Jelena Vukonjanski Srdić - University Educons, Project Management College, Bože Jankovića 14, Belgrade, Serbia
Bojana Ostojić - University Educons, Project Management College, Bože Jankovića 14, Belgrade, Serbia
5th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2020, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-42-4; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the relationships between GLOBE national culture dimensions, the facets of job satisfaction and the need for achievement relation in Serbian tourism providers. The sample consists of 120 managers in the Serbian service sector/tourism providers in Serbia (transportation, utility companies, telecommunications, and banks). The results obtained proved that national culture dimensions are significant predictors of all facets of job satisfaction and that the relations between some organizational culture dimensions and the facets of job satisfaction are moderated by the need for achievement variable. Our results may be of interest to human resources managers in the Serbian tourism service providers.
Keywords: National culture, Job satisfaction, Need for achievement, Gender, Tourism providers, Serbia.
Alajmi, S., Dennis, C., & Altayab, Y. (2011). The effect of national culture on service provision within
Takaful industry: A comparative study in Kuwait and Egypt. Journal of Islamic Marketing,
2(3), 225-245.
Auer Antoncic, J., & Antoncic, B. (2018). Need for achievement of the entrepreneur, intrapreneurship,
and the growth of companies in tourism and trade. 3rd International Thematic Monograph:
Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, 259-267.
Bednarska, M.A. & Szczyt, M. (2015). Variations in job satisfaction in service industries: comparative
international analysis. Foresight, 17(6), 599-615.
Blyton, P. (2001). The General and the Particular in Cross-National Comparative Research. Applied
Psychology: An International Review. Vol. 50(4), 590-595.
Díaz-Carrión, R., Navajas-Romero, V., & Casas-Rosal, J.C. (2020). Comparing working conditions
and job satisfaction in hospitality workers across Europe. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 90, 102631.
Dickson, M. W., Aditya, R. N., & Chhokar, J. S. (2000). Definition and Interpretation in Cross-cultural
Organizational Culture Research: Some Pointers from the GLOBE Research Program. In
N.M Ashkanasy, C.P.M Wilderom, & M.F Peterson (Eds.), Handbook of organizational culture
and climate (pp. 447–465). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Dickson, M.W., Den Hartog, D.N., & Mitchelson, J.K. (2003). Research on leadership in a cross-cultural
context: Making progress and raising new questions. The Leadership Quarterly, 14(6),
Dimitratos, P., Petrou, A., Plakoyiannaki, E., & Johnson, J. E. (2011). Strategic decision-making processes
in internationalization: Does national culture of the focal firm matter? Journal of World
Business, 46(2), 194–204.
Eisenberger, R., Jones, J. R., Stinglhamber, F., Shanock, L., & Randall, A. T. (2005). Flow experiences
at work: For high need achievers alone? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(7), 755–775.
Fargher, S., Kesting, S., Lange, T., & Pacheco, G. (2008): Cultural heritage and job satisfaction
in Eastern and Western Europe. International Journal of Manpower, 29, 630-650. https://doi.
Feichtinger, C., & Fink, G. (1998). The collective culture shock in transition countries theoretical
and empirical implications. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 19(6), 302–
Fink, G., & Holden, N. (2002). Collective culture shock. Contrastive reactions to radical systemic
change. EI Working Papers, Europainstitut, 45. Forschungsinstitut für Europafragen, WU Vienna
University of Economics and Business, Vienna.
Finkelstein, M.A. (2011). Correlates of individualism and collectivism: Predicting volunteer activity.
Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 39(5), 597–606. https://doi.
Finogenow, M. (2017). Need for Achievement. In: Zeigler-Hill V., Shackelford T. (eds) Encyclopedia
of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer, Cham.
Gerhart, B. (2008). Cross Cultural Management Research: Assumptions, Evidence, and Suggested
Directions. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 8(3), 259–274. https://doi.
Grachev, M., Rogovsky, N., & Rakitski, B. (2007). Business Leadership and Culture in Transitional
Economy: A Case of Russia. In: J. Chhokar, F. Brodbeck, and R. House (eds.), Culture and
Leadership Across the World: the GLOBE Book of In-Depth Studies of 25 Societies. Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbraun, 803-831.
Hall, E.T. (1976). Beyond Culture. New York, N.Y. Anchor Press-Doubleday. ISBN 0385124740
Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s Consequences – International Differences in Work-Related Values.
Abridged Edition, Newbury Park, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9780803913066
Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s Consequences, Comparing Values, Behaviours, Institutions, and Organizations
Across Nations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9780803973244
Hofstede, G.H., Hofstede, G.J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations: software of the
mind. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 100071664181
House R., Javidan M., Hanges P., & Dorfman P. (2002). Understanding cultures and implicit leadership
theories across the globe: an introduction to project GLOBE. Journal of Word Business,
37(1), 3–10.
House, R.J., Hanges, P.J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P.W., & Gupta. V. (2004). Leadership, culture,
and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN:
House, R.J., Hanges, P.J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P.W., & Gupta. V. (2004): Leadership, culture,
and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN:
House, R.J., Hanges, P.J., Ruiz-Quintanilla, S.A., Dorfman, P.W., Falkus, S.A., & Ashkanasy, N.M.
(1999). Cultural influences on leadership and organizations: Project Globe. In W.H. Mobley,
M.J. Gessner & V. Arnold (Ed.), Advances in Global Leadership (2nd Ed.) (pp. 171–233). Bingley,
UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Hui, M., Au, K., & Fock, H. (2004). Empowerment effects across cultures. Journal of International
Business Studies, 35, 46–60.
Hwang, I.S., & Chi, D.J. (2005). Relationships among internal marketing, employee job satisfaction
and international hotel performance: An empirical study. International Journal of Management,
22(2), 285-293.
Javidan, M., & House, R.J. (2001): Cultural Acumen for the Global Manager: Lessons from Project
GLOBE. Organizational Dynamics. 29(4), 289-305.
Javidan, M., Dorfman, P.W., Sully de Luque, M. F., & House, R.J. (2006). In the eye of the beholder:
cross cultural lessons in leadership from project GLOBE. Academy of Management Perspectives,
20(1), 67–90.
Jesuino, J.C. (2002). Latin Europe cluster: from South to North. Journal of World Business, 37(1),
Judge, T.A., Thoresen, C.J., Bono, J.E., & Patton, G.K. (2001). The job satisfaction–job performance
relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin, 127(3), 376–407.
Kabasakal, H., & Bodur, M. (2004). Humane Orientation in Societies, Organizations, and Leader
Attributes. In Culture, Leadership and Organizations, The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, eds.
R.J. House, P.J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P.W. Dorfman and V. Gupta, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,
564–601. ISBN: 9780761924012
Kirin, S., & Gavrić, G. (2017). Improvement of organizational culture as a managing tool for achieving
business success in Tourism–case study for Serbia. Second International Thematic Monograph
- Thematic Proceedings: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in
Present Era, 302-317. ISBN 978-86-80194-10-3
Kluckhohn, F.R., & Strodtbeck, F.L. (1961). Variations in value orientations. Oxford, UK: Row,
Locke, E.A. (1976). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of
industrial and organizational psychology, 1297–1349. Chicago: Rand-McNally.
Mason, P., & Cheyne, J. (2000). Residents Attitudes to Proposed Tourism Development. Annals of
Tourism Research, 27(2), 391 – 411.
McClelland, D.C. (1961). The achieving society. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand. ISBN 0029205107
McClelland, D.C. (1985). Human motivation. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman. ISBN 0673157911
Mebrahtu, T., Crossley, M.W., & Johnson, D.F. (2000). Educational Development and Social Transformation
in a Global Economy. In M., T. Crossley, & D. M Johnson (Eds.), Globalisation,
Educational Transformation and Societies in Transition, 9 - 20. Symposium Books. http://www.
Merritt, A. (2000). Culture in the Cockpit: do Hofstede’s Dimensions Replicate? Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology, 31(3), 283-301.
Morris, M., Davis, D., & Allen, J. (1994). Fostering Corporate Entrepreneurship: Cross-Cultural
Comparisons of the Importance of Individualism Versus Collectivism. Journal of International
Business Studies 25, 65–89.
Nazarian, A., Atkinson, P., & Foroudi, P. (2017). Influence of national culture and balanced organizational
culture on the hotel industry’s performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management,
63, 22-32.
Nedeljković Knežević, M., & Pavluković, A. (2020). The Influence of GLOBE Culture Dimensions on
Entrepreneurial Orientation in Tourism and Medical Service Sectors in Serbia. Geographica
Pannonica, 24(2), 157–167. doi: 10.5937/gp24-24303
Paunković, Dž., & Jovanović, V. (2016). National culture dimensions framework as managerial tool
for business success in tourism. International Thematic Monograph - Thematic Proceedings:
Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, 317-336. ISBN
Pavluković, V., Armenski, T., & Alcántara-Pilar, J. M. (2017). Social impacts of music festivals: Does
culture impact locals’ attitude toward events in Serbia and Hungary? Tourism Management,
63, 42-53.
Sempane, M.E., Rieger, H.S., & Roodt, G. (2002): Job Satisfaction In Relation To Organisational
Culture. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology. 28(2), 23-30.
Spector, P.E. (1997): Job satisfaction: Application, assessment, cause, and consequences. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. ISBN:9781452231549
Tiessen, J.H. (1997). Individualism, collectivism, and entrepreneurship: A framework for international
comparative research. Journal of Business Venturing, 12(5), 367–384. https://doi.
Triandis, H. (1995). Individualism And Collectivism. New York: Routledge, https://doi.
Trompenaars, F., & Hampden-Turner, C. (1997). Riding the waves of culture: understanding cultural
diversity in business (2nd Edition). London, UK: Nicholas Brealey. ISBN: 0-7863-1125-8
Venaik S., & Brewer, P.A. (2008). Contradictions in national culture: Hofstede vs GLOBE, in:
Cantwell, J., & Kiyak, T. (2008). Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of
International Business. 50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB),
Milan, Italy. 274-274. 20 June - 3 July.
Vukonjanski J., Nikolić M., Hadžić O., Terek E., Nedeljković M. (2012): Relationship between
GLOBE organizational culture dimensions, job satisfaction and leader-member exchange in
Serbian organizations. Journal for East European Management Studies 17 (3), 333-368. ISSN
Wakkee, I., Elfring, T., & Monaghan, S. (2010). Creating entrepreneurial employees in traditional
service sectors. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 6, 1–21. https://doi.
Wu, S., Matthews, L., & Dagher, G. K. (2007). Need for achievement, business goals, and entrepreneurial
persistence. Management Research News, 30(12), 928-941. https://doi.
Zouni, G., & Kouremenos, A. (2008). Do Tourism Providers Know their Visitors? An Investigation of
Tourism Experience at a Destination. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 8(4), 282–297. https://
Keywords: National culture, Job satisfaction, Need for achievement, Gender, Tourism providers, Serbia.
Alajmi, S., Dennis, C., & Altayab, Y. (2011). The effect of national culture on service provision within
Takaful industry: A comparative study in Kuwait and Egypt. Journal of Islamic Marketing,
2(3), 225-245.
Auer Antoncic, J., & Antoncic, B. (2018). Need for achievement of the entrepreneur, intrapreneurship,
and the growth of companies in tourism and trade. 3rd International Thematic Monograph:
Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, 259-267.
Bednarska, M.A. & Szczyt, M. (2015). Variations in job satisfaction in service industries: comparative
international analysis. Foresight, 17(6), 599-615.
Blyton, P. (2001). The General and the Particular in Cross-National Comparative Research. Applied
Psychology: An International Review. Vol. 50(4), 590-595.
Díaz-Carrión, R., Navajas-Romero, V., & Casas-Rosal, J.C. (2020). Comparing working conditions
and job satisfaction in hospitality workers across Europe. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 90, 102631.
Dickson, M. W., Aditya, R. N., & Chhokar, J. S. (2000). Definition and Interpretation in Cross-cultural
Organizational Culture Research: Some Pointers from the GLOBE Research Program. In
N.M Ashkanasy, C.P.M Wilderom, & M.F Peterson (Eds.), Handbook of organizational culture
and climate (pp. 447–465). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Dickson, M.W., Den Hartog, D.N., & Mitchelson, J.K. (2003). Research on leadership in a cross-cultural
context: Making progress and raising new questions. The Leadership Quarterly, 14(6),
Dimitratos, P., Petrou, A., Plakoyiannaki, E., & Johnson, J. E. (2011). Strategic decision-making processes
in internationalization: Does national culture of the focal firm matter? Journal of World
Business, 46(2), 194–204.
Eisenberger, R., Jones, J. R., Stinglhamber, F., Shanock, L., & Randall, A. T. (2005). Flow experiences
at work: For high need achievers alone? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(7), 755–775.
Fargher, S., Kesting, S., Lange, T., & Pacheco, G. (2008): Cultural heritage and job satisfaction
in Eastern and Western Europe. International Journal of Manpower, 29, 630-650. https://doi.
Feichtinger, C., & Fink, G. (1998). The collective culture shock in transition countries theoretical
and empirical implications. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 19(6), 302–
Fink, G., & Holden, N. (2002). Collective culture shock. Contrastive reactions to radical systemic
change. EI Working Papers, Europainstitut, 45. Forschungsinstitut für Europafragen, WU Vienna
University of Economics and Business, Vienna.
Finkelstein, M.A. (2011). Correlates of individualism and collectivism: Predicting volunteer activity.
Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 39(5), 597–606. https://doi.
Finogenow, M. (2017). Need for Achievement. In: Zeigler-Hill V., Shackelford T. (eds) Encyclopedia
of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer, Cham.
Gerhart, B. (2008). Cross Cultural Management Research: Assumptions, Evidence, and Suggested
Directions. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 8(3), 259–274. https://doi.
Grachev, M., Rogovsky, N., & Rakitski, B. (2007). Business Leadership and Culture in Transitional
Economy: A Case of Russia. In: J. Chhokar, F. Brodbeck, and R. House (eds.), Culture and
Leadership Across the World: the GLOBE Book of In-Depth Studies of 25 Societies. Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbraun, 803-831.
Hall, E.T. (1976). Beyond Culture. New York, N.Y. Anchor Press-Doubleday. ISBN 0385124740
Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s Consequences – International Differences in Work-Related Values.
Abridged Edition, Newbury Park, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9780803913066
Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s Consequences, Comparing Values, Behaviours, Institutions, and Organizations
Across Nations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9780803973244
Hofstede, G.H., Hofstede, G.J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations: software of the
mind. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 100071664181
House R., Javidan M., Hanges P., & Dorfman P. (2002). Understanding cultures and implicit leadership
theories across the globe: an introduction to project GLOBE. Journal of Word Business,
37(1), 3–10.
House, R.J., Hanges, P.J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P.W., & Gupta. V. (2004). Leadership, culture,
and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN:
House, R.J., Hanges, P.J., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P.W., & Gupta. V. (2004): Leadership, culture,
and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN:
House, R.J., Hanges, P.J., Ruiz-Quintanilla, S.A., Dorfman, P.W., Falkus, S.A., & Ashkanasy, N.M.
(1999). Cultural influences on leadership and organizations: Project Globe. In W.H. Mobley,
M.J. Gessner & V. Arnold (Ed.), Advances in Global Leadership (2nd Ed.) (pp. 171–233). Bingley,
UK: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Hui, M., Au, K., & Fock, H. (2004). Empowerment effects across cultures. Journal of International
Business Studies, 35, 46–60.
Hwang, I.S., & Chi, D.J. (2005). Relationships among internal marketing, employee job satisfaction
and international hotel performance: An empirical study. International Journal of Management,
22(2), 285-293.
Javidan, M., & House, R.J. (2001): Cultural Acumen for the Global Manager: Lessons from Project
GLOBE. Organizational Dynamics. 29(4), 289-305.
Javidan, M., Dorfman, P.W., Sully de Luque, M. F., & House, R.J. (2006). In the eye of the beholder:
cross cultural lessons in leadership from project GLOBE. Academy of Management Perspectives,
20(1), 67–90.
Jesuino, J.C. (2002). Latin Europe cluster: from South to North. Journal of World Business, 37(1),
Judge, T.A., Thoresen, C.J., Bono, J.E., & Patton, G.K. (2001). The job satisfaction–job performance
relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin, 127(3), 376–407.
Kabasakal, H., & Bodur, M. (2004). Humane Orientation in Societies, Organizations, and Leader
Attributes. In Culture, Leadership and Organizations, The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, eds.
R.J. House, P.J. Hanges, M. Javidan, P.W. Dorfman and V. Gupta, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,
564–601. ISBN: 9780761924012
Kirin, S., & Gavrić, G. (2017). Improvement of organizational culture as a managing tool for achieving
business success in Tourism–case study for Serbia. Second International Thematic Monograph
- Thematic Proceedings: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in
Present Era, 302-317. ISBN 978-86-80194-10-3
Kluckhohn, F.R., & Strodtbeck, F.L. (1961). Variations in value orientations. Oxford, UK: Row,
Locke, E.A. (1976). The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of
industrial and organizational psychology, 1297–1349. Chicago: Rand-McNally.
Mason, P., & Cheyne, J. (2000). Residents Attitudes to Proposed Tourism Development. Annals of
Tourism Research, 27(2), 391 – 411.
McClelland, D.C. (1961). The achieving society. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand. ISBN 0029205107
McClelland, D.C. (1985). Human motivation. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman. ISBN 0673157911
Mebrahtu, T., Crossley, M.W., & Johnson, D.F. (2000). Educational Development and Social Transformation
in a Global Economy. In M., T. Crossley, & D. M Johnson (Eds.), Globalisation,
Educational Transformation and Societies in Transition, 9 - 20. Symposium Books. http://www.
Merritt, A. (2000). Culture in the Cockpit: do Hofstede’s Dimensions Replicate? Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology, 31(3), 283-301.
Morris, M., Davis, D., & Allen, J. (1994). Fostering Corporate Entrepreneurship: Cross-Cultural
Comparisons of the Importance of Individualism Versus Collectivism. Journal of International
Business Studies 25, 65–89.
Nazarian, A., Atkinson, P., & Foroudi, P. (2017). Influence of national culture and balanced organizational
culture on the hotel industry’s performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management,
63, 22-32.
Nedeljković Knežević, M., & Pavluković, A. (2020). The Influence of GLOBE Culture Dimensions on
Entrepreneurial Orientation in Tourism and Medical Service Sectors in Serbia. Geographica
Pannonica, 24(2), 157–167. doi: 10.5937/gp24-24303
Paunković, Dž., & Jovanović, V. (2016). National culture dimensions framework as managerial tool
for business success in tourism. International Thematic Monograph - Thematic Proceedings:
Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, 317-336. ISBN
Pavluković, V., Armenski, T., & Alcántara-Pilar, J. M. (2017). Social impacts of music festivals: Does
culture impact locals’ attitude toward events in Serbia and Hungary? Tourism Management,
63, 42-53.
Sempane, M.E., Rieger, H.S., & Roodt, G. (2002): Job Satisfaction In Relation To Organisational
Culture. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology. 28(2), 23-30.
Spector, P.E. (1997): Job satisfaction: Application, assessment, cause, and consequences. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. ISBN:9781452231549
Tiessen, J.H. (1997). Individualism, collectivism, and entrepreneurship: A framework for international
comparative research. Journal of Business Venturing, 12(5), 367–384. https://doi.
Triandis, H. (1995). Individualism And Collectivism. New York: Routledge, https://doi.
Trompenaars, F., & Hampden-Turner, C. (1997). Riding the waves of culture: understanding cultural
diversity in business (2nd Edition). London, UK: Nicholas Brealey. ISBN: 0-7863-1125-8
Venaik S., & Brewer, P.A. (2008). Contradictions in national culture: Hofstede vs GLOBE, in:
Cantwell, J., & Kiyak, T. (2008). Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of
International Business. 50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB),
Milan, Italy. 274-274. 20 June - 3 July.
Vukonjanski J., Nikolić M., Hadžić O., Terek E., Nedeljković M. (2012): Relationship between
GLOBE organizational culture dimensions, job satisfaction and leader-member exchange in
Serbian organizations. Journal for East European Management Studies 17 (3), 333-368. ISSN
Wakkee, I., Elfring, T., & Monaghan, S. (2010). Creating entrepreneurial employees in traditional
service sectors. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 6, 1–21. https://doi.
Wu, S., Matthews, L., & Dagher, G. K. (2007). Need for achievement, business goals, and entrepreneurial
persistence. Management Research News, 30(12), 928-941. https://doi.
Zouni, G., & Kouremenos, A. (2008). Do Tourism Providers Know their Visitors? An Investigation of
Tourism Experience at a Destination. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 8(4), 282–297. https://
tmt.2020.485.pdf | |
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Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans
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