Sports Events in the Function of Sports Tourism Development and Destination Branding
Dejan Dašić - Faculty of Law, Security and Management "Constantine the Great" Nis; Faculty of Sports Belgrade, University
Union – „Nikola Tesla" Belgrade, Serbia
Ana Gavrilović - Faculty of Sports, University Union – „Nikola Tesla" Belgrade, Serbia
Dejan Dašić - Faculty of Law, Security and Management "Constantine the Great" Nis; Faculty of Sports Belgrade, University
Union – „Nikola Tesla" Belgrade, Serbia
Ana Gavrilović - Faculty of Sports, University Union – „Nikola Tesla" Belgrade, Serbia
7th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2022/2023, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-56-1 ; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: As has been stated extensively elsewhere, places have long used marketing as a planning and management tool, so it should come as no surprise that they would start to embrace the concept of place branding more and more. Undoubtedly appealing is the notion of discovering or creating something special that would set a location apart from others. Places plan and support transient events too, at the very least, increase awareness of their presence as well as create unique brand associations. These connections have to do with the event's organization and substance. It is demonstrating its ability to host the activity while also associating with it. Mara- thons are examples of athletic tourism. These occasions have been utilized by several locations to increase visitor demand during the past few decades. When we talk about sports events in Serbia, there is a noticeable increase in the organization of marathons, half-marathons and pleasure races, which very effectively brands the destinations where these sports events are held.
Keywords: Sport events; Sports tourism; Image; Destination branding; Sport event visitors
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Boyer, L., Musso, D., Barreau, G., Boyer Collas, L., & Addadi, A. (2007). Organising a Major Sport Event. In J. Camy & L. Robinson (Eds.), Managing Olympic Sport Organisations (pp. 279–343). Champaign, IL, USA: Human Kinetics.
Brown, G., Smith, A., & Assaker, G. (2016). Revisiting the host city: An empirical examina- tion of sport involvement, place attachment, event satisfaction and spectator intentions at the London Olympics. Tourism Management, 55, 160-172. tourman.2016.02.010
Čavlek, N., et al. (2011). Turizam-ekonomske osnove i organizacijski sustav. Zagreb: ŠK. Cornelissen, S. (2007). Crafting legacies: The changing political economy of global sport. Poli-
tikon, 34(3), 241–259.
Darnell, S. C. (2012). Sport for Development and Peace: A Critical Sociology. Bloomsbury Ac- ademic.
Dašić, D. (2013). Brendiranje država i nacija. Kultura, 139, 396-415.
Dašić, D. (2016). Brendiranje mesta i/ili destinacija. Kultura, 152, 377-393.
Dašić, D., & Dašić, B. (2021). Branding of states and nations in (post) era covid 19. In D. Cvi- janović et al. (Eds.), Tourism challenges amid Covid-19 (pp. 162-179). Vrnjačka banja, Uni- verzitet u Kragujevcu.
Dašić, D., & Jović Bogdanović, A. (2020). Sport as a central component of the country and na- tion branding strategy. In M. Ratković & N. Perić (Eds.), Branding of states and nations: Possibilities and implications (pp. 94-113). Beograd: Faculty of Business Studies and Law: Faculty of Strategic and Operational Management.
Dašić, D., & Kostadinović, G. (2022). Film Industry in the Function of Destination Branding. In
V. Bevanda & S. Štetić (Eds.), 6th International Thematic Monograph Modern Manage- ment Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era (pp. 441-456). UDEKOM. 441- 456.
Dašić, D., & Ratković, M. (2022). Safety at sports events as a condition for the implementation of marketing potential. In D. Dašić (Ed.), Security aspects of modern society-implications and possibilities (pp. 495-512). Niš: Faculty of Law, Security and Management "Konstan- tin Veliki" Niš, Union Nikola Tesla University Belgrade, Belgrade Institute for the Hu- manities and Social Inquiry (BIHSI), Serbia.
Dašić, D., Ratković, M., & Pavlović, M. (2021). Commercial aspects of personal branding of ath- letes on social networks. Marketing, 52(2), 118-132. Dašić, D. R., & Savić, M. L. (2020). The influence of cultural and historical heritage on the attractiveness of a tourist destination. Baština, 52, 247-260.
Deloitte. (2019). Annual Review of Football Finance 2019. Retrieved from https://www2. nual-review-of-football-finance-2019.pdf
Đurđević, N., Mitić, D., Atanasov, D., & Vujović, B. (2014). Sport u jedinicama lokalne samouprave. Beograd: Sitopromet A.Z.
Filo, K., Chen, N., King, C., & Funk, D. C. (2013). Sport tourists' involvement with a destina- tion: A stage-based examination. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 37(1), 100- 124.
Keywords: Sport events; Sports tourism; Image; Destination branding; Sport event visitors
Akgöz, E. (2013). Using awareness in destinations: Esrefoglu Mosque. In VI International Tour- ism Congress: The image and sustainability of tourist destinations (pp. 27-29). Peniche, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-97395-1-2.
Alfi r, D. (1994). Turizam-izbor radova. Zagreb: Institut za turizam. Anholt, S. (2010). Konkurentan identitet. Zagreb: M PLUS.
Ashworth, G. J. (2005). A Change of Heart in Groningen. In F. Martinelli & L. Andalbrechts
(Eds.), Strategic Planning in Europe. Rome: Italian Planning Institute.
Ashworth, G. J., & Voogd, H. (1990). Selling the City: Marketing Approaches in Public Sector Urban Planning. London: Belhaven Press. Retrieved from publication/227640188_The_Instruments_of_Place_Branding_How_is_it_Done
Auger, D. (2014). The visitor profile at a major sporting event: The 42nd Final of the Quebec Games (Jeux du Québec) in l’Assomption, Quebec, Canada. Loisir Société Soc. Leis., 37, 151–162.
Aziz, N., Kefallonitis, E., & Friedman, B. (2012). Turkey as a destination brand: Perceptions of United States visitors. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2(9), 211-221. Brand_Perceptions_of_United_States_Visitors
Bartoluci, M. (2003). Ekonomika i menedžment sporta. Zagreb: Informator. Bartoluci, M., et al. (2007). Turizam i sport-razvojni aspekti. Zagreb: ŠK.
Bartoluci, M., Andrijašević, M., Andrijašević, S., & Omrčen, D. (2004). Menedžment u sportu
i turizmu. Kineziološki fakultet.
Bertella, G. (2013). Embodied tourism experiences and rural events: The case of Ecomaratona del Chianti. In ICRETH (International Centre for Research in Events, Tourism and Hospi- tality) Active Tourism Conference Proceedings, Leeds (U.K.) 23-25 January 2013.
Bíró, M., Müller, A., & Szalay, G. (2015). Sportesemények szervezése. In A. Müller (Ed.), (ISBN 978‐615‐5297‐30‐4). Retrieved from http://uni‐‐ szervezese_5551e37e308fb.pdf
Bogdanovski, Z. (2012). Globalizacija i savremeni sport. Nova srpska politička misao. Re- trieved from html?alphabet=l
Boyer, L., Musso, D., Barreau, G., Boyer Collas, L., & Addadi, A. (2007). Organising a Major Sport Event. In J. Camy & L. Robinson (Eds.), Managing Olympic Sport Organisations (pp. 279–343). Champaign, IL, USA: Human Kinetics.
Brown, G., Smith, A., & Assaker, G. (2016). Revisiting the host city: An empirical examina- tion of sport involvement, place attachment, event satisfaction and spectator intentions at the London Olympics. Tourism Management, 55, 160-172. tourman.2016.02.010
Čavlek, N., et al. (2011). Turizam-ekonomske osnove i organizacijski sustav. Zagreb: ŠK. Cornelissen, S. (2007). Crafting legacies: The changing political economy of global sport. Poli-
tikon, 34(3), 241–259.
Darnell, S. C. (2012). Sport for Development and Peace: A Critical Sociology. Bloomsbury Ac- ademic.
Dašić, D. (2013). Brendiranje država i nacija. Kultura, 139, 396-415.
Dašić, D. (2016). Brendiranje mesta i/ili destinacija. Kultura, 152, 377-393.
Dašić, D., & Dašić, B. (2021). Branding of states and nations in (post) era covid 19. In D. Cvi- janović et al. (Eds.), Tourism challenges amid Covid-19 (pp. 162-179). Vrnjačka banja, Uni- verzitet u Kragujevcu.
Dašić, D., & Jović Bogdanović, A. (2020). Sport as a central component of the country and na- tion branding strategy. In M. Ratković & N. Perić (Eds.), Branding of states and nations: Possibilities and implications (pp. 94-113). Beograd: Faculty of Business Studies and Law: Faculty of Strategic and Operational Management.
Dašić, D., & Kostadinović, G. (2022). Film Industry in the Function of Destination Branding. In
V. Bevanda & S. Štetić (Eds.), 6th International Thematic Monograph Modern Manage- ment Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era (pp. 441-456). UDEKOM. 441- 456.
Dašić, D., & Ratković, M. (2022). Safety at sports events as a condition for the implementation of marketing potential. In D. Dašić (Ed.), Security aspects of modern society-implications and possibilities (pp. 495-512). Niš: Faculty of Law, Security and Management "Konstan- tin Veliki" Niš, Union Nikola Tesla University Belgrade, Belgrade Institute for the Hu- manities and Social Inquiry (BIHSI), Serbia.
Dašić, D., Ratković, M., & Pavlović, M. (2021). Commercial aspects of personal branding of ath- letes on social networks. Marketing, 52(2), 118-132. Dašić, D. R., & Savić, M. L. (2020). The influence of cultural and historical heritage on the attractiveness of a tourist destination. Baština, 52, 247-260.
Deloitte. (2019). Annual Review of Football Finance 2019. Retrieved from https://www2. nual-review-of-football-finance-2019.pdf
Đurđević, N., Mitić, D., Atanasov, D., & Vujović, B. (2014). Sport u jedinicama lokalne samouprave. Beograd: Sitopromet A.Z.
Filo, K., Chen, N., King, C., & Funk, D. C. (2013). Sport tourists' involvement with a destina- tion: A stage-based examination. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 37(1), 100- 124.
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