Milan Janković - Alfa BK University, 3 Palmira Toljatija, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia
Larisa Jovanović - University Union – Nikola Tesla, FPSP, Jurija Gagarina 149a, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/tmt.2020.375
5th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2020, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-42-4; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: Rural tourism is a specific form of tourism, in which the main motive is travel to ecologically clean landscapes and the return of man to his historical roots. Rural tourism was created based on preserving the nature of rural areas and cultural and historical identity. Rural tourism is considered a new form of modern tourism together with already developed conventional forms of tourism. Rural tourism can be considered a very important form of sustainable tourism. Modern global trends such as nature protection, health care, especially during a pandemic, staying in nature, as well as preserving and reviving local traditions, customs, cultural and historical events and manifestations have contributed to the development of rural tourism in the world. Rural tourism successfully incorporates all these elements into its offer, which is why more and more tourists travel to rural areas. Interest in rural tourism arises from the desire to escape from urban centers pressed by industrialization and man-made environmental pollution.
At present, rural tourism is one of the potentially important segments of the tourist offer on the Serbian market. Rural tourism includes a large number of activities that take place in rural areas. However, its potential is only partially valorized through rural tourism operators located in the central and northern regions of Serbia, as well as Vojvodina.
Given that financial problems are often an obstacle in the realization of most ideas, financial support is a necessary lever for the development of rural tourism and rural regions in general. EU funds can be a chance to achieve financial support for the improvement of development potentials, better promotion, networking of tour operators and the implementation of tourism projects.
Keywords: Rural tourism, Rural area, Development potential, Sustainable development, Benefit, Nature protection, Financial support, EU funds, Organic production, Cluster, Diversification, Marketing, Promotion, Serbia.
Bashkin, V. & Galiulin, R. (2019). Reclamation of soils of the island Bely (Russia). Ecologica,
26(95), 388-392.
Bashkin, V. & Galiulin, R. (2020). Enzyme activity analysis at recultivation of disturbed soils
in the Taz peninsula (Russia). Ecologica, 27 (97), 101-105.
Bećirović S., Plojović, Š., Ujkanović, E. & Plojović, S. (2017). Challenges at starting an agribusiness
in the hilly-mountainous regions of southwest Serbia. Ekonomika poljoprivrede,
64(4), 1669-1686.
Čajka, Z. & Jovanović, L. (2014). Održivi marketing menadžment. Beograd: Ecologica.
Drašković, B. (Red.). (2017). Ekonomske, socijalne i razvojne posledice prodaje poljoprivrednog
zemljišta u Srbiji, Beograd: Institut ekonomskih nauka.
Ermakov, V., Jovanović, L., Tyutikov, S., Safonov, V. & Golubev, F. (2019). Accumulation of
trace elements by plants of some areas of central Russia. Ecologica, 26(93), 5-9.
Galiulin, R., Galiulina, R. & Bashkin, V. (2020). Remediation of mechanically disturbed soils
in the Taz peninsula (Russia). Ecologica, 27(98), 163-168.
Irshad, H. (2010). Rural Tourism – An Overview. Government of Alberta, Agriculture and Rural
Development, Canada.
Janković, D., Petrović. Ž. & Čikić, J. (2010). Karakteristike savetodavnog procesa u radu sa
odabranim gazdinstvima u Vojvodini. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 57(2), 257-274.
Janković, M., Ivannikov, N., Jovanović L. & Gajdobranska A. (2020). Doprinos zelene ekonomije
razvoju ekoturizma i organskoj proizvodnji. Ecologica, 27(98), 217-223.
Jerkić T., Okanović, A. & Vukadinović, S. (2019). Značaj ruralnog turizma za privlačenje kineskih
turista u Srbiju. Ecologica, 26(96), 469-474.
Jovanović, L., Živković, D., Janković, M., Šiljak V. & Toskić D. (2019). Significance of sustainable
eco-tourism for Serbia’s economic development. Collection of Papers - Faculty of
Geography at the University of Belgrade, 67(2), 53-67.
Marić, M., Cvetković, A. & Žikić, S. (2019). Održivo upravljanje životnom sredinom korišćenjem
tehnika fitoremedijacije zemljišta. Ecologica, 26(95), 376-382.
Mitrović, L., Mitrović, A. & Mitrović, S. (2019). Zadruge u funkciji održivog razvoja Srbije,
Ecologica, 26(93), 49-54
Njegovan, Z. (2016). Ekonomika turizma i seoskog turizma, Novi Sad: Poljoprivredni fakultet.
Pešić, B. (2020). Analiza organske stočarske i biljne proizvodnje u Srbiji. Ecologica, 27(98),
Petric, L. (2003). Constraints and Possibilities of the Rural Tourism Development with
the Special Stress on the Case of Croatia, 43rd Congress of the European Regional Science
Association, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, pp. 27
Plojović, S., Bećirović, S., Plojović, Š. & Ujkanović, E. (2017). Models of linking recreational
tourism and agribusiness through use of ICT, International Conference on Economic and
Social Studies (ICESoS), Held at Sarajevo, May 2017, Volume: 1.
Puškarić, A., Mirović, V., Đokić, N., Pavlović, N. & Medić, S. (2015). Priručnik za ruralni turizam.
Novi Sad: Turistička organizacija Vojvodine.
Roberts, L. & Hall, D. (Eds). (2001). Rural Tourism and Recreation: Principles to Practice.
Oxon and New York: CABI Publishing.
Statistical office of Republic of Serbia (2019).
Tourism Development Strategy (2016) / Strategija razvoja turizma Republike Srbije za period
2016-2025. godine, Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija, Beograd, 2016.
Živanović, B. Cvejić, A. & Aćimović, Ž. (2019a). Rizici finansiranja konvencionalnog modela
proizvodnje maline u poslovnom bankarstvu Republike Srbije. Ecologica, 26(96), 535-
Živanović, B., Cvejić, A. & Sikimić, U. (2019b). Perspektive finansiranja organskog stočarstva
modelom bankarskog kredita u Republici Srbiji. Ecologica, 26(96), 525-534.
At present, rural tourism is one of the potentially important segments of the tourist offer on the Serbian market. Rural tourism includes a large number of activities that take place in rural areas. However, its potential is only partially valorized through rural tourism operators located in the central and northern regions of Serbia, as well as Vojvodina.
Given that financial problems are often an obstacle in the realization of most ideas, financial support is a necessary lever for the development of rural tourism and rural regions in general. EU funds can be a chance to achieve financial support for the improvement of development potentials, better promotion, networking of tour operators and the implementation of tourism projects.
Keywords: Rural tourism, Rural area, Development potential, Sustainable development, Benefit, Nature protection, Financial support, EU funds, Organic production, Cluster, Diversification, Marketing, Promotion, Serbia.
Bashkin, V. & Galiulin, R. (2019). Reclamation of soils of the island Bely (Russia). Ecologica,
26(95), 388-392.
Bashkin, V. & Galiulin, R. (2020). Enzyme activity analysis at recultivation of disturbed soils
in the Taz peninsula (Russia). Ecologica, 27 (97), 101-105.
Bećirović S., Plojović, Š., Ujkanović, E. & Plojović, S. (2017). Challenges at starting an agribusiness
in the hilly-mountainous regions of southwest Serbia. Ekonomika poljoprivrede,
64(4), 1669-1686.
Čajka, Z. & Jovanović, L. (2014). Održivi marketing menadžment. Beograd: Ecologica.
Drašković, B. (Red.). (2017). Ekonomske, socijalne i razvojne posledice prodaje poljoprivrednog
zemljišta u Srbiji, Beograd: Institut ekonomskih nauka.
Ermakov, V., Jovanović, L., Tyutikov, S., Safonov, V. & Golubev, F. (2019). Accumulation of
trace elements by plants of some areas of central Russia. Ecologica, 26(93), 5-9.
Galiulin, R., Galiulina, R. & Bashkin, V. (2020). Remediation of mechanically disturbed soils
in the Taz peninsula (Russia). Ecologica, 27(98), 163-168.
Irshad, H. (2010). Rural Tourism – An Overview. Government of Alberta, Agriculture and Rural
Development, Canada.
Janković, D., Petrović. Ž. & Čikić, J. (2010). Karakteristike savetodavnog procesa u radu sa
odabranim gazdinstvima u Vojvodini. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 57(2), 257-274.
Janković, M., Ivannikov, N., Jovanović L. & Gajdobranska A. (2020). Doprinos zelene ekonomije
razvoju ekoturizma i organskoj proizvodnji. Ecologica, 27(98), 217-223.
Jerkić T., Okanović, A. & Vukadinović, S. (2019). Značaj ruralnog turizma za privlačenje kineskih
turista u Srbiju. Ecologica, 26(96), 469-474.
Jovanović, L., Živković, D., Janković, M., Šiljak V. & Toskić D. (2019). Significance of sustainable
eco-tourism for Serbia’s economic development. Collection of Papers - Faculty of
Geography at the University of Belgrade, 67(2), 53-67.
Marić, M., Cvetković, A. & Žikić, S. (2019). Održivo upravljanje životnom sredinom korišćenjem
tehnika fitoremedijacije zemljišta. Ecologica, 26(95), 376-382.
Mitrović, L., Mitrović, A. & Mitrović, S. (2019). Zadruge u funkciji održivog razvoja Srbije,
Ecologica, 26(93), 49-54
Njegovan, Z. (2016). Ekonomika turizma i seoskog turizma, Novi Sad: Poljoprivredni fakultet.
Pešić, B. (2020). Analiza organske stočarske i biljne proizvodnje u Srbiji. Ecologica, 27(98),
Petric, L. (2003). Constraints and Possibilities of the Rural Tourism Development with
the Special Stress on the Case of Croatia, 43rd Congress of the European Regional Science
Association, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, pp. 27
Plojović, S., Bećirović, S., Plojović, Š. & Ujkanović, E. (2017). Models of linking recreational
tourism and agribusiness through use of ICT, International Conference on Economic and
Social Studies (ICESoS), Held at Sarajevo, May 2017, Volume: 1.
Puškarić, A., Mirović, V., Đokić, N., Pavlović, N. & Medić, S. (2015). Priručnik za ruralni turizam.
Novi Sad: Turistička organizacija Vojvodine.
Roberts, L. & Hall, D. (Eds). (2001). Rural Tourism and Recreation: Principles to Practice.
Oxon and New York: CABI Publishing.
Statistical office of Republic of Serbia (2019).
Tourism Development Strategy (2016) / Strategija razvoja turizma Republike Srbije za period
2016-2025. godine, Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija, Beograd, 2016.
Živanović, B. Cvejić, A. & Aćimović, Ž. (2019a). Rizici finansiranja konvencionalnog modela
proizvodnje maline u poslovnom bankarstvu Republike Srbije. Ecologica, 26(96), 535-
Živanović, B., Cvejić, A. & Sikimić, U. (2019b). Perspektive finansiranja organskog stočarstva
modelom bankarskog kredita u Republici Srbiji. Ecologica, 26(96), 525-534.
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