Destination Branding and Cultural Tourism – Case from Serbia
Ivana Domazet - Institute of Economic Sciences, Zmaj Jovina 12, Belgrade, Serbia
Maša Vukanović - Center for Study in Cultural Development, Rige od Fere 4, Belgrade, Serbia
Ivana Domazet - Institute of Economic Sciences, Zmaj Jovina 12, Belgrade, Serbia
Maša Vukanović - Center for Study in Cultural Development, Rige od Fere 4, Belgrade, Serbia
6th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2021/2022, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-49-3; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: Destination branding is icing on the cake of the process of destination-making. This process raises the issues such as attitudes of the local community towards tourism development, regarding utilization of their natural and cultural resources, cooperation of national and local decision-makers, and identification of attractions. Such issues are most noticeable in cultural tourism in which tourists choose their destination motivated by an interest to meet the city’s local culture. As the new museology paradigm shifted focus onto visitors’ experience, museums, guardians and presenters of (local) heritage have become brands of their kind. In their work, they meet the local community’s needs to know better and adequately present their culture and heritage and the needs of tourists to meet local particularities. This paper focused on two towns in Serbia, Valjevo and Kikinda, where museums took a leading role in branding cities as cultural tourism destinations.
Keywords: Cultural tourism; Museums; National branding; Heritage; Destination branding; Tourist markets; Brands; Cultural tourists
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UNESCO “Museums around the world in the face of Covid-19”
10f877942 accessed in October 2020.
Vukanović, M. (2009) Muzeji Srbije – aktuelno stanje Kultura - Časopis za teoriju i sociologiju
kulture i kulturnu politiku 124, 243-257
Wickens E. (2017). The Consumption of cultural experiences in city tourism. Tourism and Hospitality
Research, 17, 264–271.
Woollard, V. (2004). Caring for the Visitor. In P. Boylan (Ed.), In: Running a Museum: A Practical
Handbook, 105–118. Paris: ICOM.
Wright, S. (1998). The Politicization of ‘Culture’. Anthropology Today, 14(1), 7-15.
Keywords: Cultural tourism; Museums; National branding; Heritage; Destination branding; Tourist markets; Brands; Cultural tourists
Anđelković Ž., & Dragin A. (2014). Interpretation of heritage in museums: Museums and Cultural
Tourism – connecting differences. In Proceedings of the Regional Conference of the
National Committees of ICOM, Zlatibor 8-10th September 2014, Belgrade.
Capstick, B. (1985). Museums and tourism. The International Journal of Museum Management
and Curatorship, 4, 365–372.
Cvetičanin P. (2007) Kulturne potrebe, navike i ukusi građana Srbije i Makedonije / Cultural
needs, habits and tastes of citizens of Serbia and Macedonia. Niš: Odbor za građanske
Cvjetičanin, B. (2008). Connecting Croatia: Javni, privatni i civilni sektor kulture u virtualnom
prostoru. Zagreb: Institut za međunarodne odnose.
Digl, K. (1998). Marketing umetnosti. Beograd: CLIO.
Doering, Z. (2004). Results of the 2004 Smithsonian – wide survey of museums visitors. Washington
DC: Smithsonian Institution, Office for Policy and Analysis.
Domazet, I. (2016). Improving Competitiveness through National Branding. Primenjena psihologija,
Domazet, I., Vukanović, M., Jokić, B. & Todorović, M. (2018) Muzeji Srbije kao deo kulturno
turističke ponude za porodice sa decom. Institut ekonomskih nauka, Beograd.
Domazet, I. (2015) Nacionalni brend Srbije kao faktor unapređenja konkurentnosti zemlje.
In: Strukturne promene u Srbiji - dosadašnji rezultati i perspektive. Institut ekonomskih
nauka, Beograd, Beograd, pp. 482-496.
Domazet, I. (2013). Positioning of Serbian national brand, in I. Stosić (Ed.) Economic Sciences
on the Crossroads. Belgrade: Institute of Economic Sciences.
Dragićević-Šešić, M., & Dragojević S. (2005). Menadžment umetnosti u turbulentnim okolnostima.
Beograd: CLIO.
Gavrilović, Lj. (2007). Kultura u izlogu: ka novoj muzeologiji, Beograd: Posebna izdanja Etnografskog
instituta SANU.
Gob, A., & Druge N. (2009). Muzeologija – istorija, razvoj i savremeni izazovi. Beograd: CLIO.
Herreman, Y. (1998). Museums and tourism: culture and consumption. Museum International,
50, 4-12. ICOM Statutes. Retrieved: April 15, 2021, from
Jelinčić, D. A. (2009). Abeceda kulturnog turizma. Zagreb: Meandarmedia.
Jokić, B. & Žeželj, I. (2013). Why festival museum attendance cannot predict regular museum
attendance: examining the attitude-behavior relationship [Zašto posećenost Noći muzeja
ne predviđa posećenost muzeja tokom godine: odnos stavova i ponašanja]. Culture/Kultura,
140, 445–469. DOI 10.5937/kultura1340445J
Jokić, B. (2016). Predictors of intentions and behavior: can museums’ festivals increase the popularity
of museums? [Prediktori namera i ponašanja: mogu li muzejski festivali povećati
popularnost muzeja?]. Culture/Kultura, 152, 331–349. DOI 10.5937/kultura1652331J
Jokić, B. & Mrđa, S. (2017). The attitude-behavior relationship in the domain of cultural consumption:
A case of museums’ festivals [Odnos stavova i ponašanja u domenu kulturne potrošnje: slučaj muzejskih festivala]. Sociological Review/Sociološki pregled, 51, 255–
275. DOI: 10.5937/socpreg1702255J
Krivošejev, V. (2009). Muzeji, publika, marketing – stalne muzejske postavke i Njegova Visost
Posetilac. Valjevo: Narodni muzej Valjevo.
Krivošejev, V., & Bjeljac, Ž. (2016). Stalne muzejske postavke: od alternativne učionice do turističke
atrakcije: uporedna analiza posete postavkama Narodnog muzeja Valjevo u periodima
1951–1961. i 2001–2011. Etnološko-antropološki problemi n.s. 11(3), 913-933.
Le Glatin, M. (2007). Internet: un seisme dans la culture? Toulouse: Editions de l’attribut.
Lord, B. (2002). Cultural tourism and museums. LORD Cultural Resources Planning & Management
Lord, B., & Lord, G.D. (1982). Planning our national museums of Canada. Ottawa: National
Museums of Canada.
McKercher, B, & Du Cros, H. (2002). Cultural tourism: The partnership between tourism and
cultural heritage management. New York: The Haworth Hospitality Press.
McManus, G. (2006). Community facility or tourism product – Managing the multiple identities
of a small museum. In: New Roles and Missions for Museums. Taipei: ICOM-INTERCOM,
Retrieved April 17, 2021, from–2McManus.
Molar, K. (2000). Kulturni inženjering. Beograd: CLIO.
Mrdja S. & Milankov M. (2020). Kulturna participacija gradjana Srbije. Beograd: Zavod za
proucavanje kulturnog razvitka.
Niemczyk, A. (2013). Cultural tourists: ‘An attempt to classify them’. Tourism Management
Perspectives, 5, 26–29.
Paunović, I. (2014). Branding Serbia as a Tourist Destination on the Global Market. Turizam.
18(2), 59-71.
Shore, S. (2010). Cultural and heritage tourism – international. Travel & Tourism Analyst, 8, 20.
Smith, M. K. (2003). Issues in cultural tourism studies. London: Routledge.
Šola, T. (2011). Prema totalnom muzeju. Beograd: Centar za muzeologiju i heritologiju, Filozofski
UNESCO “Museums around the world in the face of Covid-19”
10f877942 accessed in October 2020.
Vukanović, M. (2009) Muzeji Srbije – aktuelno stanje Kultura - Časopis za teoriju i sociologiju
kulture i kulturnu politiku 124, 243-257
Wickens E. (2017). The Consumption of cultural experiences in city tourism. Tourism and Hospitality
Research, 17, 264–271.
Woollard, V. (2004). Caring for the Visitor. In P. Boylan (Ed.), In: Running a Museum: A Practical
Handbook, 105–118. Paris: ICOM.
Wright, S. (1998). The Politicization of ‘Culture’. Anthropology Today, 14(1), 7-15.

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