Estimating the Output Response to Tourism Spending in the Mediterranean Countries
Marko Senekovič - Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Razlagova 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Jani Bekő - Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Razlagova 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Marko Senekovič - Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Razlagova 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Jani Bekő - Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Razlagova 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
6th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2021/2022, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-49-3; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: The aim of this chapter is, first, to assess the impact of changes in tourism spending on economic activity in 16 Mediterranean countries and, second, to examine whether country-specific characteristics affect the size of tourism spending multipliers. Based on aggregate SVAR model estimates, the authors confirmed a statistically significant response of output to the shock in tourism spending in 88% of the analyzed cases at least over the part of the forecast horizon. In 56% of the examined cases, the value of the respective multiplier is above two. The existence of the multiplier mechanism is documented in 13 economies for domestic and foreign tourism spending within a particular forecast horizon. Tourism spending generates stronger GDP growth in countries that record a higher standard of living, have a better state of road and railroad transport infrastructure, and, to some extent, display higher consumer price levels of hotels and restaurants.
Keywords: Tourism Spending Multiplier; Economic activity; Vector Autoregression Model; Determinants
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Tecel, A., Katircioğlu, S., Taheri, E., & Bekun, F. V. (2020). Causal interactions among tourism, foreign direct investment, domestic credits, and economic growth: evidence from selected Mediterranean countries. Portuguese Economic Journal, 19, 195-212. (2021a). Roads quality - country rankings. Retrieved from (2021b). Railroad infrastructure quality - country rankings. Retrieved from (2021c). Hotel and restaurant prices - country rankings. Retrieved from
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Tugcu, C. T. (2014). Tourism and economic growth nexus revisited: a panel causality analysis for the case of the Mediterranean region. Tourism Management, 42, 207-212.
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World Bank (2021a). World Development Indicators. Retrieved from
World Bank (2021b). TCdata360. Retrieved from
WTTC. (2021). World travel and tourism council. Retrieved from
Keywords: Tourism Spending Multiplier; Economic activity; Vector Autoregression Model; Determinants
Abrigo, M. R. M., & Love, I. (2016). Estimation of panel vector autoregression in Stata: a package of programs. University of Hawaii Working Paper No. 16/2, University of Hawaii, Hawaii.
Alaminos, D., León-Gómez, A., & Sánchez-Serrano, J. R. (2020). A DSGE-VAR analysis for tourism development and sustainable economic growth. Sustainability, 12(9), 3635.
Aslan, A. (2014). Tourism development and economic growth in the Mediterranean countries: evidence from panel Granger causality tests. Current Issues in Tourism, 17(4), 363-372.
Bacovic, M., Jacimovic, D., & Cerovic Smolovic, J. (2020). Impact of export of travel services on current account balance and growth in Mediterranean countries. Prague Economic Papers, 29(6), 710-728.
Bekő, J., & Boršič, D. (2020). Are the Mediterranean countries with tourism price indices in the purchasing power parity zone? In V. Bevanda & S. Štetić (Ed.), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in
Present Era, (pp. 107-130). Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans.
Belke, M., Bolat, S., & Hatemi, A. (2021). The impact of tourism on the economic growth in the Mediterranean countries: evidences from hidden panel cointegration test. Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 8(1), 399-419.
Bilen, M., Yilanci, V., & Eryüzlü, H. (2017). Tourism development and economic growth: a panel Granger causality analysis in the frequency domain. Current Issues in Tourism, 20(1), 27-32.
Blanchard, O., & Perotti, R. (1999). An empirical characterization of the dynamic effects of changes in government spending and taxes on output. NBER Working Paper No. 7269, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge.
Chou, M. C. (2013). Does tourism development promote economic growth in transition countries? A panel data analysis. Economic Modelling, 33, 226-232.
Deleidi, M., Iafrate, F., & Levrero, E. S. (2020). Public investment fiscal multipliers: An empirical assessment for European countries. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 52, 354-365.
Dritsakis, N. (2012). Tourism development and economic growth in seven Mediterranean countries: A panel data approach. Tourism Economics, 18(4), 801-816.
Gavurova, B., Belas, J., Valaskova, K., Rigelsky, M., & Ivankova, V. (2021). Relations between infrastructure innovations and tourism spending in developed countries: a macroeconomic perspective. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 27(5), 1072-1094.
Ghalia, T., & Fidrmuc, J. (2018). The curse of tourism? Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 42(6), 979-996.
Gherghina, S. C., Onofrei, M., Vintila, G., & Armeanu, D. S. (2018). Empirical evidence from the EU-28 countries on resilient transport infrastructure systems and sustainable economic growth. Sustainability, 10(8), 1-34.
Ilzetzki, E., Mendoza, E. G., & Végh, C. A. (2013). How big (small?) are fiscal multipliers? Journal of Monetary Economics, 60(2), 239-254
Kasimati, E. (2016). Does tourism contribute significantly to the Greek economy? A multiplier analysis. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 7(1), 55-62.
Koh, W. C. (2017). Fiscal multipliers: New evidence from a large panel of countries. Oxford Economic Papers, 69(3), 569-590.
Konstantinou, P. T., & Partheniou, A. (2021). The effects of government spending over the business cycle: A disaggregated analysis for OECD and non-OECD countries. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 80, 809-822.
Lejárraga, I., & Walkenhorst, P. (2010). On linkages and leakages: measuring the secondary effects of tourism. Applied Economics Letters, 17(5), 417-421.
Lenz, N. V., Skender, H. P., & Mirković, P. A. (2018). The macroeconomic effects of transport infrastructure on economic growth: the case of Central and Eastern EU member states. Economic Research - Ekonomska Istraživanja, 13(1), 1953-1964.
Lütkepohl, H. (2005). New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis. New York, USA: Springer.
Maden, S., Bulgan, G., & Yildrim, S. (2019). The effect of tourism sector on economic growth: an empirical study on Turkey. Journal of Yasar University, 14(55), 215-225.
Mariolis, T., Rodousakis, N., & Soklis, G. (2021). The COVID-19 multiplier effects of tourism on the Greek economy. Tourism Economics.
Massidda, C., & Mattana, P. (2012). A SVECM analysis of the relationship between international tourism arrivals, GDP and trade in Italy. Journal of Travel Research, 52(1), 93-105.
Pascariu, G. C., & Ibănescu, B. C. (2018). Determinants and implications of the tourism multiplier effect in EU economies. Towards a core-periphery pattern? Amfiteatru Economic, 20(12), 982-997.
Pérez-Montiel, J., Dejuán Asenjo, O., & Manera Erbina, C. (2021). A Harrodian model that fits the tourism-led growth hypothesis for tourism-based economies. European Journal of Tourism Research, 27(2706), 1-17.
Perotti, R. (2002). Estimating the effects of fiscal policy in OECD countries. ECB Working Paper No. 168, European Central Bank, Frankfurt.
Perovic, J., Raicevic, M., & Delibasic, M. (2021). Foreign direct investment, tourism, economic growth and trade: panel vector auto regression (VAR) model. Transformations in Business & Economics, 20(1), 140-153.
Petrović, P., Arsić, M., & Nojković, A. (2021). Increasing public investment can be an effective policy in bad times: Evidence from emerging EU economies. Economic Modelling, 94, 580-597.
Pratt, S. (2015). The economic impact of tourism in SIDS. Annals of Tourism Research, 52, 148-160.
Shahzad, S. J. H., Shahbaz, M., Ferrer, R., & Kumar, R. R. (2017). Tourism-led growth hypothesis in the top ten tourist destinations: New evidence using the quantile-on-quantile approach. Tourism Management, 62, 223-232.
Tecel, A., Katircioğlu, S., Taheri, E., & Bekun, F. V. (2020). Causal interactions among tourism, foreign direct investment, domestic credits, and economic growth: evidence from selected Mediterranean countries. Portuguese Economic Journal, 19, 195-212. (2021a). Roads quality - country rankings. Retrieved from (2021b). Railroad infrastructure quality - country rankings. Retrieved from (2021c). Hotel and restaurant prices - country rankings. Retrieved from
Thirlwall, A. P. (2002). The Nature of Economic Growth. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Tugcu, C. T. (2014). Tourism and economic growth nexus revisited: a panel causality analysis for the case of the Mediterranean region. Tourism Management, 42, 207-212.
Tuncay, N., & Özcan, C. C. (2020). The effect of Dutch disease in the tourism sector: the case of Mediterranean countries. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 26(1), 97-114.
Valdés, B. D. (1999). Economic Growth, Theory, Empirics and Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
World Bank (2021a). World Development Indicators. Retrieved from
World Bank (2021b). TCdata360. Retrieved from
WTTC. (2021). World travel and tourism council. Retrieved from
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