Umut Denizli - Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Gümüşhane University, Turkey.
5th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2020, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-42-4; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: This chapter is aimed at obtaining empirical data with regard to the research question, how both recruiters and job seekers take advantage of the integration of social network websites and recruitment & selection processes. Two major social network websites, LinkedIn and Facebook, have been examined due to the fact that they are mostly being used by human resources professionals and job seekers. Qualitative content analyses have been carried out by collecting data via in-depth and focus group interviews with recruiters of a holding that also operates in the tourism sector and with job seekers looking for a job in this sector. It has been observed that the purpose of job seekers’ usage of social network websites is to build networks, connections and reach new job opportunities. Likewise, businesses also aim to reach and attract candidates and communicate at the beginning of the recruitment process.
Keywords: LinkedIn, Facebook, Digital human resources management.
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Keywords: LinkedIn, Facebook, Digital human resources management.
Adecco Group. (2017). Press / Press Releases. [Available online at: https://press.adeccogroup.
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Bohmova, L. & Pavlicek, A. (2015). The influence of social networking sites on recruiting human
resources in the Czech Republic. Organizacija, Journal of Management, Informatics
and Human Resources. 48: 23-31.
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Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 13: 210-230.
Breaugh, A. J. & Starke, M. (2000). Research on employee recruitment: so many studies, so
many remaining questions. Journal of Management. 26: 405-434.
Carpentier, M., Hoye, V. G. & Weijters B. (2019). Attracting applicants through the organization’s
social media page: Signaling employer brand personality. Journal of Vocational
Behavior. 115: 103326.
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Chiang, K. J. & Suen H. (2015). Self-presentation and hiring recommendations in online communities:
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Cisco. (2014). Connected world technology final report. (5-13) [Available online at: https://www.
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Dijck, V. J. (2013). ‘You have one ıdentity’: performing the self on Facebook and LinkedIn. Media,
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Doğan, A. (2011). Elektronik insan kaynakları yönetimi ve fonksiyonları. Journal of Internet
Applications and Management. 2(2): 51-80.
Doherty, R. (2010). Getting social with recruitment. Strategic HR Review. 9(6): 11-15.
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usefulness, and influence on hiring decisions. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
Purdue University Graduate School, Indiana.
Jobvite. (2016). Jobvite the annual social recruiting survey. [Available online at: https://www. ], Retrieved on October
07, 2017.
Kaplan, M. A. & Haenlein, M. (2009). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities
of social media. Business Horizons. 53: 59-68.
Kluemper, H. D. (2013). Social network screening: pitfalls, possibilities and parallels in employment
selection. Social Media in Human Resources Management Advanced Series in
Management. 1-21.
Kluemper, H. D. & Rosen, A. P. (2009). Future employment selection methods: Evaluating social
network web sites. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 24(6): 567-580.
Kroeze, R. (2015). Recruitment via social media sites: A critical review and research agenda.
[Available online at:], Retrieved
on October 19, 2017.
Kulik T. C. (2004). Human resources for the non-hr manager. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates Publishers.
LinkedIn Corporation. (2018). About LinkedIn. [Available online at: https://about.linkedin.
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Maden, D. (2018). Dijital etkileyenler. Sosyal medyanın iş yaşamındaki yeri. (ss. 71-90). Editör
Harun Yıldız. İstanbul: Beta Yayıncılık.
Mathis, R. L. & Jackson, J. H. (1997). Human resources management. New York: West Publishing
Maurer, R. (2016). Survey: employers using social media to find passive candidates. [Available
online at:
social-media-find-passive-candidates.aspx], Retrieved on June 05, 2017.
Micik, M. & Eger, L. (2015). Recruiting talents with social media. Actual Problems of Economics
Journal. 165(3): 266-274.
Newell, S. (2005). Recruitment and selection. Managing Human Resources. (pp.115-148). Editor
Stephan Bach. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Nikolaou, I. (2014). Social networking web sites in job search and employee recruitment. International
Journal of Selection and Assessment. 22(2): 179-189.
Nikolaou, I., Bauer, N. T. & Truxillo, M. D. (2015). Applicant reactions to selection methods. In
Ioannis Nikolaou and Janneke K. Oostrom (Eds.), Employee Recruitment, Selection and
Assessment (pp. 80-96). New York: Psychology Press.
Noe, A. R., Hollenbeck R. J., Gerhart, B. & Patrick M. W. (2011). Fundamentals of human resources
management. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin Publishing.
Papakonstantinitis, S. (2014). Social recruiting: exploring the ımpact of social networking sites
on digital natives’ occupational opportunities. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The
School of Management University of Leicester, Leicester.
Quirdi, E. M. (2016). The use of social media in recruitment and job seeking. Unpublished
doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Applied Economics, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen.
Randstad. (2019). 5 ways to optimize your social profiles for your job search. [Available online
social-profiles-for-your-job-search/], Retrieved on April 02, 2019.
Reppler. (2011). Job screening with social networks (How are employers screening job applicants?).
[Available online at:], Retrieved on April
06, 2017.
Seçer, B. ve Seçer, Ş. H. (2017). İşgücü piyasalarının izlenmesinde büyük veri google trends
verileri üzerinden bir araştırma. Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research.
4(12). 1091-1103.
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T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Resmi Gazete. (No: 29677 / April 07, 2016). Kişisel verilerin korunması
kanunu, [], Retrieved on March 04, 2017.
Türk Dil Kurumu. (2019). Current Dictionary. [
gts&arama=gts&guid=TDK.GTS.5ca715bbaf7e79.05544783], Retrieved on February 02,
Vicknair, J., Elkersh D., Yancey, K. & Budden, C. M. (2010). The use of social networking web
sites as a recruiting tool for employers. American Journal of Business Education. 3(11):
Wade, T. J. (2015). Social media and selection: how does new technology change an old game?
(Unpublished doctoral dissertation), The Graduate School of Clemson University, South
We Are Social Ltd. (2018). Digital in western Asia part 1 –north- west. [Available online at:
86865983?from_action=save], Retrieved on May 04, 2018.
We Are Social Ltd. (2018). Global digital yearbook report 2018. [Available online at: https://], Retrieved on May 04, 2018.
Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2011). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara:
Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Wilson Human Capital Group. (2017). How has social media recruitment impacted the talent
acquisition function? [Available online at:
on-talent-acquisition-info-page], Retrieved on September 14, 2017.
Zanella, S. & Pais, I. (2014). The Adecco social recruiting study report. [Available online at:
30f6-2cb12.html?lang=en], Retrieved on August 01, 2017.
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