Factors Determining Holiday Intentions of Serbian Travelers during COVID-19
Maja Strugar Jelača - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Nemanja Berber - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Dimitrije Gašić - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Marko Aleksić - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Radmila Bjekić - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Slobodan Marić - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/tmt.2022-2023.135
Maja Strugar Jelača - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Nemanja Berber - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Dimitrije Gašić - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Marko Aleksić - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Radmila Bjekić - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
Slobodan Marić - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Segedinski put 9-11, 24000 Subotica, Serbia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/tmt.2022-2023.135
7th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2022/2023, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-56-1 ; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: This research aims to examine tourist behavior changes that oc- curred during the Covid-19 pandemic. We witnessed that there were more frequent negative decisions about tourist trips as well as changes in the desired tourism types and products due to pandemic effects. Some of the factors which may influence the decision-making process of tourists are the psychological impact of Covid-19, risk perception and finally the economic impact of Covid-19. Empirical research was conducted in the first quarter of 2022 on a sample of 188 residents of the Republic of Serbia using Smart-PLS software. Findings indicate that tourist Risk perception measured through Travel risk, Destination risk, and Hospitality risk have a positive statistically significant influence on tourist Holiday intention during a period of Covid-19 as making a negative decision about travel. Furthermore, the Psychological and Economic impact of Covid-19 did not have a statistically significant influence on tourist Holiday intention. We outline potential improvements for tourism management to face up to this situation like adding information on epidemic situations and prevention measures at the tourist destination to increase the knowledge of potential tourists and reduce risk perceptions.
Keywords: COVID-19 psychological impact; Risk perception; COVID-19 economic impact; Holiday Intention during pandemic
Aebli, A., Volgger, M., & Taplin, R. (2022). A two-dimensional approach to travel motivation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Current Issues in Tourism, 25(1), 60-75. https:// doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.1906631
Akmese, H., & Ilgaz, A. (2021). The effect of COVID-19 phobia on holiday intention, University of South Florida M3 Center Publishing, 5(2021), 15. https://www.doi. org/10.5038/9781955833035
Angguni, F., & Lenggogeni, S. (2021). The impact of travel risk perception in Covid 19 and trav- el anxiety toward travel intention on domestic tourist in Indonesia, Jurnal Ilmiah MEA (Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi), 5(2), 241-259. https://doi.org/10.31955/mea.v5i2.1108 Asmundson, G. J. G., & Taylor, S. (2020). Coronaphobia: Fear and the 2019-nCoV outbreak. J
Anxiety Disord, 70, 102196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.janxdis.2020.102196.
Bae, S. Y., & Chang, P. J. (2021). The effect of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) risk per- ception on behavioural intention towards ‘untact’ tourism in South Korea during the first wave of the pandemic (March 2020), Current Issues in Tourism, 24(7), 1017-1035. https:// doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2020.1798895
Banerjee, D. (2020). The COVID-19 outbreak: Crucial role the psychiatrists can play, Asian J. Psychiatry, 50, 102014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102014
Boto-García, D., & Leoni, V. (2022). Exposure to COVID-19 and travel intentions: Evidence from Spain. Tourism Economics, 28(6), 1499-1519. https://doi.org/10.1177/135481662199655 Buckley, R., & Westaway, D. (2020). Mental health rescue effects of women’s outdoor tour- ism: A role in COVID-19 recovery, Ann Tour Res, 85, 103041. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
Chang, C. L., McAleer, M., & Ramos, V. (2020). A Charter for Sustainable Tourism after COV- ID-19, Sustainability, 12(9), 3671. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093671
Chin, W. W. (1998). The partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling, Mod.
Methods Bus. Res. 295, 295–336.
Chua, B. L., Al-Ansi, A., Lee, M. J., & Han, H. (2021). Impact of health risk perception on avoidance of international travel in the wake of a pandemic, Current Issues in Tourism, 24(7), 985–1002. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2020.1829570
Das, S. S., & Tiwari, A. K. (2021). Understanding international and domestic travel intention of Indian travellers during COVID-19 using a Bayesian approach, Tourism Recreation Re- search, 46(2), 228–244. https://doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2020.1830341.
Duong, L. H., Phan, Q. D., Nguyen, T. T., Huynh, D. V., Truong, T. T., & Duong, K. Q. (2022). Understanding Tourists’ Behavioral Intention and Destination Support in Post-pandem- ic Recovery: The Case of the Vietnamese Domestic Market, Sustainability, 14(16), 9969. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14169969
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error: Algebra and Statistics. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(3), 382-388. https://doi.org/10.1177/002224378101800313
Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Mod- eling: Rigorous Applications, Better Results and Higher Acceptance, Long Range Plan, 46, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2013.01.001
Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., & Mena, J. A. (2012). An assessment of the use of par- tial least squares structural equation modeling in marketing research, J. Acad. Mark. Sci., 40, 414–433. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-011-0261-6
Hosseini, S., Bahrevar, V., & Rahmanian, V. (2020). Fear of COVID 19 Pandemic: A case study in Iran, Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 14(2), 484-487.
Hullett, C. R. R., & Witte, K. (2001). Predicting intercultural adaptation and isolation: Using the extended parallel process model to test anxiety/uncertainty management theory. Int. J. In- tercult. Relations, 25(2), 125–139. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0147-1767(00)00047-X
Isaac, R. K. (2020). An Exploratory Study: The Impact of Terrorism on Risk Perceptions. An Analysis of the German Market Behaviours and Attitudes Towards Egypt, Tourism Plan- ning & Development, 18(1), 25-44. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568316.2020.1753106
Jonas, A., Mansfeld, Y., Paz, S., & Potasman, I. (2010). Determinants of health risk perception among low-risk-taking tourists traveling to developing countries, Journal of Travel Re- search, 50(1), 87-99. https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287509355323
Joo, D., Xu, W., Lee, J., Lee, C. K., & Woosnam, K. M. (2021). Residents’ perceived risk, emo- tional solidarity, and support for tourism amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Des- tination Marketing & Management, 19, 100553. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2021.100553 Kantar. (2020). Coronavirus Outbreak’s Impact on China’s Consumption. Available online:
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ OptUHteL3zGVHahnDolRDg
Karagöz, D., Işık, C., Dogru, T., & Zhang, L. (2021). Solo female travel risks, anxiety and trav- el intentions: Examining the moderating role of online psychological-social support, Cur- rent Issues in Tourism, 24(11), 1595-1612. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2020.1816929
Kourgiantakis, M., Apostolakis, A., & Dimou, I. (2021). COVID-19 and holiday intentions: The case of Crete, Greece, Anatolia, 32(1), 148-151. https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2020.1781221 Kozak, M., Crotts, J. C., & Law, R. (2007). The impact of the perception of risk on interna- tional travellers, International Journal of Tourism Research, 9(4), 233–242. https://doi.
Lakićević, M., Pantović, D., & Fedajev, A. (2021). Investigating Factors of Customer Loyalty Formation for Wellness Spa, Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Manage- ment Solutions in Emerging Economies. https://doi.org/10.7595/management.fon.2021.0031 Lepp, A., & Gibson, H. (2003). Tourist roles, perceived risk and international tourism. Ann.
Tour. Res., 30, 606–624. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(03)00024-0
Lerner, J. S., & Keltner, D. (2001). Fear, anger, and risk, Journal of Personality and Social Psy- chology, 81(1), 146–159. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.81.1.146
Luo, J. M., & Lam, C. F. (2020). Travel anxiety, risk attitude and travel intentions towards “travel bubble” destinations in Hong Kong: Effect of the fear of COVID-19, International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(21), 7859. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph17217859
Moya Calderón, M., Chavarría Esquivel, K., Arrieta García, M. M., & Lozano, C. B. (2022). Tourist behaviour and dynamics of domestic tourism in times of COVID-19, Current Is- sues in Tourism, 25(14), 2207-2211. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.1947993
Nepal, S. K. (2020). Travel and tourism after COVID-19 – business as usual or opportunity to reset? Tourism Geographies, 22(3), 1470-1340. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2020.176
Özdemir, L. D. M. A., & Yildiz, L. D. S. (2020). How COVID-19 outbreak affects tourists’ trav- el intentions? A case study in Turkey, Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal, 6(32), 1101-1113. http://dx.doi.org/10.31576/smryj.562
Ozili, P. K. (2021). Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis: The Nigerian experience and struc- tural causes, Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences. 37(4), 401-418. https://doi. org/10.1108/jeas-05-2020-0074
Pappas, N. (2021). COVID-19: Holiday intentions during a pandemic, Tourism Management, 84, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104287
Perić, G., Dramićanin, S., & Conić, M. (2021). The impact of Serbian tourists' risk perception on their travel intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Tourism Research, 27, 2705. https://doi.org/10.54055/ejtr.v27i.2125
Putra, R. E., Verinita, V., & Besra, E. (2021). Does the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect the Travel In- tentions of Comorbid Individuals? Enrichment: Journal of Management, 12(1), 453-461. https://doi.org/10.35335/enrichment.v12i1.245
Rasoolimanesh, S. M., Seyfi, S., Rastegar, R., & Hall, C. M. (2021). Destination image during the COVID-19 pandemic and future travel behavior: The moderating role of past experience, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 21, 100620. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. jdmm.2021.100620
Reisinger, Y., & Mavondo, F. (2005). Travel anxiety and intentions to travel internationally: Im- plications of travel risk perception, Journal of Travel Research, 43(3), 212–225. https://doi. org/10.1177/0047287504272017
Reisinger, Y., & Mavondo, F. (2006). Cultural differences in travel risk perception, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 20(1), 13-31. https://doi.org/10.1300/J073v20n01_02
Rittichainuwat, B., & Chakraborty, G. (2009). Perceived travel risks regarding terrorism and dis- ease: The case of Thailand, Tourism Management, 30(3), 410–418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. tourman.2008.08.001
Roy, S. (2020). Economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic. A preprint, 1-29.
Sánchez-Pérez, M., Terán-Yépez, E., MarínCarrillo, M. B., Marín-Carrillo, G. M., & Illes- cas-Manzano, M. D. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on tourist evalua- tion and behavioural intentions in Spain: implications for market segmentation analysis, Current Issues in Tourism, 24(7), 919-933. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.1889481
Štefko, R., Džuka, J., & Lačný, M. (2022). Factors influencing intention to go on a summer hol- iday during the peak and remission of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ekonomický časopis, 70(2), 144-170. https://doi.org/10.31577/ekoncas.2022.02.03
Strugar Jelača, M., Bjekić, R., Berber, N., Aleksić, M., Slavić, A., & Marić, S. (2022). Impact of Managers’ Emotional Competencies on Organizational Performance. Sustainability, 14(14), 8800. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14148800
Wachyuni, S. S., & Kusumaningrum, D. A. (2020). The effect of COVID-19 pandemic: How are the future tourist behavior, Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 33(4), 67-76. https://doi.org/10.9734/JESBS/2020/v33i430219
Wong, K. K. K. (2013). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) tech- niques using SmartPLS, Marketing Bulletin, 24(1), 1-32.
WTTC. (2021). Over 100 million global Travel & Tourism jobs could be recovered in 2021. https://wttc.org/news-article/over-100-million-global-travel-and-tourism-jobs-could-be- recovered-in-2021
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Keywords: COVID-19 psychological impact; Risk perception; COVID-19 economic impact; Holiday Intention during pandemic
Aebli, A., Volgger, M., & Taplin, R. (2022). A two-dimensional approach to travel motivation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Current Issues in Tourism, 25(1), 60-75. https:// doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.1906631
Akmese, H., & Ilgaz, A. (2021). The effect of COVID-19 phobia on holiday intention, University of South Florida M3 Center Publishing, 5(2021), 15. https://www.doi. org/10.5038/9781955833035
Angguni, F., & Lenggogeni, S. (2021). The impact of travel risk perception in Covid 19 and trav- el anxiety toward travel intention on domestic tourist in Indonesia, Jurnal Ilmiah MEA (Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi), 5(2), 241-259. https://doi.org/10.31955/mea.v5i2.1108 Asmundson, G. J. G., & Taylor, S. (2020). Coronaphobia: Fear and the 2019-nCoV outbreak. J
Anxiety Disord, 70, 102196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.janxdis.2020.102196.
Bae, S. Y., & Chang, P. J. (2021). The effect of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) risk per- ception on behavioural intention towards ‘untact’ tourism in South Korea during the first wave of the pandemic (March 2020), Current Issues in Tourism, 24(7), 1017-1035. https:// doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2020.1798895
Banerjee, D. (2020). The COVID-19 outbreak: Crucial role the psychiatrists can play, Asian J. Psychiatry, 50, 102014. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102014
Boto-García, D., & Leoni, V. (2022). Exposure to COVID-19 and travel intentions: Evidence from Spain. Tourism Economics, 28(6), 1499-1519. https://doi.org/10.1177/135481662199655 Buckley, R., & Westaway, D. (2020). Mental health rescue effects of women’s outdoor tour- ism: A role in COVID-19 recovery, Ann Tour Res, 85, 103041. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
Chang, C. L., McAleer, M., & Ramos, V. (2020). A Charter for Sustainable Tourism after COV- ID-19, Sustainability, 12(9), 3671. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093671
Chin, W. W. (1998). The partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling, Mod.
Methods Bus. Res. 295, 295–336.
Chua, B. L., Al-Ansi, A., Lee, M. J., & Han, H. (2021). Impact of health risk perception on avoidance of international travel in the wake of a pandemic, Current Issues in Tourism, 24(7), 985–1002. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2020.1829570
Das, S. S., & Tiwari, A. K. (2021). Understanding international and domestic travel intention of Indian travellers during COVID-19 using a Bayesian approach, Tourism Recreation Re- search, 46(2), 228–244. https://doi.org/10.1080/02508281.2020.1830341.
Duong, L. H., Phan, Q. D., Nguyen, T. T., Huynh, D. V., Truong, T. T., & Duong, K. Q. (2022). Understanding Tourists’ Behavioral Intention and Destination Support in Post-pandem- ic Recovery: The Case of the Vietnamese Domestic Market, Sustainability, 14(16), 9969. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14169969
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error: Algebra and Statistics. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(3), 382-388. https://doi.org/10.1177/002224378101800313
Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Mod- eling: Rigorous Applications, Better Results and Higher Acceptance, Long Range Plan, 46, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2013.01.001
Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., & Mena, J. A. (2012). An assessment of the use of par- tial least squares structural equation modeling in marketing research, J. Acad. Mark. Sci., 40, 414–433. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-011-0261-6
Hosseini, S., Bahrevar, V., & Rahmanian, V. (2020). Fear of COVID 19 Pandemic: A case study in Iran, Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 14(2), 484-487.
Hullett, C. R. R., & Witte, K. (2001). Predicting intercultural adaptation and isolation: Using the extended parallel process model to test anxiety/uncertainty management theory. Int. J. In- tercult. Relations, 25(2), 125–139. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0147-1767(00)00047-X
Isaac, R. K. (2020). An Exploratory Study: The Impact of Terrorism on Risk Perceptions. An Analysis of the German Market Behaviours and Attitudes Towards Egypt, Tourism Plan- ning & Development, 18(1), 25-44. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568316.2020.1753106
Jonas, A., Mansfeld, Y., Paz, S., & Potasman, I. (2010). Determinants of health risk perception among low-risk-taking tourists traveling to developing countries, Journal of Travel Re- search, 50(1), 87-99. https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287509355323
Joo, D., Xu, W., Lee, J., Lee, C. K., & Woosnam, K. M. (2021). Residents’ perceived risk, emo- tional solidarity, and support for tourism amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Des- tination Marketing & Management, 19, 100553. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2021.100553 Kantar. (2020). Coronavirus Outbreak’s Impact on China’s Consumption. Available online:
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ OptUHteL3zGVHahnDolRDg
Karagöz, D., Işık, C., Dogru, T., & Zhang, L. (2021). Solo female travel risks, anxiety and trav- el intentions: Examining the moderating role of online psychological-social support, Cur- rent Issues in Tourism, 24(11), 1595-1612. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2020.1816929
Kourgiantakis, M., Apostolakis, A., & Dimou, I. (2021). COVID-19 and holiday intentions: The case of Crete, Greece, Anatolia, 32(1), 148-151. https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2020.1781221 Kozak, M., Crotts, J. C., & Law, R. (2007). The impact of the perception of risk on interna- tional travellers, International Journal of Tourism Research, 9(4), 233–242. https://doi.
Lakićević, M., Pantović, D., & Fedajev, A. (2021). Investigating Factors of Customer Loyalty Formation for Wellness Spa, Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Manage- ment Solutions in Emerging Economies. https://doi.org/10.7595/management.fon.2021.0031 Lepp, A., & Gibson, H. (2003). Tourist roles, perceived risk and international tourism. Ann.
Tour. Res., 30, 606–624. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(03)00024-0
Lerner, J. S., & Keltner, D. (2001). Fear, anger, and risk, Journal of Personality and Social Psy- chology, 81(1), 146–159. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.81.1.146
Luo, J. M., & Lam, C. F. (2020). Travel anxiety, risk attitude and travel intentions towards “travel bubble” destinations in Hong Kong: Effect of the fear of COVID-19, International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(21), 7859. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph17217859
Moya Calderón, M., Chavarría Esquivel, K., Arrieta García, M. M., & Lozano, C. B. (2022). Tourist behaviour and dynamics of domestic tourism in times of COVID-19, Current Is- sues in Tourism, 25(14), 2207-2211. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.1947993
Nepal, S. K. (2020). Travel and tourism after COVID-19 – business as usual or opportunity to reset? Tourism Geographies, 22(3), 1470-1340. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2020.176
Özdemir, L. D. M. A., & Yildiz, L. D. S. (2020). How COVID-19 outbreak affects tourists’ trav- el intentions? A case study in Turkey, Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal, 6(32), 1101-1113. http://dx.doi.org/10.31576/smryj.562
Ozili, P. K. (2021). Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis: The Nigerian experience and struc- tural causes, Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences. 37(4), 401-418. https://doi. org/10.1108/jeas-05-2020-0074
Pappas, N. (2021). COVID-19: Holiday intentions during a pandemic, Tourism Management, 84, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104287
Perić, G., Dramićanin, S., & Conić, M. (2021). The impact of Serbian tourists' risk perception on their travel intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Tourism Research, 27, 2705. https://doi.org/10.54055/ejtr.v27i.2125
Putra, R. E., Verinita, V., & Besra, E. (2021). Does the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect the Travel In- tentions of Comorbid Individuals? Enrichment: Journal of Management, 12(1), 453-461. https://doi.org/10.35335/enrichment.v12i1.245
Rasoolimanesh, S. M., Seyfi, S., Rastegar, R., & Hall, C. M. (2021). Destination image during the COVID-19 pandemic and future travel behavior: The moderating role of past experience, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 21, 100620. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. jdmm.2021.100620
Reisinger, Y., & Mavondo, F. (2005). Travel anxiety and intentions to travel internationally: Im- plications of travel risk perception, Journal of Travel Research, 43(3), 212–225. https://doi. org/10.1177/0047287504272017
Reisinger, Y., & Mavondo, F. (2006). Cultural differences in travel risk perception, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 20(1), 13-31. https://doi.org/10.1300/J073v20n01_02
Rittichainuwat, B., & Chakraborty, G. (2009). Perceived travel risks regarding terrorism and dis- ease: The case of Thailand, Tourism Management, 30(3), 410–418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. tourman.2008.08.001
Roy, S. (2020). Economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic. A preprint, 1-29.
Sánchez-Pérez, M., Terán-Yépez, E., MarínCarrillo, M. B., Marín-Carrillo, G. M., & Illes- cas-Manzano, M. D. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on tourist evalua- tion and behavioural intentions in Spain: implications for market segmentation analysis, Current Issues in Tourism, 24(7), 919-933. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.1889481
Štefko, R., Džuka, J., & Lačný, M. (2022). Factors influencing intention to go on a summer hol- iday during the peak and remission of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ekonomický časopis, 70(2), 144-170. https://doi.org/10.31577/ekoncas.2022.02.03
Strugar Jelača, M., Bjekić, R., Berber, N., Aleksić, M., Slavić, A., & Marić, S. (2022). Impact of Managers’ Emotional Competencies on Organizational Performance. Sustainability, 14(14), 8800. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14148800
Wachyuni, S. S., & Kusumaningrum, D. A. (2020). The effect of COVID-19 pandemic: How are the future tourist behavior, Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 33(4), 67-76. https://doi.org/10.9734/JESBS/2020/v33i430219
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