Fueling Novel and Sustainable Tourism Ecosystems through Resource Orchestration
Angela Caridà - University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Department of Law Economics and Social Science – Campus Salvatore Venuta – 88100 Catanzaro, Italy
Maria Colurcio - University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Department of Law Economics and Social Science – Campus Salvatore Venuta – 88100 Catanzaro, Italy
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/tmt.2021-2022.1
Angela Caridà - University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Department of Law Economics and Social Science – Campus Salvatore Venuta – 88100 Catanzaro, Italy
Maria Colurcio - University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Department of Law Economics and Social Science – Campus Salvatore Venuta – 88100 Catanzaro, Italy
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/tmt.2021-2022.1
6th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2021/2022, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-49-3; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: This study aims to extend the conceptualization of resource integration in service ecosystems by defining and empirically analyzing the orchestration of multi-actor collaboration for value co-creation in the tourism eco-system. Current knowledge on the emergence of service ecosystems is extended by focusing on and conceptualizing the resource integration efforts of resource orchestrators and connectors. It adopts a qualitative in-depth case study approach to explore, in a real-life situation, how resource orchestration through multi-actor collaboration for value co-creation occurs in complex service ecosystems, such as hospitality or tourism services. The analysis is built on multiple sources of information to integrate investigations conducted through direct observation and questioning. A new approach is synthesized, which shifts away from the understanding of resource orchestration as a firm-level activity for initiating and managing innovation processes to a key process for driving and managing the emergence of multidimensional and multilevel value co-creation structures
Keywords: Service Ecosystem Emergence; Tourism industry; Italian Village Project; Resource orchestration; Resource Integration; Value creation; Hospitality sector
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Koskela-Huotari, K., Edvardsson, B., Jonas, J.M., Sörhammar, D. & Witell, L. (2016). Innovation in service ecosystems—Breaking, making, and maintaining institutionalized rules of resource integration. Journal of Business Research, 69(8), 2964-2971.
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Siggelkow, N. (2007). Persuasion with case studies. Academy of Management Journal, 50(1), 20-24.
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Valkokari, K., Seppänen, M., Mäntylä, M. & Jylhä-Ollila, S. (2017). Orchestrating innovation ecosystems: a qualitative analysis of ecosystem positioning strategies. Technology Innovation Management Review, 7(3), 12-24.
Vargo, S.L. & Akaka, M.A. (2012). Value cocreation and service systems (re)formation: A service ecosystems view. Service Science, 4(3), 207-217.
Vargo, S.L. & Lusch, R.F. (2016). Institutions and axioms: an extension and update of service-dominant logic. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 5-23.
Vargo, S.L., Wieland, H. & Akaka, M.A. (2015), Innovation through institutionalization: A service ecosystems perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 44, 63-72.
Vink, J., Koskela-Huotari, K., Tronvoll, B., Edvardsson, B., & Wetter-Edman, K. (2021). Service ecosystem design: Propositions, process model, and future research agenda. Journal of Service Research, 24(2), 168-186
Airbnb – ANCI (2017) From village to village. https://italianvillages.byairbnb.com/
Airbnb newsroom (2017) Airbnb Promotes Small-Town Italy with “Italian Villages” Project. https://news.airbnb.com/airbnb-joins-ministry-of-tourism-and-anci-to-promote-small-town-italy-with-italian-villages-project/
Airbnb newsroom (2017) From Crumbling Hamlet to Artist House: Airbnb Helps to Revitalize Ancient Village of Civita, Italy. https://news.airbnb.com/it/civita/
Airbnb newsroom (2017) Italy Rural Report: Sharing Rural Italy. A Community Overview. https://s3.amazonaws.com/airbnbcitizenmedia/2017/10/Sharing_Rural_Italy_2017.pdf
Ministero dei beni delle attività culturali e del turismo-MiBACT (2017) Italian National Strategic Plan for Tourism (2017-2022). Agenzia Nazionale per l’attrazione degli Investimenti e lo Sviluppo d’Impresa S.p.A. https://www.beniculturali.it/mibac/multimedia/MiBAC/documents/1482320029441_PST_2017_ENG.pdf
Keywords: Service Ecosystem Emergence; Tourism industry; Italian Village Project; Resource orchestration; Resource Integration; Value creation; Hospitality sector
Akaka, M.A. & Chandler, J.D. (2011). Roles as resources: A social roles perspective of change in value networks. Marketing Theory 11(3), 243-260.
Bratman, M. (1987). Intention, plans, and practical reason (Vol. 10). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Caridà, A. Edvardsson, B. & Colurcio, M. (2019). Conceptualizing resource integration as an embedded process: Matching, resourcing and valuing. Marketing Theory, 19(1), 65-84.
Chandler, J.D. & Vargo, S.L. (2011). Contextualization and value-in-context: How context frames exchange. Marketing Theory, 11(1), 35-49.
Dhanaraj, C. & Parkhe, A. (2006). Orchestrating innovation networks. Academy of Management Review, 31, 659-669.
Edvardsson, B. & Tronvoll, B. (2013). A new conceptualization of service innovation grounded in S-D logic and service systems. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 5(1), 19-31.
Edvardsson, B. & Trovoll, B. (2019). How platforms foster service innovations. Organizational Dynamics, 49, 1-8.
Edvardsson, B., Tronvoll, B. & Gruber, T. (2011). Expanding understanding of service exchange and value co-creation: a social construction approach. Journal of the academy of marketing science, 39(2), 327-339.
Erdi, P. (2008). Complexity Explained. Berlin: Springer Science & Business Media.
Eriksson, E. & Hellström, A. (2021). Multi‐actor Resource Integration: A Service Approach in Public Management. British Journal of Management, 32(2), 456-472.
Findsrud, R. & Dehling, S. (2019). Resource Integration Processes as a Microfoundation for Service Innovation, World Scientific Book Chapters, in: Per Kristensson & Peter Magnusson & Lars Witell (ed.), Service Innovation for Sustainable Business Stimulating, Realizing and Capturing the Value from Service Innovation, chapter 6: 95-116, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Gidhagen, M., Ridell, O.P. & Sörhammar, D. (2011). The orchestrating firm: value creation in the video game industry. Managing Service Quality, 21(4), 392-409.
Hammersley, M. & Atkinson, P. (1995). Ethnography: Practices and principles. Routledge, New York.
Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P. & Nätti, S. (2018). Orchestrator types, roles and capabilities–A framework for innovation networks. Industrial Marketing Management, 74: 65-78.
Koskela-Huotari, K, & Vargo, S.L. (2016). Institutions as resource context. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 26(2),163-178.
Koskela-Huotari, K. (2018). The evolution of markets-A service ecosystems perspective. Doctoral dissertation, Karlstad University Press.
Koskela-Huotari, K., Edvardsson, B., Jonas, J.M., Sörhammar, D. & Witell, L. (2016). Innovation in service ecosystems—Breaking, making, and maintaining institutionalized rules of resource integration. Journal of Business Research, 69(8), 2964-2971.
Löbler, H. (2013). Service-dominant networks: An evolution from the service-dominant logic perspective. Journal of Service Management, 24 (4), 420-434.
Lusch, R.F., Vargo, S.L. & O’brien, M. (2007). Competing through service: Insights from service-dominant logic. Journal of retailing, 83(1), 5-18.
Nenonen, S., Storbacka, K., Sklyar, A., Frow, P., & Payne, A. (2020). Value propositions as market-shaping devices: A qualitative comparative analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 87, 276-290.
Paquin, R.L. and Howard-Grenville, J. (2013). Blind dates and arranged marriages: Longitudinal processes of network orchestration. Organization Studies, 34, 1623-1653.
Pikkarainen, M., Ervasti, M., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P. & Nätti, S. (2017). Orchestration roles to facilitate networked innovation in a healthcare ecosystem. Technology Innovation Management Review, 7(9), 30-43.
Plé, L. & Chumpitaz Cáceres, R. (2010). Not always co‐creation: introducing interactional co‐destruction of value in service‐dominant logic. Journal of Services Marketing, 24(6), 430-437.
Scott, W.R. (2014) Institutions and Organizations. Ideas, Interests and Identities. SAGE Publications Inc.
Siggelkow, N. (2007). Persuasion with case studies. Academy of Management Journal, 50(1), 20-24.
Sklyar, A., Kowalkowski, C., Tronvoll, B. & Sörhammar, D. (2019). Organizing for digital servitization: A service ecosystem perspective. Journal of Business Research, 104, 450-460.
Stake, R.E. (2011). Qualitative research and case study. Silpakorn Educational Research Journal. 3(1-2), 7-13.
Taillard, M., Peters, L.D., Pels, J. & Mele, C. (2016). The role of shared intentions in the emergence of service ecosystems. Journal of Business Research, 69(8), 2972-2980.
Valkokari, K., Seppänen, M., Mäntylä, M. & Jylhä-Ollila, S. (2017). Orchestrating innovation ecosystems: a qualitative analysis of ecosystem positioning strategies. Technology Innovation Management Review, 7(3), 12-24.
Vargo, S.L. & Akaka, M.A. (2012). Value cocreation and service systems (re)formation: A service ecosystems view. Service Science, 4(3), 207-217.
Vargo, S.L. & Lusch, R.F. (2016). Institutions and axioms: an extension and update of service-dominant logic. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(1), 5-23.
Vargo, S.L., Wieland, H. & Akaka, M.A. (2015), Innovation through institutionalization: A service ecosystems perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 44, 63-72.
Vink, J., Koskela-Huotari, K., Tronvoll, B., Edvardsson, B., & Wetter-Edman, K. (2021). Service ecosystem design: Propositions, process model, and future research agenda. Journal of Service Research, 24(2), 168-186
Airbnb – ANCI (2017) From village to village. https://italianvillages.byairbnb.com/
Airbnb newsroom (2017) Airbnb Promotes Small-Town Italy with “Italian Villages” Project. https://news.airbnb.com/airbnb-joins-ministry-of-tourism-and-anci-to-promote-small-town-italy-with-italian-villages-project/
Airbnb newsroom (2017) From Crumbling Hamlet to Artist House: Airbnb Helps to Revitalize Ancient Village of Civita, Italy. https://news.airbnb.com/it/civita/
Airbnb newsroom (2017) Italy Rural Report: Sharing Rural Italy. A Community Overview. https://s3.amazonaws.com/airbnbcitizenmedia/2017/10/Sharing_Rural_Italy_2017.pdf
Ministero dei beni delle attività culturali e del turismo-MiBACT (2017) Italian National Strategic Plan for Tourism (2017-2022). Agenzia Nazionale per l’attrazione degli Investimenti e lo Sviluppo d’Impresa S.p.A. https://www.beniculturali.it/mibac/multimedia/MiBAC/documents/1482320029441_PST_2017_ENG.pdf
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