Digital Channels of Communication in the Promotion Function of a Tourist Destination – Tripadvisor Campaign Example of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Marko Šantić - Chamber of Economy of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Branislava Đurđeva 10, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Darijo Jerković - University of Vitez, Školska 23, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Marko Šantić - Chamber of Economy of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Branislava Đurđeva 10, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Darijo Jerković - University of Vitez, Školska 23, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
7th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2022/2023, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-56-1 ; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: Interactions and networking of social media in the tourism sector have experienced a very large expansion. This is certainly supported by the fact that the vast majority of today's tourists, through social networks - digital channels, search for, obtain and analyze information based on which they make decisions about choosing a destination, but also share and ex- change information about their impressions and experiences with others in already visited destinations. These were the main motives of the key actors in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina who, at the instigation of the USAID Tourism Bosnia and Herzegovina Project, embarked on the first comprehensive digital campaign on social networks, the campaign of their chosen tourist destinations, in order to finally get out of the media "darkness", given that Bosnia and Herzegovina tourist destinations were not visible at all and were not adequately represented on the world tourist map. The campaign was realized on the world's largest tourist platform TripAdvisor. Be- fore the start of the campaign, the main objectives were set, the duration of the campaign was determined, the target markets were identified and the content was prepared in the form of attractive images, videos and promotional articles in four languages.
Keywords: TripAdvisor; USAID; Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Media; Tourist Destination
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Markić, B., Bijakšić, S., & Bevanda, A. (2018). Komunikacija na društvenim mrežama i razvoj imidža o brendu turističke destinacije. Hum, Vol. 13 No. 19, 233-248. file/310642
Miguéns, J., Baggio, R., & Costa, C. (2008). Social Media and Tourism Destinations: TripAd- visor Case Study. Conference: Proceedings of the IASK International Conference on ‘Ad- vances in Tourism Research’At: Aveiro, PortugalVolume: 194-199.
Munar, A. M. (2011). Tourist-created content: rethinking destination branding. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, 291- 305. https://
Munar, A. M., Gyimothy, S., & Cai, L. (2013). Tourism Social Media: A New Research Agenda. Tourism Social Media: Transformations in Identity, Community and Cul- ture Tourism, Tourism Social Science Series, Vol. 18, 1–15. s1571-5043(2013)0000018003
Nemec Rudež, H., & Vodeb, K. (2015). Students' use of social media during the travel process. Tourism and hospitality management, 21 (2), 179-190. Stojković, M. (2013). Primena društvenih mreža u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu. Specijalizovana
agencija TMC – Tourism Management and Consulting.
Tihi, B., Čičić, M., Brkić, N., et al. (2006). Marketing. Ekonomski Fakultet, Sarajevo. Tomić, Z. (2016). Odnosi s javnošću: teorija i praksa. Zagreb; Sarajevo, Synopsis.
Vulić, V. (2011). Drustveni mediji kao inovativni oblik neplacenih medija. Međunarodni naučni skup - IV crnogorski medijski dijalozi, Ekonomski fakultet Podgorica, Univer- zitet Crne Gore, 115-133. inovativni-oblik-neplacenih-medija-Vladimir-Vulic-doc
Keywords: TripAdvisor; USAID; Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Media; Tourist Destination
Anđelić, V., & Grmuša, T. (2017). Društvene mreže kao medij promocije turističkih odrediš- ta kod mladih. Media, culture and public relations, 8, 2; 182-193. file/294005
Barišić, P. (2017). Utjecaj društvenih medija na proces odabira turističke destinacije. Doktors- ka disertacija, Ekonomski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb. ka/897092.Petra_Barii_Utjecaj_Drutvenih_medija_ma_proces_odabira_turistike_desti- nacije.pdf
Bevanda, A. (2013). Marketinška komunikacija. Sveučilište u Mostaru, Ekonomski fakultet Mostar.
Crowel, H., Gribben, H.,& Loo, J. (2014).(In Press) Travelcontenttakesoffon YouTube, Thinkwith Google. youtube/
Dhingra, M., & Mudgal, R. K. (2019). Historical Evolution of Social Media: An Overview.
SSRN Electronic Journal.
Đurić, Z. (2018). Značaj komunikacije putem društvenih medija u hotelijerstvu. TIMS Acta 12,
65-74. Gašparac, R. (2016). 10 koraka za tvrtke koje organiziraju aktivnosti da pojačaju svoj TripAdvi-
sor rank.
Google Travel Study. (2014). The 2014 Traveler’s Road to Decision. Ipsos MediaCT, http://higher- loadedImages/Google%20Travel%20in%20a%20Changing%20World.pdf
Kesić, T. (2003). Integrirana marketinška komunikacija. Opinio d.o.o., Zagreb.
Kotler, P. (2001). Upravljanje marketingom: analiza, planiranje, primjena i kontrola. MATE, Zagreb.
Kotler, P., Bowen, J. T., & Makens, J. C. (2010). Marketing u ugostiteljstvu, hotelijerstvu i turiz- mu. MATE, Zagreb.
Krech, D., Crutchfield, R., & Ballachey, E. L. (1962). Individualin Society: A Textbook of So- cialPsychology. New York: McGraw-Hill
Lukačić, P. (2008). Primjena Web 2.0 servisa u nastavi povijesti. Povijest u nastavi, Vol. VI No.
12 (2).
Markić, B., Bijakšić, S., & Bevanda, A. (2018). Komunikacija na društvenim mrežama i razvoj imidža o brendu turističke destinacije. Hum, Vol. 13 No. 19, 233-248. file/310642
Miguéns, J., Baggio, R., & Costa, C. (2008). Social Media and Tourism Destinations: TripAd- visor Case Study. Conference: Proceedings of the IASK International Conference on ‘Ad- vances in Tourism Research’At: Aveiro, PortugalVolume: 194-199.
Munar, A. M. (2011). Tourist-created content: rethinking destination branding. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, 291- 305. https://
Munar, A. M., Gyimothy, S., & Cai, L. (2013). Tourism Social Media: A New Research Agenda. Tourism Social Media: Transformations in Identity, Community and Cul- ture Tourism, Tourism Social Science Series, Vol. 18, 1–15. s1571-5043(2013)0000018003
Nemec Rudež, H., & Vodeb, K. (2015). Students' use of social media during the travel process. Tourism and hospitality management, 21 (2), 179-190. Stojković, M. (2013). Primena društvenih mreža u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu. Specijalizovana
agencija TMC – Tourism Management and Consulting.
Tihi, B., Čičić, M., Brkić, N., et al. (2006). Marketing. Ekonomski Fakultet, Sarajevo. Tomić, Z. (2016). Odnosi s javnošću: teorija i praksa. Zagreb; Sarajevo, Synopsis.
Vulić, V. (2011). Drustveni mediji kao inovativni oblik neplacenih medija. Međunarodni naučni skup - IV crnogorski medijski dijalozi, Ekonomski fakultet Podgorica, Univer- zitet Crne Gore, 115-133. inovativni-oblik-neplacenih-medija-Vladimir-Vulic-doc

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