Film Industry in the Function of Destination Branding
Dejan Dašić - Faculty of Law, Security and Management “Constantine the Great” Nis; Faculty of Sports Belgrade, University
Union – „Nikola Tesla” Belgrade, Serbia
Gruja Kostadinović - Faculty of Law, Security and Management “Constantine the Great” Nis, University Union – „Nikola Tesla”
Belgrade, Serbia
Dejan Dašić - Faculty of Law, Security and Management “Constantine the Great” Nis; Faculty of Sports Belgrade, University
Union – „Nikola Tesla” Belgrade, Serbia
Gruja Kostadinović - Faculty of Law, Security and Management “Constantine the Great” Nis, University Union – „Nikola Tesla”
Belgrade, Serbia
6th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2021/2022, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-49-3; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: The subject of this paper is the influence of the film industry on destination branding, where we imply the creation of a positive image and economic aspect. The paper points out the growing influence of the film industry as an attractive marketing tool, which increases the recognizability and image of the destination, which results in a significant increase in the number of tourists. Film tourism offers destinations the opportunity to generate significant incremental revenues, tourist visits and economic development, thriving where traditional marketing efforts cannot or yield poor results.
Keywords: Film-induced tourism; Tourist destination; Destination image; Economic aspects
Araujo, A. F. (2012). The role of cinema on the tourist destination image formation process:
opportunities and challenges for the tourism stakeholders.
Bagarić, L., Jelić, A. & Meštrović D. (2018). Filmska industrija kao promotor turističke destinacije
za mlađu popukaciju. Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 113-126
Beeton, S. (2005). Film -‐Induced Tourism. Clavedon, Channel View Publications.
Berić, D., Kovacevic, M. Simat, K., & Božić, S. (2013). Film tourism: A contemporary resource
for promoting Serbia, Turizam, 17(1), 18-28. DOI: 10.5937/Turizam1301018B
Bejker, B. (2015). Brendiranje i mogućnosti koje pružaju filmovi: Australija. U: Morgan N.,
Pričard A., Prajd R., (ed.), Destinacija kao brend: upravljanje reputacijom mesta, Clio,
Beograd, 171-185.
Blanchet, C., & Fabry, N. (2020). Influence of new cinematographic and television operators on
the attractivity of tourist destinations. Journal of Tourism Futures, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 219-
Bolan, P. (2009) „Displacement Theory – Probing New Ground in Film-Induced Tourism“,
available at: http://www.
Full-Paper-P.-Bolan.pdf (22. 10. 2021.)
Bolan P. & Kearney, M. (2017). Exploring film tourism potential in Ireland: from Game of
Thrones to Star Wars. Revista Turismo e Desenvolvimento,Vol 27/28, 2149-2156.
Červová, L. & Pavlů K., (2018). Film tourism as a destination promotion instrument: a case
study of Iceland. In: Vuk Bevanda, Snežana Štetić (ed), Modern Management Tools and
Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Beograd. Association of Economists and Managers
of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid,
Macedonia, 179-192. DOI:
Cardoso, L., Estevão, C., Fernandes, F., & Alves, H., (2017). Film-induced Tourism: A Systematic
Literature Review. Tourism & Management Studies, 13(3) 23-30. DOI: 10.18089/
Croy W. G. (2010). Planning for Film Tourism: Active Destination Image Management. Tourism
and Hospitality Planning & Development, 7:1, 21-30, DOI:10.1080/14790530903522598
Dašić, D. (2013). Brendiranje država i nacija. Kultura, (139), 396-415. doi: 10.5937/
Dašić, D. (2015). Kinematografija kao sredstvo kreiranja negativnih stereotipima o Srbima.
Sociološki pregled, 49(1), 25-46. doi: 10.5937/socpreg1501025D
Dašić, D. (2016). Brendiranje mesta i/ili destinacija. Kultura, (152), 377-393. doi: 10.5937/
Dašić, D., Živković, D. & Vujić, T. (2020). Rural tourism in development function of rural areas
in Serbia. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 67(3), 719-733. doi: 10.5937/ekoPolj2003719D
Dašić, D. & Dašić, B. (2021). Branding of states and nations in (post) Covid 19 era. in: D. Cvijanović.
et al. (eds), Tourism challenges amid Covid-19, 161-179. Vrnjačka Banja: Faculty
of hotel management and tourism. doi:10.52370/TSC21162DD
Di Cesare, F., D’Angelo, L., & Rech, G. (2009). Films and tourism: understanding the nature
and intensity of their cause-effect relationship. Tourism Review International, 13(2), 103-
111. DOI : 10.3727/154427209789604606
Deb, S.K., & Nafi, S.M. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on tourism: recovery proposal
for future tourism. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 33(4spl), 1486–1492. https://doi.
Đorđević, N. & Milićević S. (2018). Uticaj filmske industrije na turističke destinacije, SITCON
2018, Kultura, nasleđe i razvoj turizma, 180-185.
Güzel Ö. & Güzel, B. (2017). The Influence of Films on Destination Attributes (DAs)for Arabian
Tourists in Turkey. International Journal of Business and Information, Volume 12,
Number 3,209-242; DOI: 10.6702/ijbi.2017.12.3.1
Horrigan, D. (2009). Branded content: A new model for driving tourism via film and branding
strategies. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism 4(3), 51-65.
Hudson, S. & Brent, J. R., (2006) Promoting Destinations via Film Tourism: An Empirical Identification
of Supporting Marketing Initiatives. Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 44., No.
Justus M M, Kieti M. D, Nthiga W. R (2018). Effect of Stereotypes Created by Movies on the
Satisfaction of Tourists with Movie Induced Tourism (MIT). African Journal of Hospitality,
Tourism and Leisure, Volume 7 (4)
Juškelytė, D., (2016). Film induced tourism: destination image formation and development.
Regional Formation and Development Studies, No. 2 (19), 54-67.
Jusufovic-Karisik, V. (2014). 20 Years of Research on Product Placement in Movie, Television
and Video Game Media. Journal of Economic and Social Studies, 4(2), pp. 98-108. https://
Kim, H., & Richardson, S. L. (2003). Motion Picture Impacts on Destination Images. Annals of
Tourism Research, 30 (1): 216-37. doi:10.1016/S0160-7383(02)00062-2
Kovačević, I. (rukovodilac projekta) (2019). Analiza ekonomskih efekata sektora audiovizuelne
produkcije i efikasnosti podsticaja - finalni izvepštaj. Ekonomski fakultet Beograd.https://
Kovačević, I., Anić, A., & Ribić, M. (2020). Film tourism, influence on employment and analysis
of the economic effects of government incentives on the case of Serbia. Marketing,
51(3), 159-169.DOI: 10.5937/markt2003159K
Liu, X. & Prat, S. (2019). The Downton Abbey Effect in Film-Induced Tourism: An Empirical
Examination of TV Drama-Induced Tourism Motivation at Heritage Attractions. Tourism
Analysis, Vol. 24, pp. 497–515 DOI:
Liu Y., Chin W. L., Nechita F. &Candrea A. N. (2020). Framing Film-Induced Tourism into a
Sustainable Perspective from Romania, Indonesia and Malaysia. Sustainability, 12, 9910;
Macionis, N. (2004). Understanding the Film-Induced Tourist. In W. Frost, G. Croy and S. Beeton
(Eds.) International Tourism and Media Conference Proceedings, 86-97, Melbourne:
Tourism Research Unit, Monash University.
Mirović V., Kalaš, B. & Pavlović N. (2020) An empirical analysis of relationship between tourism
and economic growth: panel evidence from Western Balkan countries. In: Bevanda,
V., Štetić, S. (eds), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management Tools
and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 39 – 52. DOI: https://doi.
Mandić, A., Petrić, L. & Pivčević, S. (2017). Film as a creative industry constituent and its
impacts on tourism development: evidence from Croatia. In: (Ed) Marković, S., Smolčić
Jurdana, D., Tourism and Creative Industries: Trends and Challenges, Opatija, Croatia,
4-6 May 2017. 335-348;
Nizol, A. (2015). Film tourism as a new way to market a destination. Scientific Review of Physical
Culture, vol. 5, issue 4, 149-156.
Pratt, S. (2015). The Borat effect: film-induced tourism gone wrong. Tourism Economics, 21 (5),
977–993 doi: 10.5367/te.2014.0394
Pennacchia, M. (2015). Adaptation-induced tourism for consumers of literature on screen: the
experience of Jane Austen fans. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism Culture and Territorial
Development, 6(4, SI), 261–268.
Prnjat, A. (2019). Xenophobia and Identitarian Nationalism. In: (eds.). Milisavljević, V, Mićunović,
N. Xenophobia, Identity and New Forms of Nationalism. Belgrade: Institute of Social
Sciences, 240-251.
Pavković, V., Filipović, V. & Vlastelica Bakić, T. (2015). Uloga filma kao instrumenta medijskih
komunikacija u strategiji promocije turističke destinacije. Turističko poslovanje, Br. 16,
Puleo, T. J. (2015). American Perceptions of Sicily as a Tourist Destination as Experienced
Through Film. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development,
6(4), 195-212.
Pjanić, M. & Mitrašević, M. (2020) The impact of tourism on GDP growth in the European Union
countries. In: Bevanda, V., Štetić, S. (eds), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern
Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 53 – 66. DOI:
Riley R., Baker, D. & Van Doren, C. S. (1998) Movie induced tourism. Annals of Tourism Research,
25 (4), 919-935.
Radanov P. & Lešević, I. (2020) Rural tourism in the age of the Coronavirus epidemic. In:
Bevanda, V., Štetić, S. (eds), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management
Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 393 – 408. DOI: https://doi.
Rosário C., da Silva A. L. & Costa, A. A. (2020) Impact of tourism on Portugal, s regional development.
In: Bevanda, V., Štetić, S. (eds), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern
Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 53 – 66. DOI:
Sylt, C. (2017). Harry Potter Tour Conjures Up $435 Million Of Revenue For Time Warner.
Sellgren, E. (2011). Film-induced tourism: The effect films have on destination image formation,
motivation and travel behaviour. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Strielkowski, W., (2017). Promoting tourism destination through film-induced tourism: the
case of Japan. Market-Tržište, Vol. 29, No. 2. 193-203. DOI
Skoko, B., Brčić, T. & Gluvačević, D., (2012). Uloga igranog filma u brendiranju država, regija i
gradova, Međunarodne studije, god. 12, br. 3-4, 9-36.
Skoko, B., (2014). Mogućnosti i načini jačanja brenda Dubrovnika uz pomoć filmske industrije
i organiziranja događaja. Zbornik Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku, god. 1., br. 1.,175-191. https://
Simić, V. (2015). Analysis of organizational and managerial structure on the case of Serbian film
association. Ekonomija: teorija i praksa, 8(4), 28-46. DOI: 10.5937/etp1504028S
Sharma, A. (2017). Destination marketing and promotion through film tourism: an empirical study
of Hadoti region of Rajasthan. Journal of applied Management and Investments, Vol. 6, No
2, 118-129.
Spears, D. L., Josiam, B. M., Kinley, T. & Pookulangara, S. (2013). Tourist See Tourist Do:
The Influence of Hollywood Movies and Television on Tourism Motivation and Activity
Behavior. Hospitality Review: Vol. 30: Iss. 1, Article 4., 53-74. Available at: https://digitalcommons.
Ţuclea, C. E. & Nistoreanu P., (2011). How film and television programs can promote tourism
and increase the competitiveness of tourist destinations. Cactus Tourism Journal
Vol. 2, Issue 2/2011, 25-30.
Urbánné T. Á., Horváth Á., Gyenge B. & Szabó Z. (2018). Movie Induced Tourism and Its
Effects on Settlements, A Literature Study. Socio Economic Challenges, Volume 2 (3),
26-36. DOI: 10.21272/sec.3(2).26-36.2018
Vrtiprah, V. & Sentić, S (2018). Događaji u funkciji boljeg plasmana turističke destinacije, primjer
Dubrovnika. Ekonomska misao i praksa, God. XXVII. Br. 1., 267-284. https://hrcak.
Vagionis, N. & Loumioti M., (2011). Movies as a tool modern tourist marketing. Tourismos: an
international multidisciplinary journal of tourism, Volume 6, Number 2, 353-362. http://
Keywords: Film-induced tourism; Tourist destination; Destination image; Economic aspects
Araujo, A. F. (2012). The role of cinema on the tourist destination image formation process:
opportunities and challenges for the tourism stakeholders.
Bagarić, L., Jelić, A. & Meštrović D. (2018). Filmska industrija kao promotor turističke destinacije
za mlađu popukaciju. Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 113-126
Beeton, S. (2005). Film -‐Induced Tourism. Clavedon, Channel View Publications.
Berić, D., Kovacevic, M. Simat, K., & Božić, S. (2013). Film tourism: A contemporary resource
for promoting Serbia, Turizam, 17(1), 18-28. DOI: 10.5937/Turizam1301018B
Bejker, B. (2015). Brendiranje i mogućnosti koje pružaju filmovi: Australija. U: Morgan N.,
Pričard A., Prajd R., (ed.), Destinacija kao brend: upravljanje reputacijom mesta, Clio,
Beograd, 171-185.
Blanchet, C., & Fabry, N. (2020). Influence of new cinematographic and television operators on
the attractivity of tourist destinations. Journal of Tourism Futures, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 219-
Bolan, P. (2009) „Displacement Theory – Probing New Ground in Film-Induced Tourism“,
available at: http://www.
Full-Paper-P.-Bolan.pdf (22. 10. 2021.)
Bolan P. & Kearney, M. (2017). Exploring film tourism potential in Ireland: from Game of
Thrones to Star Wars. Revista Turismo e Desenvolvimento,Vol 27/28, 2149-2156.
Červová, L. & Pavlů K., (2018). Film tourism as a destination promotion instrument: a case
study of Iceland. In: Vuk Bevanda, Snežana Štetić (ed), Modern Management Tools and
Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Beograd. Association of Economists and Managers
of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid,
Macedonia, 179-192. DOI:
Cardoso, L., Estevão, C., Fernandes, F., & Alves, H., (2017). Film-induced Tourism: A Systematic
Literature Review. Tourism & Management Studies, 13(3) 23-30. DOI: 10.18089/
Croy W. G. (2010). Planning for Film Tourism: Active Destination Image Management. Tourism
and Hospitality Planning & Development, 7:1, 21-30, DOI:10.1080/14790530903522598
Dašić, D. (2013). Brendiranje država i nacija. Kultura, (139), 396-415. doi: 10.5937/
Dašić, D. (2015). Kinematografija kao sredstvo kreiranja negativnih stereotipima o Srbima.
Sociološki pregled, 49(1), 25-46. doi: 10.5937/socpreg1501025D
Dašić, D. (2016). Brendiranje mesta i/ili destinacija. Kultura, (152), 377-393. doi: 10.5937/
Dašić, D., Živković, D. & Vujić, T. (2020). Rural tourism in development function of rural areas
in Serbia. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 67(3), 719-733. doi: 10.5937/ekoPolj2003719D
Dašić, D. & Dašić, B. (2021). Branding of states and nations in (post) Covid 19 era. in: D. Cvijanović.
et al. (eds), Tourism challenges amid Covid-19, 161-179. Vrnjačka Banja: Faculty
of hotel management and tourism. doi:10.52370/TSC21162DD
Di Cesare, F., D’Angelo, L., & Rech, G. (2009). Films and tourism: understanding the nature
and intensity of their cause-effect relationship. Tourism Review International, 13(2), 103-
111. DOI : 10.3727/154427209789604606
Deb, S.K., & Nafi, S.M. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on tourism: recovery proposal
for future tourism. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 33(4spl), 1486–1492. https://doi.
Đorđević, N. & Milićević S. (2018). Uticaj filmske industrije na turističke destinacije, SITCON
2018, Kultura, nasleđe i razvoj turizma, 180-185.
Güzel Ö. & Güzel, B. (2017). The Influence of Films on Destination Attributes (DAs)for Arabian
Tourists in Turkey. International Journal of Business and Information, Volume 12,
Number 3,209-242; DOI: 10.6702/ijbi.2017.12.3.1
Horrigan, D. (2009). Branded content: A new model for driving tourism via film and branding
strategies. Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism 4(3), 51-65.
Hudson, S. & Brent, J. R., (2006) Promoting Destinations via Film Tourism: An Empirical Identification
of Supporting Marketing Initiatives. Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 44., No.
Justus M M, Kieti M. D, Nthiga W. R (2018). Effect of Stereotypes Created by Movies on the
Satisfaction of Tourists with Movie Induced Tourism (MIT). African Journal of Hospitality,
Tourism and Leisure, Volume 7 (4)
Juškelytė, D., (2016). Film induced tourism: destination image formation and development.
Regional Formation and Development Studies, No. 2 (19), 54-67.
Jusufovic-Karisik, V. (2014). 20 Years of Research on Product Placement in Movie, Television
and Video Game Media. Journal of Economic and Social Studies, 4(2), pp. 98-108. https://
Kim, H., & Richardson, S. L. (2003). Motion Picture Impacts on Destination Images. Annals of
Tourism Research, 30 (1): 216-37. doi:10.1016/S0160-7383(02)00062-2
Kovačević, I. (rukovodilac projekta) (2019). Analiza ekonomskih efekata sektora audiovizuelne
produkcije i efikasnosti podsticaja - finalni izvepštaj. Ekonomski fakultet Beograd.https://
Kovačević, I., Anić, A., & Ribić, M. (2020). Film tourism, influence on employment and analysis
of the economic effects of government incentives on the case of Serbia. Marketing,
51(3), 159-169.DOI: 10.5937/markt2003159K
Liu, X. & Prat, S. (2019). The Downton Abbey Effect in Film-Induced Tourism: An Empirical
Examination of TV Drama-Induced Tourism Motivation at Heritage Attractions. Tourism
Analysis, Vol. 24, pp. 497–515 DOI:
Liu Y., Chin W. L., Nechita F. &Candrea A. N. (2020). Framing Film-Induced Tourism into a
Sustainable Perspective from Romania, Indonesia and Malaysia. Sustainability, 12, 9910;
Macionis, N. (2004). Understanding the Film-Induced Tourist. In W. Frost, G. Croy and S. Beeton
(Eds.) International Tourism and Media Conference Proceedings, 86-97, Melbourne:
Tourism Research Unit, Monash University.
Mirović V., Kalaš, B. & Pavlović N. (2020) An empirical analysis of relationship between tourism
and economic growth: panel evidence from Western Balkan countries. In: Bevanda,
V., Štetić, S. (eds), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management Tools
and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 39 – 52. DOI: https://doi.
Mandić, A., Petrić, L. & Pivčević, S. (2017). Film as a creative industry constituent and its
impacts on tourism development: evidence from Croatia. In: (Ed) Marković, S., Smolčić
Jurdana, D., Tourism and Creative Industries: Trends and Challenges, Opatija, Croatia,
4-6 May 2017. 335-348;
Nizol, A. (2015). Film tourism as a new way to market a destination. Scientific Review of Physical
Culture, vol. 5, issue 4, 149-156.
Pratt, S. (2015). The Borat effect: film-induced tourism gone wrong. Tourism Economics, 21 (5),
977–993 doi: 10.5367/te.2014.0394
Pennacchia, M. (2015). Adaptation-induced tourism for consumers of literature on screen: the
experience of Jane Austen fans. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism Culture and Territorial
Development, 6(4, SI), 261–268.
Prnjat, A. (2019). Xenophobia and Identitarian Nationalism. In: (eds.). Milisavljević, V, Mićunović,
N. Xenophobia, Identity and New Forms of Nationalism. Belgrade: Institute of Social
Sciences, 240-251.
Pavković, V., Filipović, V. & Vlastelica Bakić, T. (2015). Uloga filma kao instrumenta medijskih
komunikacija u strategiji promocije turističke destinacije. Turističko poslovanje, Br. 16,
Puleo, T. J. (2015). American Perceptions of Sicily as a Tourist Destination as Experienced
Through Film. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development,
6(4), 195-212.
Pjanić, M. & Mitrašević, M. (2020) The impact of tourism on GDP growth in the European Union
countries. In: Bevanda, V., Štetić, S. (eds), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern
Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 53 – 66. DOI:
Riley R., Baker, D. & Van Doren, C. S. (1998) Movie induced tourism. Annals of Tourism Research,
25 (4), 919-935.
Radanov P. & Lešević, I. (2020) Rural tourism in the age of the Coronavirus epidemic. In:
Bevanda, V., Štetić, S. (eds), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management
Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 393 – 408. DOI: https://doi.
Rosário C., da Silva A. L. & Costa, A. A. (2020) Impact of tourism on Portugal, s regional development.
In: Bevanda, V., Štetić, S. (eds), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern
Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 53 – 66. DOI:
Sylt, C. (2017). Harry Potter Tour Conjures Up $435 Million Of Revenue For Time Warner.
Sellgren, E. (2011). Film-induced tourism: The effect films have on destination image formation,
motivation and travel behaviour. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Strielkowski, W., (2017). Promoting tourism destination through film-induced tourism: the
case of Japan. Market-Tržište, Vol. 29, No. 2. 193-203. DOI
Skoko, B., Brčić, T. & Gluvačević, D., (2012). Uloga igranog filma u brendiranju država, regija i
gradova, Međunarodne studije, god. 12, br. 3-4, 9-36.
Skoko, B., (2014). Mogućnosti i načini jačanja brenda Dubrovnika uz pomoć filmske industrije
i organiziranja događaja. Zbornik Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku, god. 1., br. 1.,175-191. https://
Simić, V. (2015). Analysis of organizational and managerial structure on the case of Serbian film
association. Ekonomija: teorija i praksa, 8(4), 28-46. DOI: 10.5937/etp1504028S
Sharma, A. (2017). Destination marketing and promotion through film tourism: an empirical study
of Hadoti region of Rajasthan. Journal of applied Management and Investments, Vol. 6, No
2, 118-129.
Spears, D. L., Josiam, B. M., Kinley, T. & Pookulangara, S. (2013). Tourist See Tourist Do:
The Influence of Hollywood Movies and Television on Tourism Motivation and Activity
Behavior. Hospitality Review: Vol. 30: Iss. 1, Article 4., 53-74. Available at: https://digitalcommons.
Ţuclea, C. E. & Nistoreanu P., (2011). How film and television programs can promote tourism
and increase the competitiveness of tourist destinations. Cactus Tourism Journal
Vol. 2, Issue 2/2011, 25-30.
Urbánné T. Á., Horváth Á., Gyenge B. & Szabó Z. (2018). Movie Induced Tourism and Its
Effects on Settlements, A Literature Study. Socio Economic Challenges, Volume 2 (3),
26-36. DOI: 10.21272/sec.3(2).26-36.2018
Vrtiprah, V. & Sentić, S (2018). Događaji u funkciji boljeg plasmana turističke destinacije, primjer
Dubrovnika. Ekonomska misao i praksa, God. XXVII. Br. 1., 267-284. https://hrcak.
Vagionis, N. & Loumioti M., (2011). Movies as a tool modern tourist marketing. Tourismos: an
international multidisciplinary journal of tourism, Volume 6, Number 2, 353-362. http://

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