Wellness as a Key Factor for the Sustainable Development of Tourism in Serbia
Ljiljana Kontic - Faculty of Business and Law, University MB, Belgrade, Serbia
Milos Todosijevic - Ph.D. student, Kosovska Mitrovica
Jovan Kontic - MSc Economics, Novi Sad
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/tmt.2022-2023.317
Ljiljana Kontic - Faculty of Business and Law, University MB, Belgrade, Serbia
Milos Todosijevic - Ph.D. student, Kosovska Mitrovica
Jovan Kontic - MSc Economics, Novi Sad
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/tmt.2022-2023.317
7th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2022/2023, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-56-1 ; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: This study focused on the main potentials and challenges in do- main of the wellness tourism in Serbia. Over the last decade, the wellness industry has transformed into a multi-billion business that focused on the interest of managers and the academic community. A review of past studies conducted worldwide has been presented, too. Serbia is a case in point. Due to the various natural resources, the Republic of Serbia has a strong foundation for faster development of sustainable wellness tourism. The results of the analysis showed the key components of the wellness tourism offer system in Serbia along with the proposals for new wellness experiences. The main recommendations for managers and policy-makers are presented, too.
Keywords: Wellness tourism; Sustainable development; Strategy; Serbia
Agrodimou, A. (2019). Wellness tourism: through the lens of millennials' attitude: An explora- tory qualitative study.
Andreu, M. G. N. L., Font-Barnet, A., & Roca, M. E. (2021). Wellness tourism—new challeng- es and opportunities for tourism in Salou. Sustainability, 13(15), 8246. 8246. https://doi. org/10.3390/su13158246
Blesic, I., Tepavcevic, J., Stanic, M., Dragin, A., & Ivkov, M. (2019). Impact of innovations on service orientation of employees in the hotel management. Marketing, 50(1), 13-23. https:// doi.org/10.5937/markt1901013b
Bodecker, G., & Cohen, M. (Eds.). (2010). Understanding the global spa industry. Routledge.
Calderwood, L. U., & Soshkin, M. (2019, September). The travel and tourism competitiveness report 2019. World Economic Forum.
Chen, J. S., Prebensen, N., & Huan, T. C. (2008). Determining the Motivation of Wellness Trav- elers. Anatolia, An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 19 (1), 103- 115. https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2008.9687056
Chhabra, D. (2020). Transformational wellness tourism system model in the pandemic era. International Journal of Health Management and Tourism, 5(2), 76-101. https://doi. org/10.31201/ijhmt.788628
Damijanic, A. T. (2021). Travel motivations as criteria in the wellness tourism market segmenta- tion process. Academica Turistica-Tourism and Innovation Journal, 13(2). 201-213. https:// doi.org/10.26493/2335-4194.13.201-213
Dini, M., & Pencarelli, T. (2021). Wellness tourism and the components of its offer system: a holis- tic perspective. Tourism Review, 77(2), 394-412. https://doi.org/10.1108/tr-08-2020-0373 Djuradjevic, M. (2017). Characteristics of wellness tourism users in “Merkur” Specialised Hospital. Hotel and Tourism Management, 5 (1), 75-84.
Djurovic, N. (2011). Medical tourism as development factors of Vrnjci spa. In Serbian: Zdra- vstveni turizam kao faktor razvoja Vrnjacke banje. Master thesis. Belgrade: University of Singidunum.
European Commission. (2016). ETIS, https://single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu/sectors/tourism/offer/sustainable/indicators_en
European Commission. (2021). ETIS - New destination profile, https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/15849
Gastronomy Serbia. (2022). https://www.serbia.travel/en/experience-serbia/hrana-i-pice
Gligorijevic, Z., & Novovic, M. (2014). Zdravstveno-rekreativni turizam u procesu razvoja ban- jskih i planinskih turistickih mesta. Ekonomske teme, 52 (4): 509-522.
Global Wellness Institute. (2018). https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/
Global Wellness Institute. (2021). Global Wellness Institute, The Global Wellness Economy: Look- ing Beyond COVID, December 2021.
Grénman, M. (2019). In quest of the optimal self. Wellness consumption and lifestyle–A superficial
marketing fad or a powerful means for transforming and branding oneself.
Grénman, M., & Räikkönen, J. (2015). Well-being and wellness tourism–Same, same but different?
Conceptual discussions and empirical evidence. Matkailututkimus, 11(1), 7-25.
Hyde-Smith, M. J. (2012). The wellness spa: construct definition and performance evaluation [Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology].
Jovicic, D., & Ilic, T. (2010). Primena indikatora odrzivog turizma. Glasnik srpskog Geografskog drustva, 1 (1), 277-305.
Kim, E., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2017). Investigating wellness tourists’ motivation, engagement, and loyalty: in search of the missing link. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(7), 867- 879. https://doi.org/10.1080/10548408.2016.1261756
Kontic, Lj., Vidicki, Dj., & Lazovic, S. T. (2020). Sustainable Development Strategy of Ecological and Health Tourism: The Case of Novi Sad. Ekonomija razdvajanja Zagreb, 02.-03. prosin- ca 2019., 309-322.
Lakicevic, M., Pantovic, D., & Fedajev, A. (2021). Investigating Factors of Customer Loyalty For- mation for Wellness Spa. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies. https://doi.org/10.7595/management.fon.2021.0031
Liu, Z. (2003). Sustainable Tourism Development: A Critique, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 11
(6), 459-475, https://doi.org/10.1080/09669580308667216
Melkic, S., Markovic Vukadin, I., & Roknic, L. (2020). Odrzivi turizam-samozavaravanje, ideja ili
realnost? Communication Management Review, 5(01), 48-83.
Milicevic, S., & Djordjevic, N. (2020). Possibilities for improving the tourism offer of Vrnjacka
banja, SERBIA. INSCOSES 2020, 30.
Milicevic, S., & Jovanovic, D. (2015, October). Wellness tourism–competitive basis of European health tourism destination. In DIEM: Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting (Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 851-863). Sveučilište u Dubrovniku.
National Tourist Organization of Serbia. (2015). Serbia: health, spa & wellness. Belgrade: Nation- al Tourist Organization of Serbia. Retrieved August 1, 2022, from https://www.serbia.travel/ files/Serbia%20-%20Health,%20Spa%20&%20Wellness.pdf
Paterson, B. L., Thorne, S. E., Canam, C., & Jillings, C. (2001). Meta-study of qualitative health re- search: A practical guide to meta-analysis and meta-synthesis. London: Sage publications.
Pecic, V. (2012). Znacaj sportskog turizma za turisticki razvoj Vrnjacke banje. Master thesis. Bel- grade: University of Singidunum.
Petroman, C. (2021). Wellness tourism-modern form of tourism. Quaestus, (18), 321-329. Phuthong, T., Anuntavoranich, P., Chandrachai, A., & Piromsopa, K. (2022). Developing and Val-
idating an Assessment Scale to Measure the Competitiveness of Wellness Destinations. Sus- tainability, 14(7), 4152.
Podovac, M., & Jovanovic-Toncev, M. (2015). Istrazivanje stavova turista o kvalitetu ponude turis- ticke destinacije Vrnjacka Banja (in Serbian). Ekonomski pogledi, 17, 65-80.
Pundit, M. (2020). Gender and Wellness.
Sidorova, I. G. (2019). Wellness Brand in Personal Internet-blogs and Social Networks. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 69, p. 00107). EDP Sciences.
Singh, P., & Jain, R. (2020). Critical challenges in wellness industry.
Smith, M., & Puczkó́ , L. (2013). Health and wellness tourism. London: Routledge. Spa-Serbia. (2022). http://www.serbia.com/visit-serbia/natural-beauties/spas/
Stará, J., & Peterson, C. (2017). Understanding the concept of wellness for the future of the tourism industry: a literature review. Journal of Tourism and Services, 7 (14), 18-29.
Statista. (2022). https://www.statista.com/markets/409/topic/625/wellness-spas/
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. (2022a, May). Tourist turnover. Belgrade: Statistical Of- fice of the Republic of Serbia. Retrieved January 8, 2022, from https://www.stat.gov.rs/en-us/ vesti/20220630-turisticki-promet-maj-2022/
Statistical Offi e of the Republic of Serbia. (2022b, May). Trends. Belgrade: Statistical Offi e of the Republic of Serbia. Retrieved January 8, 2022, from https://www.stat.gov.rs/en-us/publikacije/ publication/?p=13654
Tüzünkan, D. (2017). The relationship between innovation and tourism: The case of smart tourism.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(23), 13861-13867.
UNWTO. (2013). Tourism Highlights, 2013 Edition. https://www.unwto.org/; https://www.e-unwto.
Ustymenko, L. (2020). Wellness Culture as a Factor of Formation of Wellness-Industry. Culture and Arts in the Modern World, 21, 182-190. https://doi.org/10.31866/2410-1915.21.2020.208253 Vicentijevic, J. (2016, June). Wellness as a segment of spa tourism in Serbia. In Tourism Interna-
tional Scientific Conference Vrnjacka Banja-TISC (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 88-105).
Vukadin, I. M., Zovko, M., & Krešić, D. (2020). Review and evaluation of existing international systems of tourism sustainability indicators. Croatian Geographical Bulletin, 82(1). https:// doi.org/10.21861/hgg.2020.82.01.04
Keywords: Wellness tourism; Sustainable development; Strategy; Serbia
Agrodimou, A. (2019). Wellness tourism: through the lens of millennials' attitude: An explora- tory qualitative study.
Andreu, M. G. N. L., Font-Barnet, A., & Roca, M. E. (2021). Wellness tourism—new challeng- es and opportunities for tourism in Salou. Sustainability, 13(15), 8246. 8246. https://doi. org/10.3390/su13158246
Blesic, I., Tepavcevic, J., Stanic, M., Dragin, A., & Ivkov, M. (2019). Impact of innovations on service orientation of employees in the hotel management. Marketing, 50(1), 13-23. https:// doi.org/10.5937/markt1901013b
Bodecker, G., & Cohen, M. (Eds.). (2010). Understanding the global spa industry. Routledge.
Calderwood, L. U., & Soshkin, M. (2019, September). The travel and tourism competitiveness report 2019. World Economic Forum.
Chen, J. S., Prebensen, N., & Huan, T. C. (2008). Determining the Motivation of Wellness Trav- elers. Anatolia, An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 19 (1), 103- 115. https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2008.9687056
Chhabra, D. (2020). Transformational wellness tourism system model in the pandemic era. International Journal of Health Management and Tourism, 5(2), 76-101. https://doi. org/10.31201/ijhmt.788628
Damijanic, A. T. (2021). Travel motivations as criteria in the wellness tourism market segmenta- tion process. Academica Turistica-Tourism and Innovation Journal, 13(2). 201-213. https:// doi.org/10.26493/2335-4194.13.201-213
Dini, M., & Pencarelli, T. (2021). Wellness tourism and the components of its offer system: a holis- tic perspective. Tourism Review, 77(2), 394-412. https://doi.org/10.1108/tr-08-2020-0373 Djuradjevic, M. (2017). Characteristics of wellness tourism users in “Merkur” Specialised Hospital. Hotel and Tourism Management, 5 (1), 75-84.
Djurovic, N. (2011). Medical tourism as development factors of Vrnjci spa. In Serbian: Zdra- vstveni turizam kao faktor razvoja Vrnjacke banje. Master thesis. Belgrade: University of Singidunum.
European Commission. (2016). ETIS, https://single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu/sectors/tourism/offer/sustainable/indicators_en
European Commission. (2021). ETIS - New destination profile, https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/15849
Gastronomy Serbia. (2022). https://www.serbia.travel/en/experience-serbia/hrana-i-pice
Gligorijevic, Z., & Novovic, M. (2014). Zdravstveno-rekreativni turizam u procesu razvoja ban- jskih i planinskih turistickih mesta. Ekonomske teme, 52 (4): 509-522.
Global Wellness Institute. (2018). https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/
Global Wellness Institute. (2021). Global Wellness Institute, The Global Wellness Economy: Look- ing Beyond COVID, December 2021.
Grénman, M. (2019). In quest of the optimal self. Wellness consumption and lifestyle–A superficial
marketing fad or a powerful means for transforming and branding oneself.
Grénman, M., & Räikkönen, J. (2015). Well-being and wellness tourism–Same, same but different?
Conceptual discussions and empirical evidence. Matkailututkimus, 11(1), 7-25.
Hyde-Smith, M. J. (2012). The wellness spa: construct definition and performance evaluation [Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology].
Jovicic, D., & Ilic, T. (2010). Primena indikatora odrzivog turizma. Glasnik srpskog Geografskog drustva, 1 (1), 277-305.
Kim, E., Chiang, L., & Tang, L. (2017). Investigating wellness tourists’ motivation, engagement, and loyalty: in search of the missing link. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(7), 867- 879. https://doi.org/10.1080/10548408.2016.1261756
Kontic, Lj., Vidicki, Dj., & Lazovic, S. T. (2020). Sustainable Development Strategy of Ecological and Health Tourism: The Case of Novi Sad. Ekonomija razdvajanja Zagreb, 02.-03. prosin- ca 2019., 309-322.
Lakicevic, M., Pantovic, D., & Fedajev, A. (2021). Investigating Factors of Customer Loyalty For- mation for Wellness Spa. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies. https://doi.org/10.7595/management.fon.2021.0031
Liu, Z. (2003). Sustainable Tourism Development: A Critique, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 11
(6), 459-475, https://doi.org/10.1080/09669580308667216
Melkic, S., Markovic Vukadin, I., & Roknic, L. (2020). Odrzivi turizam-samozavaravanje, ideja ili
realnost? Communication Management Review, 5(01), 48-83.
Milicevic, S., & Djordjevic, N. (2020). Possibilities for improving the tourism offer of Vrnjacka
banja, SERBIA. INSCOSES 2020, 30.
Milicevic, S., & Jovanovic, D. (2015, October). Wellness tourism–competitive basis of European health tourism destination. In DIEM: Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting (Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 851-863). Sveučilište u Dubrovniku.
National Tourist Organization of Serbia. (2015). Serbia: health, spa & wellness. Belgrade: Nation- al Tourist Organization of Serbia. Retrieved August 1, 2022, from https://www.serbia.travel/ files/Serbia%20-%20Health,%20Spa%20&%20Wellness.pdf
Paterson, B. L., Thorne, S. E., Canam, C., & Jillings, C. (2001). Meta-study of qualitative health re- search: A practical guide to meta-analysis and meta-synthesis. London: Sage publications.
Pecic, V. (2012). Znacaj sportskog turizma za turisticki razvoj Vrnjacke banje. Master thesis. Bel- grade: University of Singidunum.
Petroman, C. (2021). Wellness tourism-modern form of tourism. Quaestus, (18), 321-329. Phuthong, T., Anuntavoranich, P., Chandrachai, A., & Piromsopa, K. (2022). Developing and Val-
idating an Assessment Scale to Measure the Competitiveness of Wellness Destinations. Sus- tainability, 14(7), 4152.
Podovac, M., & Jovanovic-Toncev, M. (2015). Istrazivanje stavova turista o kvalitetu ponude turis- ticke destinacije Vrnjacka Banja (in Serbian). Ekonomski pogledi, 17, 65-80.
Pundit, M. (2020). Gender and Wellness.
Sidorova, I. G. (2019). Wellness Brand in Personal Internet-blogs and Social Networks. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 69, p. 00107). EDP Sciences.
Singh, P., & Jain, R. (2020). Critical challenges in wellness industry.
Smith, M., & Puczkó́ , L. (2013). Health and wellness tourism. London: Routledge. Spa-Serbia. (2022). http://www.serbia.com/visit-serbia/natural-beauties/spas/
Stará, J., & Peterson, C. (2017). Understanding the concept of wellness for the future of the tourism industry: a literature review. Journal of Tourism and Services, 7 (14), 18-29.
Statista. (2022). https://www.statista.com/markets/409/topic/625/wellness-spas/
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. (2022a, May). Tourist turnover. Belgrade: Statistical Of- fice of the Republic of Serbia. Retrieved January 8, 2022, from https://www.stat.gov.rs/en-us/ vesti/20220630-turisticki-promet-maj-2022/
Statistical Offi e of the Republic of Serbia. (2022b, May). Trends. Belgrade: Statistical Offi e of the Republic of Serbia. Retrieved January 8, 2022, from https://www.stat.gov.rs/en-us/publikacije/ publication/?p=13654
Tüzünkan, D. (2017). The relationship between innovation and tourism: The case of smart tourism.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(23), 13861-13867.
UNWTO. (2013). Tourism Highlights, 2013 Edition. https://www.unwto.org/; https://www.e-unwto.
Ustymenko, L. (2020). Wellness Culture as a Factor of Formation of Wellness-Industry. Culture and Arts in the Modern World, 21, 182-190. https://doi.org/10.31866/2410-1915.21.2020.208253 Vicentijevic, J. (2016, June). Wellness as a segment of spa tourism in Serbia. In Tourism Interna-
tional Scientific Conference Vrnjacka Banja-TISC (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 88-105).
Vukadin, I. M., Zovko, M., & Krešić, D. (2020). Review and evaluation of existing international systems of tourism sustainability indicators. Croatian Geographical Bulletin, 82(1). https:// doi.org/10.21861/hgg.2020.82.01.04
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