, Overnight stay of tourists, Accommodation capacities, Republic of Serbia.
Camilleri, M. A. (2018). Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product - An
Introduction to Theory and Practice, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
The Planning and Development Camilleri, M. A. (2019). of the Tourism Product. In M. A.
Camilleri (Ed.), Tourism Planning and Destination Marketing (1-24). London: Emerald
Publishing Limited.
Cvijanović, D., Vuković, P. & Kljajić, N. (2011). Stanje i perspektive razvoja ruralnog turizma u
Republici Srbiji [=The State and Perspectives of Development of Rural Tourism in the Republic
of Serbia]. In M. Milanović, D. Cvijanović & S. Vujović (Eds.), Mediteranski dani
Trebinje 2011 – Turizam i ruralni razvoj - Savremene tendencije, problemi i mogućnosti
razvoja (11-21). Trebinje: Sajamski grad, Bosna i Hercegovina.
Cooper, C. (2008). Tourism: Principles and practice, London: Pearson Education.
Ćirić, M., Počuča. M. & Raičević, V. (2014). Level of customer orientation and customer protection
in hotels in Serbia. Economics of Agriculture, 61 (1), 25-39.
Fagioli, F. F., Diotallevi, F. & Ciani, A. (2014). Strengthening the sustainability of rural areas:
the role of rural tourism and agritourism. Rivista di Economia Agraria, 69 (2-3), 155-169.
Gašić, M., Ivanović, V. & Perić, G. (2015). Materijalna baza razvoja turizma na prostoru Topličkog
okruga [=Material basis for Tourism Development in Toplica District]. In M. Stanišić
(Ed.), Synthesis (pp. 494-498), Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum.
Gržetić, Z., Favro, S. & Saganić, I. (2007). Nautički turizam – perspektiva razvoja hrvatskog
jadranskog primorja [=Nautical Tourism – Croatian Adriatic Coast Development Perspective].
Turizam, 11, 23-26.
Hamović V., Cvijanović D. & Arsenijević Ž., (2009). Sustainable development in term of spa
and rural tourism in Serbia, The New Economy, Challenge, Opportunities and Choices.
London: Indo American Books.
Holloway, J. C., & Taylor, N. (2006). The business of tourism, London: Pearson Education.
Ilić, S., Ivanov, S. & Stefanović, D. (2017). Globalna atraktivnost turističkog potencijala u Republici
Srbiji [=Global attractiveness of tourist potential in the Republic of Serbia], Megabiznis,
1 (1), 159-170.
Karampela, С., Kizos, Т. & Spilanis, I. (2016). Evaluating the impact of agritourism on local
development in small islands. Island Studies Journal, 11 (1), 161-176.
Law on Tourism, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 17/2019.
Matijašević-Obradović, J. & Kovačević, M. (2016). The importance of the ICT for the purpose
of increasing Competitiveness of Rural Areas. In J. Subić, B. Kuzman & A. J. Vasile (eds.),
Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in terms of the Republic of Serbia Strate
gic goals realization within the Danube Region - Development and Application of Clean
Technologies in Agriculture (pp. 492-509), Belgrade: Institute of Agricultural Economics.
Matijašević-Obradović, J. & Škorić, S. (2017). Elementary Strategic and Legislative Treatment
of Rural Development Policy. In J. Subić, B. Kuzman & A. J Vasile (Eds.), Sustainable Agriculture
and Rural Development in terms of the Republic of Serbia strategic goals realization
within the Danube Region - Support programs for the improvement of Agricultural
and Rural Development (pp. 282-299), Belgrade: Institute of Agricultural Economics.
Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications (2016). Tourism Development Strategy of
the Republic of Serbia, for the period 2016-2025, Belgrade.
Popesku, J. (2002). Marketing u turizmu [= Marketing in tourism]. Beograd: Čigoja štampa.
Počuča, M., Matijašević-Obradović, J. & Drašković, B. (2017). Correlation Between the Air
Quality Index SAQI_11 and Sustainable Rural Development in The Republic of Serbia.
Economics of Agriculture, 64 (3), 1249-1262.
Počuča, M. & Matijašević-Obradović, J. (2019). Analysis of Quantitative Indicators of Modern
Tourism Development in the Republic of Serbia. In V. Bevanda & S. Štetić (Eds.), 4th International
Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism
Sector in Present Era (pp. 493-508), Belgrade: Association of Economists and Managers
of the Balkans & Ohrid, Macedonia: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality. DOI: https://doi.
Radović, J. (2016). Uticaj marketinga na razvoj hotelskih preduzeća u Crnoj Gori – specijalistički
rad [=The impact of marketing on the development of hotel companies in Montenegro
- specialist paper]. Tivat: Fakultet za mediteranske poslovne studije.
Ristić, L. (2013). Strategijsko upravljanje održivim ruralnim razvojem u Republici Srbiji [=Strategic
management of sustainable rural development in the Republic of Serbia]. Ekonomski
horizonti, 15 (3), 229 – 243.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2020). Statistical Yearbook (D. Gavrilović Ed.),
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2019). Statistical Yearbook (D. Gavrilović Ed.), Belgrade,
Republic of Serbia.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2018). Statistical Yearbook (D. Gavrilović Ed.), Belgrade,
Republic of Serbia.
Šimkova, E. (2007). Strategic approaches to rural tourism and sustainable development of rural
areas. Agricultural Economics, 53 (6), 263–270.
Vujović, S., Cvijanović, D. & Štetić, S. (2012). Destinacijski koncept razvoja turizma [=The
Destination Concept of Tourism Development]. Beograd, Republika Srbija: Institut za
ekonomiku poljoprivrede.
Zhenhua L. M. (2003). Sustainable tourism development: A critique, Journal of Sustainable
Tourism, 11 (6), 459-475.
The last analysis refers to the survey of accommodation capacities by types of tourist resorts and facilities in the year 2019. This paper is methodologically based on the theoretical analysis of the relevant contemporary standpoints in theory, normative analysis of legislative sources and quantitative analysis of statistical indicators in the field of the subject of research. The research is based on official statistical data of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. The goal of the presented analyses and conclusions regarding the obtained results, and in the light of the frequency of tourist and accommodation capacities, is the emphasis on the importance of the tourist turnover at a certain tourist destination, which is one of the basic components of the development of the tourist potential.
Keywords: Tourist potential, Arrival of tourists, Overnight stay of tourists, Accommodation capacities, Republic of Serbia.
Camilleri, M. A. (2018). Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product - An
Introduction to Theory and Practice, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
The Planning and Development Camilleri, M. A. (2019). of the Tourism Product. In M. A.
Camilleri (Ed.), Tourism Planning and Destination Marketing (1-24). London: Emerald
Publishing Limited.
Cvijanović, D., Vuković, P. & Kljajić, N. (2011). Stanje i perspektive razvoja ruralnog turizma u
Republici Srbiji [=The State and Perspectives of Development of Rural Tourism in the Republic
of Serbia]. In M. Milanović, D. Cvijanović & S. Vujović (Eds.), Mediteranski dani
Trebinje 2011 – Turizam i ruralni razvoj - Savremene tendencije, problemi i mogućnosti
razvoja (11-21). Trebinje: Sajamski grad, Bosna i Hercegovina.
Cooper, C. (2008). Tourism: Principles and practice, London: Pearson Education.
Ćirić, M., Počuča. M. & Raičević, V. (2014). Level of customer orientation and customer protection
in hotels in Serbia. Economics of Agriculture, 61 (1), 25-39.
Fagioli, F. F., Diotallevi, F. & Ciani, A. (2014). Strengthening the sustainability of rural areas:
the role of rural tourism and agritourism. Rivista di Economia Agraria, 69 (2-3), 155-169.
Gašić, M., Ivanović, V. & Perić, G. (2015). Materijalna baza razvoja turizma na prostoru Topličkog
okruga [=Material basis for Tourism Development in Toplica District]. In M. Stanišić
(Ed.), Synthesis (pp. 494-498), Beograd: Univerzitet Singidunum.
Gržetić, Z., Favro, S. & Saganić, I. (2007). Nautički turizam – perspektiva razvoja hrvatskog
jadranskog primorja [=Nautical Tourism – Croatian Adriatic Coast Development Perspective].
Turizam, 11, 23-26.
Hamović V., Cvijanović D. & Arsenijević Ž., (2009). Sustainable development in term of spa
and rural tourism in Serbia, The New Economy, Challenge, Opportunities and Choices.
London: Indo American Books.
Holloway, J. C., & Taylor, N. (2006). The business of tourism, London: Pearson Education.
Ilić, S., Ivanov, S. & Stefanović, D. (2017). Globalna atraktivnost turističkog potencijala u Republici
Srbiji [=Global attractiveness of tourist potential in the Republic of Serbia], Megabiznis,
1 (1), 159-170.
Karampela, С., Kizos, Т. & Spilanis, I. (2016). Evaluating the impact of agritourism on local
development in small islands. Island Studies Journal, 11 (1), 161-176.
Law on Tourism, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 17/2019.
Matijašević-Obradović, J. & Kovačević, M. (2016). The importance of the ICT for the purpose
of increasing Competitiveness of Rural Areas. In J. Subić, B. Kuzman & A. J. Vasile (eds.),
Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in terms of the Republic of Serbia Strate
gic goals realization within the Danube Region - Development and Application of Clean
Technologies in Agriculture (pp. 492-509), Belgrade: Institute of Agricultural Economics.
Matijašević-Obradović, J. & Škorić, S. (2017). Elementary Strategic and Legislative Treatment
of Rural Development Policy. In J. Subić, B. Kuzman & A. J Vasile (Eds.), Sustainable Agriculture
and Rural Development in terms of the Republic of Serbia strategic goals realization
within the Danube Region - Support programs for the improvement of Agricultural
and Rural Development (pp. 282-299), Belgrade: Institute of Agricultural Economics.
Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications (2016). Tourism Development Strategy of
the Republic of Serbia, for the period 2016-2025, Belgrade.
Popesku, J. (2002). Marketing u turizmu [= Marketing in tourism]. Beograd: Čigoja štampa.
Počuča, M., Matijašević-Obradović, J. & Drašković, B. (2017). Correlation Between the Air
Quality Index SAQI_11 and Sustainable Rural Development in The Republic of Serbia.
Economics of Agriculture, 64 (3), 1249-1262.
Počuča, M. & Matijašević-Obradović, J. (2019). Analysis of Quantitative Indicators of Modern
Tourism Development in the Republic of Serbia. In V. Bevanda & S. Štetić (Eds.), 4th International
Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism
Sector in Present Era (pp. 493-508), Belgrade: Association of Economists and Managers
of the Balkans & Ohrid, Macedonia: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality. DOI: https://doi.
Radović, J. (2016). Uticaj marketinga na razvoj hotelskih preduzeća u Crnoj Gori – specijalistički
rad [=The impact of marketing on the development of hotel companies in Montenegro
- specialist paper]. Tivat: Fakultet za mediteranske poslovne studije.
Ristić, L. (2013). Strategijsko upravljanje održivim ruralnim razvojem u Republici Srbiji [=Strategic
management of sustainable rural development in the Republic of Serbia]. Ekonomski
horizonti, 15 (3), 229 – 243.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2020). Statistical Yearbook (D. Gavrilović Ed.),
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2019). Statistical Yearbook (D. Gavrilović Ed.), Belgrade,
Republic of Serbia.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2018). Statistical Yearbook (D. Gavrilović Ed.), Belgrade,
Republic of Serbia.
Šimkova, E. (2007). Strategic approaches to rural tourism and sustainable development of rural
areas. Agricultural Economics, 53 (6), 263–270.
Vujović, S., Cvijanović, D. & Štetić, S. (2012). Destinacijski koncept razvoja turizma [=The
Destination Concept of Tourism Development]. Beograd, Republika Srbija: Institut za
ekonomiku poljoprivrede.
Zhenhua L. M. (2003). Sustainable tourism development: A critique, Journal of Sustainable
Tourism, 11 (6), 459-475.

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Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans
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