The Sustainability Management in the Cruise Tourism – An Application
Tiziana Crovella - University of Bari Aldo Moro, Department of Economics, Management and Business Law, Largo Abbazia Santa Scolastica 53, 70124 Bari, Italy
Annarita Paiano - University of Bari Aldo Moro, Department of Economics, Management and Business Law, Largo Abbazia Santa Scolastica 53, 70124 Bari, Italy
Miraj Ahmed Bhuiyan - School of Economics, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, 510320 Guangzhou, China
Giovanni Lagioia - University of Bari Aldo Moro, Department of Economics, Management and Business Law, Largo Abbazia Santa Scolastica 53, 70124 Bari, Italy
Tiziana Crovella - University of Bari Aldo Moro, Department of Economics, Management and Business Law, Largo Abbazia Santa Scolastica 53, 70124 Bari, Italy
Annarita Paiano - University of Bari Aldo Moro, Department of Economics, Management and Business Law, Largo Abbazia Santa Scolastica 53, 70124 Bari, Italy
Miraj Ahmed Bhuiyan - School of Economics, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, 510320 Guangzhou, China
Giovanni Lagioia - University of Bari Aldo Moro, Department of Economics, Management and Business Law, Largo Abbazia Santa Scolastica 53, 70124 Bari, Italy
6th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2021/2022, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-49-3; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: This chapter aims to present the sustainability management in the cruise industry, a constantly growing sector, except in 2020 and 2021, which were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. After a literature review that highlighted a limited research interest in these topics, the authors presented the results of a structured analysis conducted in several steps. Firstly, this study focused on the evolution of the cruise sector in terms of the growth of passengers in the last twenty years. Secondly, the authors analyzed the environmental policies adopted by cruise shipping companies and finally, they presented the results of the evaluation of the eco-friendly behavior of cruise passengers.
Keywords: Sustainability; Cruise shipping industry; Eco-friendly behavior
Allsopp, M., Walters, A., Santillo, D. & Johnston, P. (2005). Plastic Debris in the World’s Oceans.
Greenpeace International, Amsterdam. Retrieved January 10, 2018, from www.greenpeace.
org/austria/Global/austria/dokumente/Studien/meere_Plastic_ Debris_Study_2006.pdf
Arana, J. & Leon, C.J. (2017). Comportamiento del consumidor y turismo sostenible. Cuadernos
Economicos de I.C.E.,93, 45-68.
Bhuiyan, M.A., Crovella, T., Paiano, A. & Alves, H. (2021). A Review of Research on Tourism
Industry, Economic Crisis and Mitigation Process of the Loss: Analysis on Pre, During and
Post Pandemic Situation. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10314.
Brida, J. G., & Zapata, S. (2009). Cruise tourism: Economic, socio-cultural and environmental
impacts. International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 1, 205-226. https://doi.
Butt, N. (2007). The impact of cruise ship generated waste on home ports and ports of call: a study
of Southampton. Marine Policy, 31, 591-598. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2007.03.002.
Carić, H. & Mackelworth, P. (2014). Cruise tourism environmental impacts e The perspective
from the Adriatic Sea. Ocean & Coastal Management, 102, 350-363.
Chen, J.S. (2015). Tourism stakeholders attitudes toward sustainable development: A case
in the Artic. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 225-230. DOI: 10.1016/j.
CLIA (2016). Environment Sustainability Report 2016. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from https://
CLIA (2017). The contribution of the international cruise industry to the global economy in 2016.
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Retrieved June 4, 2022, from
Crovella T., Paiano, A. & Lagioia, G. (2021). Study on the ecological attitudes of Italian cruise
passengers, International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, 3, (3-4), 356-
Cruise Critic (2020). What Is LNG Gas, and What Are LNG-Powered Cruise Ships?, Retrieved
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Dhandra, T.K. (2019). Achieving triple dividend through mindfulness: more sustainable consumption,
less unsustainable consumption and more life satisfaction. Ecological Economics,
161, 83-90.
Di Vaio, A., Lopez-Ojeda, A., Manrique-de-Lara-Penate, C. & Lourdes, T. (2021). The measurement
of sustainable behavior and satisfaction with services in cruise tourism experiences.
An empirical analysis, Research in Transportation Business & Management. DOI:
Dowling, R. K. (2006). Cruise ship tourism. CABI.
Franzen, A. & Meyer, R. (2009). Environmental attitudes in cross-national perspectives: a multilevel
analysis of the ISSP 1993 and 2000. European Sociological Review, 26 (2), 219-234.
Gadenne, D., Sharma, B., Kerr, D. & Smith, T. (2011). The influence of consumer’ environmental
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Hair, J. F., Money, A. H., P, M. & Samouel, P. (2007). Research methods for business. John
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of relationship investment. Current Issues in Tourism, 7 (22), 786-805.
Han, H., Olya, H.G.T., Kim, J. & Kim, W. (2018). Model of sustainable behavior: Assessing cognitive,
emotional and normative influence in the cruise context. Business Strategy and The
Environment, 27, 789–800. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2031.
Herz, M., 2002. Cruise control. A report on how cruise ships affect the marine environment on
behalf of The Ocean Conservancy, Washington DC, USA. Retrieved November 10, 2018,
Howard, D. J., & Gengler, C. (2001). Emotional contagion effects on product attitudes. Journal
of Consumer Research, 28, 189-201.
Johnson, D. (2002). Environmentally sustainable cruise tourism: A reality check. Marine Policy,
26(4), 261-270.
Jurado-Rivas, C. & Sanchez-Rivero, M. (2019). Willingness to pay for more sustainable tourism
destinations in world heritage cities: the case of Caceres, Spain. Sustainability, 11 (21):
5880. DOI: 10.3390/su11215880.
Karlis, T. & Polemis, D. (2018). Cruise homeport competition in the Mediterranean. Tourism
Management, 68, 168-176.
Klein, R.A. (2011). Responsible Cruise Tourism: Issues of Cruise Tourism and Sustainability.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 18, 107-116.
Kowalski, S. & Veit, W. (2018). Aligning sustainability and competitiveness in international supply
chains: a consumer driven approach. L’Industria, Nuova Serie. Il Mulino, 39 (4), 583-614.
Lamb, L., 2019. Changing preferences for environmental protection: evidence from volunteer
behavior. International Review of Applied Economics. 33 (3), 384-401.
Laufer, D. & Coombs, W. T. (2006). How should a company respond to a product harm crisis? The
role of corporate reputation and consumer-based cues. Business Horizons, 49(5), 379-385.
Logunova N., Kalinkina S., Lazitskaya N. &Tregulova I. (2020). Specifics of cruise tourism and
features of creating a cruise tourism product. E3S Web Conf. 217 DOI:
Lowe, A.M. & Sealey, K.S. (2002). Ecological and economic sustainability of tropical reef systems:
Establishing sustainable tourism in the Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Conference: International
Symposium on Coastal and Marine Tourism, VANCOUVER, CANADA, April
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Mwanza, B.G., Mbohwa, C. & Telukdarie, A. (2018). Strategies for the Recovery and Recycling of
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Okumus, F., van Niekerk, M., Ali Koseoglu, M. & Bilgihan, A. (2018). Interdisciplinary research
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Paiano, A., Crovella, T. & Lagioia, G. (2020). Managing sustainable practices in cruise tourism:
the assessment of carbon footprint and waste of water and beverage packaging. Tourism
Management, 77, 104016.
Pan, T., Shu, F., Kitterlin-Lynch, M. & Beckam, E. (2021). Perceptions of cruise travel during the
COVID-19 pandemic: Market recovery strategies for cruise businesses in North America.
Tourism Management, 85, 104275,
Papathanassis, A. & Beckmann, I. (2011). Assessing the ‘poverty of cruise theory’ hypothesis.
Annals of Tourism Research, 38(1), 153-174.
Pavesi, A., Gartner, W., & Denizci-Guillet, B. (2016). The effects of a negative travel experience
on tourists’ decisional behavior. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18, 423-433.
Penz, E., Hofmann, E. & Hartl, B. (2017). Forecasting sustainable travel behavior: role of sustainability
labels and goal-directed behavior regarding touristic services. Sustainability, 9
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Pulido-Fernàndez, J.I., Càrdenas-Gàrcia, P.J. & Espinosa-Pulido, J.A. (2019). Does environmental
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Solà, J. (2019). Carbon footprint of tourism in Barcelona, Tourism Management, 70,
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Shuai, S., Zhihua, T. & Meiting, F. (2018). Do the rich have stronger Willingness to Pay for environmental
protection? New evidence from a survey in China. World Development, 105,
Smirnov, A., Smolokurov, E., Timofeeva, E. & Krovsh, S. (2022). Features of development
of sea cruise tourism, XII International Conference on Transport Infrastructure: Territory
Development and Sustainability, Transportation Research Procedia, 61, 147-154, doi:
Statista (2021). Cruise industry worldwide - statistics & facts. Statista Research Department.
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Sun, C., Yuan, X. & Yao, X. (2016). Social acceptance towards the air pollution in China. Evidence
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Tan, S-K., Tan, S-H., Luh, D-B., Kung, L & Kung, S-F. (2016). Understanding tourist perspectives
in creative tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 10 (19), 981-987.
Tiba, S. & Omri, A. (2017). Literature survey on the relationship between energy, environment
and economic growth. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69, 1129-1146. http://
Vega-Munoz, A., Arjona-Funtes, J.M., Ariza-Montes, A., Han, H. & Law, R. (2019). In search
of a “research front” in cruise tourism studies. International Journal of Hospitality Management.ù
Vermeir, I. & Verbeke, W. (2006). Sustainable food consumption: Exploring the consumer “attitude
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169-194. DOI: 10.1007/s10806-005-5485-3.
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Werma, R., Vinoda, K.S., Papireddy, M. & Gowda, A.N.S. (2016). Toxic Pollutants from Plastic
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Wild, P., & Dearing, J. (2000). Development of and prospects of cruising in Europe. Maritime
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Zeppel, H., 2012. Collaborative governance for low-carbon tourism: climate change initiatives
by Australian tourism agencies. Current Issue in Tourism, 7 (15), 603-626.
Zhen, L., Li, M., Hu, Z., Lv, W. & Zhao, X. (2018). The effects of emission control area regulations
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Keywords: Sustainability; Cruise shipping industry; Eco-friendly behavior
Allsopp, M., Walters, A., Santillo, D. & Johnston, P. (2005). Plastic Debris in the World’s Oceans.
Greenpeace International, Amsterdam. Retrieved January 10, 2018, from www.greenpeace.
org/austria/Global/austria/dokumente/Studien/meere_Plastic_ Debris_Study_2006.pdf
Arana, J. & Leon, C.J. (2017). Comportamiento del consumidor y turismo sostenible. Cuadernos
Economicos de I.C.E.,93, 45-68.
Bhuiyan, M.A., Crovella, T., Paiano, A. & Alves, H. (2021). A Review of Research on Tourism
Industry, Economic Crisis and Mitigation Process of the Loss: Analysis on Pre, During and
Post Pandemic Situation. Sustainability 2021, 13, 10314.
Brida, J. G., & Zapata, S. (2009). Cruise tourism: Economic, socio-cultural and environmental
impacts. International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 1, 205-226. https://doi.
Butt, N. (2007). The impact of cruise ship generated waste on home ports and ports of call: a study
of Southampton. Marine Policy, 31, 591-598. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2007.03.002.
Carić, H. & Mackelworth, P. (2014). Cruise tourism environmental impacts e The perspective
from the Adriatic Sea. Ocean & Coastal Management, 102, 350-363.
Chen, J.S. (2015). Tourism stakeholders attitudes toward sustainable development: A case
in the Artic. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 225-230. DOI: 10.1016/j.
CLIA (2016). Environment Sustainability Report 2016. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from https://
CLIA (2017). The contribution of the international cruise industry to the global economy in 2016.
Retrieved March 20, 2018, from
CLIA (2018). Contributions of Cruise Tourism of the Economies of Europe 2017. Retrieved September
5, 2018, from
CLIA (2021). Global Market Report. Retrieved May 20, 2022, from
CLIA (2022). State of the cruise industry outlook 2021 – Report.
Retrieved June 4, 2022, from
Crovella T., Paiano, A. & Lagioia, G. (2021). Study on the ecological attitudes of Italian cruise
passengers, International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, 3, (3-4), 356-
Cruise Critic (2020). What Is LNG Gas, and What Are LNG-Powered Cruise Ships?, Retrieved
June 4, 2022, from
Derrin, D. & Tisdell, C.A. (1999). Tourist levies and willingness to pay for a whale shark experience.
Tourism Economics, 2, 161-174.
Dhandra, T.K. (2019). Achieving triple dividend through mindfulness: more sustainable consumption,
less unsustainable consumption and more life satisfaction. Ecological Economics,
161, 83-90.
Di Vaio, A., Lopez-Ojeda, A., Manrique-de-Lara-Penate, C. & Lourdes, T. (2021). The measurement
of sustainable behavior and satisfaction with services in cruise tourism experiences.
An empirical analysis, Research in Transportation Business & Management. DOI:
Dowling, R. K. (2006). Cruise ship tourism. CABI.
Franzen, A. & Meyer, R. (2009). Environmental attitudes in cross-national perspectives: a multilevel
analysis of the ISSP 1993 and 2000. European Sociological Review, 26 (2), 219-234.
Gadenne, D., Sharma, B., Kerr, D. & Smith, T. (2011). The influence of consumer’ environmental
beliefs and attitudes on energy saving behaviors. Energy Policy, 39 (12), 7684-7694.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2011.09.002.
Hair, J. F., Money, A. H., P, M. & Samouel, P. (2007). Research methods for business. John
Wiley & Sons.
Han, H. & Hyun, S.S. (2019). Cruise tourism motivations and repeat cruising behavior: impact
of relationship investment. Current Issues in Tourism, 7 (22), 786-805.
Han, H., Olya, H.G.T., Kim, J. & Kim, W. (2018). Model of sustainable behavior: Assessing cognitive,
emotional and normative influence in the cruise context. Business Strategy and The
Environment, 27, 789–800. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2031.
Herz, M., 2002. Cruise control. A report on how cruise ships affect the marine environment on
behalf of The Ocean Conservancy, Washington DC, USA. Retrieved November 10, 2018,
Howard, D. J., & Gengler, C. (2001). Emotional contagion effects on product attitudes. Journal
of Consumer Research, 28, 189-201.
Johnson, D. (2002). Environmentally sustainable cruise tourism: A reality check. Marine Policy,
26(4), 261-270.
Jurado-Rivas, C. & Sanchez-Rivero, M. (2019). Willingness to pay for more sustainable tourism
destinations in world heritage cities: the case of Caceres, Spain. Sustainability, 11 (21):
5880. DOI: 10.3390/su11215880.
Karlis, T. & Polemis, D. (2018). Cruise homeport competition in the Mediterranean. Tourism
Management, 68, 168-176.
Klein, R.A. (2011). Responsible Cruise Tourism: Issues of Cruise Tourism and Sustainability.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 18, 107-116.
Kowalski, S. & Veit, W. (2018). Aligning sustainability and competitiveness in international supply
chains: a consumer driven approach. L’Industria, Nuova Serie. Il Mulino, 39 (4), 583-614.
Lamb, L., 2019. Changing preferences for environmental protection: evidence from volunteer
behavior. International Review of Applied Economics. 33 (3), 384-401.
Laufer, D. & Coombs, W. T. (2006). How should a company respond to a product harm crisis? The
role of corporate reputation and consumer-based cues. Business Horizons, 49(5), 379-385.
Logunova N., Kalinkina S., Lazitskaya N. &Tregulova I. (2020). Specifics of cruise tourism and
features of creating a cruise tourism product. E3S Web Conf. 217 DOI:
Lowe, A.M. & Sealey, K.S. (2002). Ecological and economic sustainability of tropical reef systems:
Establishing sustainable tourism in the Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Conference: International
Symposium on Coastal and Marine Tourism, VANCOUVER, CANADA, April
26-29, 1999. 183-193.
MacNeill, T. & Wozniak, D. (2018). The economic, social, and environmental impacts of cruise
tourism, Tourism Management, 66, 87-404.
MedCruise (2018). A MedCruise report - cruise activities in MedCruise Ports, 2017 Statistics,
Piraeus. Retrieved July 20, 2018, from
Mizumoto, K. & Chowell, G. (2020). Transmission potential of the novel coronavirus (COVID-
19) onboard the Diamond Princess Cruises Ship, 2020. Infectious Disease Modelling 5, 264–
Murena, F., Mocerino, L., Quaranta, F. & Toscano, D. (2018). Impact on air quality of cruise ship
emissions in Naples, Italy. Atmospheric Environment, 187, 70-83.
Mwanza, B.G., Mbohwa, C. & Telukdarie, A. (2018). Strategies for the Recovery and Recycling of
Plastic Solid Waste (PSW): A Focus on Plastic Manufacturing Companies. Procedia Manufacturing,
21, 686–693. doi: 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.02.172
Okumus, F., van Niekerk, M., Ali Koseoglu, M. & Bilgihan, A. (2018). Interdisciplinary research
in tourism. Tourism Management, 69, 540-549.
Paiano, A., Crovella, T. & Lagioia, G. (2020). Managing sustainable practices in cruise tourism:
the assessment of carbon footprint and waste of water and beverage packaging. Tourism
Management, 77, 104016.
Pan, T., Shu, F., Kitterlin-Lynch, M. & Beckam, E. (2021). Perceptions of cruise travel during the
COVID-19 pandemic: Market recovery strategies for cruise businesses in North America.
Tourism Management, 85, 104275,
Papathanassis, A. & Beckmann, I. (2011). Assessing the ‘poverty of cruise theory’ hypothesis.
Annals of Tourism Research, 38(1), 153-174.
Pavesi, A., Gartner, W., & Denizci-Guillet, B. (2016). The effects of a negative travel experience
on tourists’ decisional behavior. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18, 423-433.
Penz, E., Hofmann, E. & Hartl, B. (2017). Forecasting sustainable travel behavior: role of sustainability
labels and goal-directed behavior regarding touristic services. Sustainability, 9
(6): 1065. DOI: 10.3390/su9061056.
Popiolek, I.U. (2014). Cruise industry in the City of Gdynia, the implications for sustainable
logistic services and spatial development. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 151,
342–350. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.10.032.
Pulido-Fernàndez, J.I., Càrdenas-Gàrcia, P.J. & Espinosa-Pulido, J.A. (2019). Does environmental
sustainability contribute to tourism growth? An analysis at the country level. Journal
of Cleaner Production, 213, 309-319.
Remondino, M., Penco, L. & Profumo, G. (2019). Negative events in the cruise tourism industry:
The role of corporate responsibility and reputation in information diffusion. Tourism
in Marine Environments, 14(1/2), 61-87. DOI: 10.3727/154427319X15471560218888.
Rico, A., Martínez-Blanco, J., Montlleó, M., Rodríguez, G., Tavares, N., Arias, A., & Oliver-
Solà, J. (2019). Carbon footprint of tourism in Barcelona, Tourism Management, 70,
Rocklöv, J., Sjodin, H. & Wilder-Smith, A. (2020). COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess
cruise ship: Estimating the epidemic potential and effectiveness of public health
countermeasures. Journal of Travel Medicine, 27(3). DOI: 10.1093/jtm/taaa030.
Rodrigue, J. P., & Notteboom, T. (2012). The geography of cruise shipping: Itineraries, capacity
deployment and ports of call. International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME)
Ryschka, A. M., Domke-Damonte, D. J., Keels, J. K., & Nagel, R. (2016). The effect of social
media on reputation during a crisis event in the cruise line industry. International Journal
of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 17(2), 198-221.
Schafer, M., Jaeger-Erben, M. & dos Santos, A. (2011). Leapfrogging to sustainable consumption?
An explorative survey of consumption habits and orientations in southern Brazil.
Journal of Consumer Policy, 34 (1), 175-96. DOI: 10.1007/s10603-010-9150-5.
Shuai, S., Zhihua, T. & Meiting, F. (2018). Do the rich have stronger Willingness to Pay for environmental
protection? New evidence from a survey in China. World Development, 105,
Smirnov, A., Smolokurov, E., Timofeeva, E. & Krovsh, S. (2022). Features of development
of sea cruise tourism, XII International Conference on Transport Infrastructure: Territory
Development and Sustainability, Transportation Research Procedia, 61, 147-154, doi:
Statista (2021). Cruise industry worldwide - statistics & facts. Statista Research Department.
Retrieved September 20, 2021, from
Sun, C., Yuan, X. & Yao, X. (2016). Social acceptance towards the air pollution in China. Evidence
from public’s willingness to pay for smog mitigation. Energy Policy, 92, 313-324.
Svaetichin, I. & Inkinen, T. (2017). Port Waste Management in the Baltic Sea Area: A Four Port
Study on the Legal Requirements, Processes and Collaboration. Sustainability, 9 (699).
doi: 10.3390/su9050699
Tan, S-K., Tan, S-H., Luh, D-B., Kung, L & Kung, S-F. (2016). Understanding tourist perspectives
in creative tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 10 (19), 981-987.
Tiba, S. & Omri, A. (2017). Literature survey on the relationship between energy, environment
and economic growth. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69, 1129-1146. http://
Vega-Munoz, A., Arjona-Funtes, J.M., Ariza-Montes, A., Han, H. & Law, R. (2019). In search
of a “research front” in cruise tourism studies. International Journal of Hospitality Management.ù
Vermeir, I. & Verbeke, W. (2006). Sustainable food consumption: Exploring the consumer “attitude
- behavioral intention” gap. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics, 10 (2),
169-194. DOI: 10.1007/s10806-005-5485-3.
Wang, S., Zhen, L. & Zhuge, D., 2018. Dynamic programming algorithms for selection of waste
disposal ports in cruise shipping. Transportation Research Part B. 235-248. https://doi.
Werma, R., Vinoda, K.S., Papireddy, M. & Gowda, A.N.S. (2016). Toxic Pollutants from Plastic
Waste – A Review. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 35, 701–708. doi: 10.1016/j.
Wild, P., & Dearing, J. (2000). Development of and prospects of cruising in Europe. Maritime
Policy & Management, 27(4), 315-333, 2000.
Zeppel, H., 2012. Collaborative governance for low-carbon tourism: climate change initiatives
by Australian tourism agencies. Current Issue in Tourism, 7 (15), 603-626.
Zhen, L., Li, M., Hu, Z., Lv, W. & Zhao, X. (2018). The effects of emission control area regulations
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