María D. Illescas-Manzano - University of Almería, st Sacramento (Almería) Spain
Manuel Sánchez-Pérez - University of Almería, st Sacramento (Almería) Spain
Sergio Martínez-Puertas - University of Almería, st Sacramento (Almería) Spain
5th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2020, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-42-4; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: Amid a continuous and evolving offer of new services, the hospitality industry is immersed in a highly competitive changing environment, being differentiation an essential strategy to survive and gain a competitive advantage. As a consequence, a differentiation strategy is continuously being defined and adapted. Beyond the vertical differentiation, focused on objective quality signals, horizontal differentiation offers more chance and alternatives to hoteliers for using own resources and capabilities to gain a competitive advantage. In particular, product analysis and competition evaluation are a must-be to offer a value proposition co-created with the customer. Considering the great range of services, and the need to compute all properly and understandably, this work aims to design and index that can integrate all services of a hotel and allow comparison to evaluate the level of differentiation.
Keywords: Hospitality, Hotels, Horizontal differentiation, Differentiation index.
Abrate, G., Capriello, A., & Giovanni, F. (2011). When quality signals talk: Evidence from the
Turin hotel industry. Tourism Management, 32(4), 912-921.
Abrate, G., & Viglia, G. (2016). Strategic and tactical price decisions in hotel revenue management.
Tourism Management 55, 123-132.
Akerlof, G.A. (1970). The Market for „Lemons”: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84 (3), 488-500.
Antony, J., Antony, F.J., &Ghosh, S. (2004). Evaluating service quality in a UK hotel chain: a
case study. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 16(6), 380-
Balaguer, J., & Pernías, J.C. (2013). Relationship between spatial agglomeration and hotel prices.
Evidence from business and tourism consumers. Tourism Management, 36, 391-400.
Baldassin, L., Gallo, M., & Mattevi, E. (2017). Tourism in European cities: price competitiveness
of hotels in town of artistic interest. Tourism Economics, 23, 3-28.
Barney J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management,
17(1), 99-120.
Bawden, D., & Robinson, L. (2009). The dark side of information: Overload, anxiety, and
other paradoxes and pathologies. Journal of Information Science, 35(2), 180–191.
Beath, J., & Katsoulacos, Y. (1991). The economic theory of product differentiation. Cambridge,
NY: Cambridge University Press.
Boulding, K. E. (4th Eds.). (1966). Economic analysis: Microeconomics. New York, NY: Harpers
& Brothers.
Brown B, Chui M & Manyika J., (2011). Are you ready for the era of ‘big data’. McKinsey
Quart; 4(1): 24–35.
Becerra, M., Santaló, J., & Silva, R. (2013). Being better vs. being different: Differentiation,
competition, and pricing strategies in the Spanish hotel industry. Tourism Management,
34, 71-79.
Boulding, K. E. (4th Eds.). (1966). Economic analysis: Microeconomics. New York, NY: Harpers
& Brothers.
Bull, A.O. (1994). Pricing a motel’s location. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management 6(6), 10-15.
Carlton D.W., & Perloff J. M. (2005). Modern Industrial Organization. Pearson.
Chamberlin, E. H. (1933). The theory of monopolistic competition. Cambridge, NY: Harvard
University Press.
Chervany, N. L., & Dickson, G. W. (1974). An experimental evaluation of information overload
in a production environment. Management Science, 20(10), 1355–1344
Chisholm, D.C., McMillan, M.S., & Norman, G. (2010). Product differentiation and film- programming
choice: do first-run movie theatres show the same films? Journal of Cultural
Economics, 34, 131-145.
Cremer, H., & Thisse, J. F. (1991). Location models of horizontal differentiation: a special case
of vertical differentiation models. Journal of Industrial Economics. 39(4):383-90.
Cucculelli, M., & Goffi, G. (2016). Does sustainability enhance tourism destination competitiveness?
Evidence from Italian Destinations of Excellence. Journal of Cleaner Production,
111, 370-382.
Day, G.S. (2011). Closing the marketing capabilities gap. J Marketing); 75(4): 183–195.
Deephouse, D.L. (1999). To be different, or to be the same? It’s a question (and theory) of strategic
balance. Strategic Management Journal, 20(2), 147-166.
Deloitte (2018). The hotel Property Handbook 3.0. Investment & Financing keys. Financial Advisory
Real State and Hospitality. Available at:
Dube L., & Renaghan L.M. (2000). Creating visible customer value. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant
Administration Quarterly. 41:62-72.
Eaton, B., & Lipsey, R. G. (1975). The principle of minimum differentiation reconsidered: Some new
developments in the theory of spatial competition. Review of Economic Studies, 42(1), 27-49.
Edmunds A & Morris A. (2000) The problem of information overload in business organisations:
a review of the literature. Int. J. Inform. Manage.; 20(1): 17–28.
Espinet, J.M., Saez, M., Coenders, G., & Fluiva, M. (2003). Effect on prices of the attributes of
holiday hotels: a hedonic price approach. Tourism Economics, 9, 165-177.
Furner, C.P., & Zinko, R.A. (2017). The influence of information overload on the development
of trust and purchase intention based on online product reviews in a mobile vs. web environment:
an empirical investigation. Electronic Markets, 27(3), 211-224.
Hollenbeck, B. (2018). Online Reputation Mechanisms and the Decreasing Value of Chain Affiliation.
Journal of Marketing Research, 55(5), 636-654.
Hung, W.T, Shang, J.K, & Wang, F.C. (2010). Pricing determinants in the hotel industry: Quantile
regression analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(3), 378-384.
Irmen, A., & Thisse, J. F. (1998). Competition in multi-characteristics spaces: Hotelling was
almost right. Journal of Economic Theory, 78(1), 76-102.
Israeli, A.A. (2002). Star rating and corporate affiliation: their influence on room price and
performance of hotels in Israel. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 21(4),
Ivanov, S., & Piddubna, K. (2016). Analysis of prices of accommodation establishments in Kiev:
determinants, dynamics and parity. International Journal of Revenue Management, 9(4),
Khalil, S., & Fakir, M. (2017). RCrawler: An R package for parallel web crawling and scraping.
SoftwareX, 6, 98-106.
Kim, M., Roehl, W., & Lee, S.K. (2020). Different from or similar to neighbors? An investigation
of hotels’ strategic distances. Tourism Management, 76, 103-960.
Latinopoulos, D. (2018). Using a spatial hedonic analysis to evaluate the effect of sea view on
hotel prices. Tourism Management, 65, 87-99.
Lee, S.K., & Jang, S.S. (2013). Asymmetry of price competition in the lodging market. Journal
of Travel Research, 52(1), 56-67.
Lee, S.K., & Jang, S.C. (2011). Room rates of US airport hotels: examining the dual effects of
proximities. Journal of Travel Research, 50(2), 186-197.
Lee, S. K., & Jang, S.C. (2015). Conditional agglomeration externalities in lodging markets.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 39, 540-559.
Lee, S.K. (2015). Quality differentiation and conditional spatial price competition among hotels.
Tourism Management, 46, 114-122.
Leeflang, P.S., Verhoef, P.C., & Dahlstróm, P., & Freundt, T. (2014). Challenges and solutions for
marketing in a digital era. European Management Journal, 32 (1), 1–12.
López-Fernández, M.C., & Serrano-Bedia, A. M. (2004). Is the hotel classification system a
good indicator of hotel quality? An application in Spain. Tourism Management, 25(6),
Makadok, R., & Ross, D.G. (2013). Taking industry structuring seriously: A strategic perspective
on product differentiation. Strategic Management Journal, 34(5), 509-532.
Manrai, L. A., Manrai, A. K., & DeLuca, J. (2017). Twenty shades of Italy: an analysis of its cultural,
natural, and dual tourist attractions with implications for global tourism marketing.
Journal of Global Marketing, 30(5), 297-308.
Martin-Fuentes, E., Fernandez, C., Mateu, C., & Marine-Roig, E. (2018). Modelling a grading
scheme for peer-to-peer accommodation: Stars for Airbnb. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 69, 75-83.
Masiero, L., & Nicolau, J.L. (2016). Choice behaviour in online hotel booking. Tourism Economics,
22(3), 671-678.
Mazzeo, M. J. (2002). Competitive outcomes in product-differentiated oligopoly. Review of Economics
and Statistics, 84(4), 716-28.
Núñez-Serrano, J. A., Turrión, J., & Velázquez, F.J. (2014). Are stars a good indicator of hotel
quality? Asymmetric information and regulatory heterogeneity in Spain. Tourism Management,
42, 77-87.
Pawlicz, A., & Napierala, T. (2017). The determinants of hotel room rates: an analysis of the hotel
industry in Warsaw, Poland. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
29, 571-588.
Peteraf, M. A. (1993). The cornerstones of competitive advantage: a resource‐based view. Strategic
Management Journal, 14(3), 179-191.
Porter M.E. (1985). Competitive Advantage. New York: Free Press.
Porter, M. E. (1991). Towards a dynamic theory of strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 12,
Presutti, M., Holt, S., & Camillo, A. A. (2015). The glocalization of international firms: an
empirical investigation in the hospitality sector. In Global Enterprise Management (pp.
135-151). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Rondan-Cataluña, F. J., & Rosa-Diaz, I. M. (2014). Segmenting hotel clients by pricing variables
and value for money. Current issues in tourism, 17(1), 60-71.
Rosen, S. 1974. Hedonic prices and implicit markets: product differentiation in pure competition.
Journal of Political Economy, 82(1), 34-55.
Sánchez-Pérez, M., Illescas-Manzano, M.D., & Martínez-Puertas, S. (2019). Modeling hotel
room pricing: A multi-country analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management,
79, 89-99.
Sánchez-Pérez, M., Illescas-Manzano, M. D., & Martínez-Puertas, S. (2020). You’re the only
One, or Simply the Best. Hotels differentiation, competition, agglomeration, and pricing.
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85, 102362.
Savolainen R. (2007) Filtering and withdrawing: strategies for coping with information overload
in everyday contexts. Journal of Information Science, 33(5), 611–621.
Savolainen R. (2015) Cognitive barriers to information seeking: a conceptual analysis. Journal
of Information Science, 41(5), 613-623
Silva, R. (2015). Multimarket contact, differentiation, and prices of chain hotels. Tourism Management,
48, 305-315.
Soler, I. P., Gemar, G., Correia, M, B., & Serra, F. (2019). Algarve hotel price determinants: A
hedonic pricing model. Tourism Management, 70, 311-321.
Spence, M. (1973). Job Market Signalling. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 87(3), 355-374.
Sun, S., Tong, K.T., & Law, R. (2017). Chinese hotel guest perception of international chain
hotels under the same hotel brand in different travel destinations: The cases of intercontinental
and Sheraton. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 23(2), 172-188.
UNWTO (2015). Hotel Classification systems: recurrence of criteria in 4 and 5 star hotels.
Available at:
Urtasun, A., & Gutiérrez, I. (2017). Clustering benefits for upscale urban hotels. International
Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(5), 1426-1446.
Waterson, M. (1989). Models of product differentiation. Bulletin of Economic Research, 41(1):
World Tourism Organization. (2018). UNWTO tourism highlights. 2018 ed. Available at: https://
Yang, Z., & Cai, J. (2016). Do regional factors matter? Determinants of hotel industry performance
in China. Tourism Management, 52, 242-253.
Zhang, Z., Ye, Q., & Law, R. (2011). Determinants of hotel room price: an exploration of travelers
´ hierarchy of accommodation needs. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management, 23(7), 972-981.
Keywords: Hospitality, Hotels, Horizontal differentiation, Differentiation index.
Abrate, G., Capriello, A., & Giovanni, F. (2011). When quality signals talk: Evidence from the
Turin hotel industry. Tourism Management, 32(4), 912-921.
Abrate, G., & Viglia, G. (2016). Strategic and tactical price decisions in hotel revenue management.
Tourism Management 55, 123-132.
Akerlof, G.A. (1970). The Market for „Lemons”: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84 (3), 488-500.
Antony, J., Antony, F.J., &Ghosh, S. (2004). Evaluating service quality in a UK hotel chain: a
case study. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 16(6), 380-
Balaguer, J., & Pernías, J.C. (2013). Relationship between spatial agglomeration and hotel prices.
Evidence from business and tourism consumers. Tourism Management, 36, 391-400.
Baldassin, L., Gallo, M., & Mattevi, E. (2017). Tourism in European cities: price competitiveness
of hotels in town of artistic interest. Tourism Economics, 23, 3-28.
Barney J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management,
17(1), 99-120.
Bawden, D., & Robinson, L. (2009). The dark side of information: Overload, anxiety, and
other paradoxes and pathologies. Journal of Information Science, 35(2), 180–191.
Beath, J., & Katsoulacos, Y. (1991). The economic theory of product differentiation. Cambridge,
NY: Cambridge University Press.
Boulding, K. E. (4th Eds.). (1966). Economic analysis: Microeconomics. New York, NY: Harpers
& Brothers.
Brown B, Chui M & Manyika J., (2011). Are you ready for the era of ‘big data’. McKinsey
Quart; 4(1): 24–35.
Becerra, M., Santaló, J., & Silva, R. (2013). Being better vs. being different: Differentiation,
competition, and pricing strategies in the Spanish hotel industry. Tourism Management,
34, 71-79.
Boulding, K. E. (4th Eds.). (1966). Economic analysis: Microeconomics. New York, NY: Harpers
& Brothers.
Bull, A.O. (1994). Pricing a motel’s location. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management 6(6), 10-15.
Carlton D.W., & Perloff J. M. (2005). Modern Industrial Organization. Pearson.
Chamberlin, E. H. (1933). The theory of monopolistic competition. Cambridge, NY: Harvard
University Press.
Chervany, N. L., & Dickson, G. W. (1974). An experimental evaluation of information overload
in a production environment. Management Science, 20(10), 1355–1344
Chisholm, D.C., McMillan, M.S., & Norman, G. (2010). Product differentiation and film- programming
choice: do first-run movie theatres show the same films? Journal of Cultural
Economics, 34, 131-145.
Cremer, H., & Thisse, J. F. (1991). Location models of horizontal differentiation: a special case
of vertical differentiation models. Journal of Industrial Economics. 39(4):383-90.
Cucculelli, M., & Goffi, G. (2016). Does sustainability enhance tourism destination competitiveness?
Evidence from Italian Destinations of Excellence. Journal of Cleaner Production,
111, 370-382.
Day, G.S. (2011). Closing the marketing capabilities gap. J Marketing); 75(4): 183–195.
Deephouse, D.L. (1999). To be different, or to be the same? It’s a question (and theory) of strategic
balance. Strategic Management Journal, 20(2), 147-166.
Deloitte (2018). The hotel Property Handbook 3.0. Investment & Financing keys. Financial Advisory
Real State and Hospitality. Available at:
Dube L., & Renaghan L.M. (2000). Creating visible customer value. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant
Administration Quarterly. 41:62-72.
Eaton, B., & Lipsey, R. G. (1975). The principle of minimum differentiation reconsidered: Some new
developments in the theory of spatial competition. Review of Economic Studies, 42(1), 27-49.
Edmunds A & Morris A. (2000) The problem of information overload in business organisations:
a review of the literature. Int. J. Inform. Manage.; 20(1): 17–28.
Espinet, J.M., Saez, M., Coenders, G., & Fluiva, M. (2003). Effect on prices of the attributes of
holiday hotels: a hedonic price approach. Tourism Economics, 9, 165-177.
Furner, C.P., & Zinko, R.A. (2017). The influence of information overload on the development
of trust and purchase intention based on online product reviews in a mobile vs. web environment:
an empirical investigation. Electronic Markets, 27(3), 211-224.
Hollenbeck, B. (2018). Online Reputation Mechanisms and the Decreasing Value of Chain Affiliation.
Journal of Marketing Research, 55(5), 636-654.
Hung, W.T, Shang, J.K, & Wang, F.C. (2010). Pricing determinants in the hotel industry: Quantile
regression analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(3), 378-384.
Irmen, A., & Thisse, J. F. (1998). Competition in multi-characteristics spaces: Hotelling was
almost right. Journal of Economic Theory, 78(1), 76-102.
Israeli, A.A. (2002). Star rating and corporate affiliation: their influence on room price and
performance of hotels in Israel. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 21(4),
Ivanov, S., & Piddubna, K. (2016). Analysis of prices of accommodation establishments in Kiev:
determinants, dynamics and parity. International Journal of Revenue Management, 9(4),
Khalil, S., & Fakir, M. (2017). RCrawler: An R package for parallel web crawling and scraping.
SoftwareX, 6, 98-106.
Kim, M., Roehl, W., & Lee, S.K. (2020). Different from or similar to neighbors? An investigation
of hotels’ strategic distances. Tourism Management, 76, 103-960.
Latinopoulos, D. (2018). Using a spatial hedonic analysis to evaluate the effect of sea view on
hotel prices. Tourism Management, 65, 87-99.
Lee, S.K., & Jang, S.S. (2013). Asymmetry of price competition in the lodging market. Journal
of Travel Research, 52(1), 56-67.
Lee, S.K., & Jang, S.C. (2011). Room rates of US airport hotels: examining the dual effects of
proximities. Journal of Travel Research, 50(2), 186-197.
Lee, S. K., & Jang, S.C. (2015). Conditional agglomeration externalities in lodging markets.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 39, 540-559.
Lee, S.K. (2015). Quality differentiation and conditional spatial price competition among hotels.
Tourism Management, 46, 114-122.
Leeflang, P.S., Verhoef, P.C., & Dahlstróm, P., & Freundt, T. (2014). Challenges and solutions for
marketing in a digital era. European Management Journal, 32 (1), 1–12.
López-Fernández, M.C., & Serrano-Bedia, A. M. (2004). Is the hotel classification system a
good indicator of hotel quality? An application in Spain. Tourism Management, 25(6),
Makadok, R., & Ross, D.G. (2013). Taking industry structuring seriously: A strategic perspective
on product differentiation. Strategic Management Journal, 34(5), 509-532.
Manrai, L. A., Manrai, A. K., & DeLuca, J. (2017). Twenty shades of Italy: an analysis of its cultural,
natural, and dual tourist attractions with implications for global tourism marketing.
Journal of Global Marketing, 30(5), 297-308.
Martin-Fuentes, E., Fernandez, C., Mateu, C., & Marine-Roig, E. (2018). Modelling a grading
scheme for peer-to-peer accommodation: Stars for Airbnb. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 69, 75-83.
Masiero, L., & Nicolau, J.L. (2016). Choice behaviour in online hotel booking. Tourism Economics,
22(3), 671-678.
Mazzeo, M. J. (2002). Competitive outcomes in product-differentiated oligopoly. Review of Economics
and Statistics, 84(4), 716-28.
Núñez-Serrano, J. A., Turrión, J., & Velázquez, F.J. (2014). Are stars a good indicator of hotel
quality? Asymmetric information and regulatory heterogeneity in Spain. Tourism Management,
42, 77-87.
Pawlicz, A., & Napierala, T. (2017). The determinants of hotel room rates: an analysis of the hotel
industry in Warsaw, Poland. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
29, 571-588.
Peteraf, M. A. (1993). The cornerstones of competitive advantage: a resource‐based view. Strategic
Management Journal, 14(3), 179-191.
Porter M.E. (1985). Competitive Advantage. New York: Free Press.
Porter, M. E. (1991). Towards a dynamic theory of strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 12,
Presutti, M., Holt, S., & Camillo, A. A. (2015). The glocalization of international firms: an
empirical investigation in the hospitality sector. In Global Enterprise Management (pp.
135-151). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
Rondan-Cataluña, F. J., & Rosa-Diaz, I. M. (2014). Segmenting hotel clients by pricing variables
and value for money. Current issues in tourism, 17(1), 60-71.
Rosen, S. 1974. Hedonic prices and implicit markets: product differentiation in pure competition.
Journal of Political Economy, 82(1), 34-55.
Sánchez-Pérez, M., Illescas-Manzano, M.D., & Martínez-Puertas, S. (2019). Modeling hotel
room pricing: A multi-country analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management,
79, 89-99.
Sánchez-Pérez, M., Illescas-Manzano, M. D., & Martínez-Puertas, S. (2020). You’re the only
One, or Simply the Best. Hotels differentiation, competition, agglomeration, and pricing.
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85, 102362.
Savolainen R. (2007) Filtering and withdrawing: strategies for coping with information overload
in everyday contexts. Journal of Information Science, 33(5), 611–621.
Savolainen R. (2015) Cognitive barriers to information seeking: a conceptual analysis. Journal
of Information Science, 41(5), 613-623
Silva, R. (2015). Multimarket contact, differentiation, and prices of chain hotels. Tourism Management,
48, 305-315.
Soler, I. P., Gemar, G., Correia, M, B., & Serra, F. (2019). Algarve hotel price determinants: A
hedonic pricing model. Tourism Management, 70, 311-321.
Spence, M. (1973). Job Market Signalling. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 87(3), 355-374.
Sun, S., Tong, K.T., & Law, R. (2017). Chinese hotel guest perception of international chain
hotels under the same hotel brand in different travel destinations: The cases of intercontinental
and Sheraton. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 23(2), 172-188.
UNWTO (2015). Hotel Classification systems: recurrence of criteria in 4 and 5 star hotels.
Available at:
Urtasun, A., & Gutiérrez, I. (2017). Clustering benefits for upscale urban hotels. International
Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(5), 1426-1446.
Waterson, M. (1989). Models of product differentiation. Bulletin of Economic Research, 41(1):
World Tourism Organization. (2018). UNWTO tourism highlights. 2018 ed. Available at: https://
Yang, Z., & Cai, J. (2016). Do regional factors matter? Determinants of hotel industry performance
in China. Tourism Management, 52, 242-253.
Zhang, Z., Ye, Q., & Law, R. (2011). Determinants of hotel room price: an exploration of travelers
´ hierarchy of accommodation needs. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management, 23(7), 972-981.

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