Modern Supply Chain Quality Management in Bulgarian Restaurants
Maria Vodenicharova - UNWE, Sofia, Bulgaria
Maria Vodenicharova - UNWE, Sofia, Bulgaria
7th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2022/2023, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-56-1 ; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: One of the most important factors in a restaurant's success is its supply chain. The present study aims to reveal the application of quality management systems in the restaurant business and to build a modern supply chain quality management (MSCQM) in Bulgarian restaurants. This chapter examines the criteria for evaluating the degree of application of quality management systems in the restaurant business, analyses quality management practices, and identifies opportunities for its improvement. The research used Bulgarian and foreign literary sources, results of research projects, statistical data, and analyses from conducted surveys. The conclusions are mainly aimed at revealing opportunities for creating modern supply chain quality management (MSCQM) in Bulgarian restaurants.
Keywords: QMS; ISO; ICT
Autry, C. W., Williams, B. D., & Golicic, S. (2014). Relational and Process Multiplexity in Verti- cal Supply Chain Triads: An Exploration in the U.S. Restaurant Industry. Journal of Busi- ness Logistics, 35(1), 52-70.
Bastas, A., & Liyanage, K. (2018). Sustainable supply chain quality management: A systematic re- view. Journalof Cleaner Production, 181, 726-744. Chen, L., Lu, Y., & Zhao, R. (2019). Analysis and application of modern supply chain system in China. Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications, 1(2), 106–119. https://doi.
Cho, M., Bonn, M. A., Susskind, A., & Giunipero, L. (2018). Restaurant dependence/autonomy in the supply chain and market responsiveness: The moderating roles of information technol- ogy adoption and trust. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(9), 2945-2964.
Flynn, B., & Zhao, X. (2015). Global Supply Chain Quality Management: Product Recalls and Their Impact. In Global supply chain quality management. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group.
Foster, S. T., Jr., Wallin, C., & Ogden, J. (2011). Towards a better understanding of supply chain quality management practices. International Journal of Production Research, 49(8), 2285- 2300.
Foster, T. (2013). Managing quality. Integrating the supply chain (Pearson).
Gutierrez-Yllu, L., Figueroa-Pomareda, G., & Cano-Lazarte, M. (2022). Cost of Sale Reduction in a Company Within the Restaurant Industry Using a Procurement Model Based on Supply Chain Management and Lean Philosophy. Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V, 1201-1208.
Harun, A., Rokonuzzaman, M., Prybutok, G., & Prybutok, V. R. (2018). Influencing perception of justice to leverage behavioral outcome: A perspective from restaurant service failure setting. Quality Management Journal, 25(3), 112-128. Isnaini, D., Nurhaida, T., & Pratama, I. (2020). Moderating Eff ct of Supply Chain Dynamic Ca- pabilities on the Relationship of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Or- ganizational Sustainable Performance: A Study on the Restaurant Industry in Indonesia. In-
ternational Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 97–105.
Kanji, G. K., & Wong, A. (1999). Business Excellence model for supply chain management. Total
Quality Management, 10(8), 1147-1168.
Ku, E. C. S., Hsu, S.-F., & Wu, W.-C. (2020). Connecting supplier-supplier relationships to achieve supply chain performance of restaurant companies. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism In- sights, 3(3), 311-328.
Kukanja, M., Gomezelj Omerzel, D., & Kodrič, B. (2017). Ensuring restaurant quality and guests’ loyalty: An integrative model based on marketing (7P) approach. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28(13–14), 1509–1525. 363.2016.1150172
La Londe, B. (1998). Supply Chain Evolution by the Numbers. Supply Chain Management Re- view, Spring, 2(1).
Lamprecht, J. (2000). Quality and Power in the Supply Chain: What Industry Does for the Sake of Quality.
Lihong, Z., & Goffin, K. (2001). "Managing the transition" - supplier management in interna- tional joint ventures in China. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 31(2), 74-95.
Liu, Y.-L., Pen-Fa, K., Chiang, J.-T., & Shyr, W.-J. (2021). Should the EFQM Excellence Model be Adapted for Specific Industries? A Restaurant Sector Example. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 92, 102694.
Mentzer, J. T., Flint, D. J., & Hult, G. T. M. (2001). Logistics Service Quality as a Seg- ment-Customized Process. Journal of Marketing, 65(4), 82-104. jmkg.
Murphy, J., & Smith, S. (2009). Chefs and suppliers: An exploratory look at supply chain issues in an upscale restaurant alliance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(2), 212–220.
Nawrocka, D., Brorson, T., & Lindhqvist, T. (2009). ISO 14001 in environmental supply chain practices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17(16), 1435–1443. jclepro.2009.05.004
Ngai, E. W. T., Suk, F. F. C., & Lo, S. Y. Y. (2008). Development of an RFID-based sushi man- agement system: The case of a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant. International Journal of Production Economics, 112(2), 630-645.
Nikolaidis, Y. (2013). Reverse Logistics and Quality Management Issues: State-of-the-Art. Qual- ity Management in Reverse Logistics, 1-19.
NSI. (2022). National Statistical Institute,
Pai, F.-Y., Yeh, T.-M., & Tang, C.-Y. (2018). Classifying restaurant service quality attributes by using Kano model and IPA approach. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29(3–4), 301–328.
Raak, N., Symmank, C., Zahn, S., Aschemann-Witzel, J., & Rohm, H. (2017). Processing- and product-related causes for food waste and implications for the food supply chain. Waste Management, 61, 461-472.
Rizou, M., Galanakis, I. M., Aldawoud, T. M. S., & Galanakis, C. M. (2020). Safety of foods, food supply chain and environment within the COVID-19 pandemic. Trends in Food Sci- ence & Technology, 102, 293-299.
Robinson, C., & Malhotra, M. (2005). Defining the concept of supply chain quality manage- ment and its relevance to academic and industrial practice. International Journal of Pro- duction Economics, 96(3), 315–337.
Shanker, S., Sharma, H., & Barve, A. (2021). Assessment of risks associated with third-party logistics in restaurant supply chain. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28(8), 2432– 2464.
Su, H.-C., Kao, T.-W. D., & Linderman, K. (2020). Where in the supply chain network does ISO 9001 improve firm productivity? European Journal of Operational Research, 283(2), 530- 540.
Velikova, E. (2019). Innovation and digitalization in tourism-restriction or development for business in Bulgaria. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 17(1), 252–258. tjs.2019.s.01.041
Vodenicharova, M. (2020). Supply chain study in food industry in Bulgaria. 48(9), 921–938.
Vodenicharova, M., & Bankov, K. (2021). Supply chain quality management at logistics ser- vice providers (Scientific Proceeding of the Second Scientific and Business Conference in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the “Busi- ness Logistics,” pp. 72–85). UNWE.
Wang, Y.-F., Chen, S.-P., Lee, Y.-C., & Tsai, C.-T. S. (2013). Developing green management standards for restaurants: An application of green supply chain management. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, 263-273.
Wu, H.-C., & Mohi, Z. (2015). Assessment of Service Quality in the Fast-Food Restaurant. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 18(4), 358–388. 20.2015.1068673
Zúñiga-Arias, G. E. (2007). Quality management and strategic alliances in the man- go supply chain from Costa Rica. International chains and networks https://doi. org/10.3920/978-90-8686-621-2
Additional Reading
Canevello, A., & Crocker, J. (2010). Creating good relationships: Responsiveness, relationship quality, and interpersonal goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99(1), 78- 106.
Cao, M., & Zhang, Q. (2011). Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance. Journal of Operations Management, 29(3), 163-180. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jom.2010.12.008
DiPietro, R. (2017). Restaurant and foodservice research: A critical reflection behind and an op- timistic look ahead. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(4), 1203-1234.
Galaskiewicz, J. 2011. “Studying Supply Chains From a Social Network Perspective.” Journal of
Supply Chain Management 47(1):4–8.
Haddud, A., & Khare, A. (2020). Digitalizing supply chains potential benefits and impact on lean operations. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 11(4), 731-765. ijlss-03-2019-0026
Kumar, A., Heide, J. B., & Wathne, K. H. (2011). Performance Implications of Mismatched Gov- ernance Regimes across External and Internal Relationships. Journal of Marketing, 75(2), 1-17.
Kuzmin O., Pozdniakov S., Kiiko V., Akіmova L. (2018). Development of quality management systems in the hotel-restaurant business // Transformational processes the development of economic systems in conditions of globalization: scientific bases, mechanisms, prospects: collective monograph / edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, in 2 vol. / ISMA University. – Riga:
«Landmark» SIA, Vol. 1. – pp. 221-232. (ISBN 978-9984-891-04-0)
Mun, S. G., & Jang, S. S. (2018). Restaurant operating expenses and their effects on profitabil- ity enhancement. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 71, 68-76. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2017.12.002
Narayanan, S., Jayaraman, V., Luo, Y., & Swaminathan, J. M. (2011). The antecedents of process integration in business process outsourcing and its effect on firm performance. Journal of Operations Management, 29(1-2), 3-16.
Parmigiani, A., & Rivera-Santos, M. (2011). Clearing a Path Through the Forest: A Meta-Review of Interorganizational Relationships. Journal of Management, 37(4), 1108-1136. https://doi. org/10.1177/0149206311407507
Saeed, K. A., Malhotra, M. K., & Grover, V. (2011). Interorganizational System Characteristics and Supply Chain Integration: An Empirical Assessment*: Saeed, Malhotra, and Grover. Decision Sciences, 42(1), 7-42.
Schubert, С., Kandampully, J., Solnet, D., Kralj, A. (2010). Exploring consumer perceptions of
green restaurants in the US, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 10(4) , 286-300.
Song, H., Turson, R., Ganguly, A., & Yu, K. (2017). Evaluating the effects of supply chain qual- ity management on food firms' performance: The mediating role of food certification and reputation. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 37(10), 1541- 1562.
Villena, V. H., Revilla, E., & Choi, T. Y. (2011). The dark side of buyer-supplier relationships: A social capital perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 29(6), 561-576. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jom.2010.09.001
Wong, C. Y., Boon-itt, S., & Wong, C. W. Y. (2011). The contingency effects of environmental un- certainty on the relationship between supply chain integration and operational performance. Journal of Operations Management, 29(6), 604-615.
Wu, Z., Choi, T. Y., & Rungtusanatham, M. J. (2010). Supplier-supplier relationships in buyer-sup- plier-supplier triads: Implications for supplier performance. Journal of Operations Manage- ment, 28(2), 115-123.
Zeller, M., & Drescher, F. (2017). Procurement Management in the German Restaurant Industry: A Comparison Between Top 100 Restaurants and Smaller Restaurants. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 15(4), 360-379.
Keywords: QMS; ISO; ICT
Autry, C. W., Williams, B. D., & Golicic, S. (2014). Relational and Process Multiplexity in Verti- cal Supply Chain Triads: An Exploration in the U.S. Restaurant Industry. Journal of Busi- ness Logistics, 35(1), 52-70.
Bastas, A., & Liyanage, K. (2018). Sustainable supply chain quality management: A systematic re- view. Journalof Cleaner Production, 181, 726-744. Chen, L., Lu, Y., & Zhao, R. (2019). Analysis and application of modern supply chain system in China. Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications, 1(2), 106–119. https://doi.
Cho, M., Bonn, M. A., Susskind, A., & Giunipero, L. (2018). Restaurant dependence/autonomy in the supply chain and market responsiveness: The moderating roles of information technol- ogy adoption and trust. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(9), 2945-2964.
Flynn, B., & Zhao, X. (2015). Global Supply Chain Quality Management: Product Recalls and Their Impact. In Global supply chain quality management. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group.
Foster, S. T., Jr., Wallin, C., & Ogden, J. (2011). Towards a better understanding of supply chain quality management practices. International Journal of Production Research, 49(8), 2285- 2300.
Foster, T. (2013). Managing quality. Integrating the supply chain (Pearson).
Gutierrez-Yllu, L., Figueroa-Pomareda, G., & Cano-Lazarte, M. (2022). Cost of Sale Reduction in a Company Within the Restaurant Industry Using a Procurement Model Based on Supply Chain Management and Lean Philosophy. Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V, 1201-1208.
Harun, A., Rokonuzzaman, M., Prybutok, G., & Prybutok, V. R. (2018). Influencing perception of justice to leverage behavioral outcome: A perspective from restaurant service failure setting. Quality Management Journal, 25(3), 112-128. Isnaini, D., Nurhaida, T., & Pratama, I. (2020). Moderating Eff ct of Supply Chain Dynamic Ca- pabilities on the Relationship of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Or- ganizational Sustainable Performance: A Study on the Restaurant Industry in Indonesia. In-
ternational Journal of Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 97–105.
Kanji, G. K., & Wong, A. (1999). Business Excellence model for supply chain management. Total
Quality Management, 10(8), 1147-1168.
Ku, E. C. S., Hsu, S.-F., & Wu, W.-C. (2020). Connecting supplier-supplier relationships to achieve supply chain performance of restaurant companies. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism In- sights, 3(3), 311-328.
Kukanja, M., Gomezelj Omerzel, D., & Kodrič, B. (2017). Ensuring restaurant quality and guests’ loyalty: An integrative model based on marketing (7P) approach. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28(13–14), 1509–1525. 363.2016.1150172
La Londe, B. (1998). Supply Chain Evolution by the Numbers. Supply Chain Management Re- view, Spring, 2(1).
Lamprecht, J. (2000). Quality and Power in the Supply Chain: What Industry Does for the Sake of Quality.
Lihong, Z., & Goffin, K. (2001). "Managing the transition" - supplier management in interna- tional joint ventures in China. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 31(2), 74-95.
Liu, Y.-L., Pen-Fa, K., Chiang, J.-T., & Shyr, W.-J. (2021). Should the EFQM Excellence Model be Adapted for Specific Industries? A Restaurant Sector Example. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 92, 102694.
Mentzer, J. T., Flint, D. J., & Hult, G. T. M. (2001). Logistics Service Quality as a Seg- ment-Customized Process. Journal of Marketing, 65(4), 82-104. jmkg.
Murphy, J., & Smith, S. (2009). Chefs and suppliers: An exploratory look at supply chain issues in an upscale restaurant alliance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(2), 212–220.
Nawrocka, D., Brorson, T., & Lindhqvist, T. (2009). ISO 14001 in environmental supply chain practices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17(16), 1435–1443. jclepro.2009.05.004
Ngai, E. W. T., Suk, F. F. C., & Lo, S. Y. Y. (2008). Development of an RFID-based sushi man- agement system: The case of a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant. International Journal of Production Economics, 112(2), 630-645.
Nikolaidis, Y. (2013). Reverse Logistics and Quality Management Issues: State-of-the-Art. Qual- ity Management in Reverse Logistics, 1-19.
NSI. (2022). National Statistical Institute,
Pai, F.-Y., Yeh, T.-M., & Tang, C.-Y. (2018). Classifying restaurant service quality attributes by using Kano model and IPA approach. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29(3–4), 301–328.
Raak, N., Symmank, C., Zahn, S., Aschemann-Witzel, J., & Rohm, H. (2017). Processing- and product-related causes for food waste and implications for the food supply chain. Waste Management, 61, 461-472.
Rizou, M., Galanakis, I. M., Aldawoud, T. M. S., & Galanakis, C. M. (2020). Safety of foods, food supply chain and environment within the COVID-19 pandemic. Trends in Food Sci- ence & Technology, 102, 293-299.
Robinson, C., & Malhotra, M. (2005). Defining the concept of supply chain quality manage- ment and its relevance to academic and industrial practice. International Journal of Pro- duction Economics, 96(3), 315–337.
Shanker, S., Sharma, H., & Barve, A. (2021). Assessment of risks associated with third-party logistics in restaurant supply chain. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28(8), 2432– 2464.
Su, H.-C., Kao, T.-W. D., & Linderman, K. (2020). Where in the supply chain network does ISO 9001 improve firm productivity? European Journal of Operational Research, 283(2), 530- 540.
Velikova, E. (2019). Innovation and digitalization in tourism-restriction or development for business in Bulgaria. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 17(1), 252–258. tjs.2019.s.01.041
Vodenicharova, M. (2020). Supply chain study in food industry in Bulgaria. 48(9), 921–938.
Vodenicharova, M., & Bankov, K. (2021). Supply chain quality management at logistics ser- vice providers (Scientific Proceeding of the Second Scientific and Business Conference in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the “Busi- ness Logistics,” pp. 72–85). UNWE.
Wang, Y.-F., Chen, S.-P., Lee, Y.-C., & Tsai, C.-T. S. (2013). Developing green management standards for restaurants: An application of green supply chain management. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34, 263-273.
Wu, H.-C., & Mohi, Z. (2015). Assessment of Service Quality in the Fast-Food Restaurant. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 18(4), 358–388. 20.2015.1068673
Zúñiga-Arias, G. E. (2007). Quality management and strategic alliances in the man- go supply chain from Costa Rica. International chains and networks https://doi. org/10.3920/978-90-8686-621-2
Additional Reading
Canevello, A., & Crocker, J. (2010). Creating good relationships: Responsiveness, relationship quality, and interpersonal goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99(1), 78- 106.
Cao, M., & Zhang, Q. (2011). Supply chain collaboration: Impact on collaborative advantage and firm performance. Journal of Operations Management, 29(3), 163-180. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jom.2010.12.008
DiPietro, R. (2017). Restaurant and foodservice research: A critical reflection behind and an op- timistic look ahead. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(4), 1203-1234.
Galaskiewicz, J. 2011. “Studying Supply Chains From a Social Network Perspective.” Journal of
Supply Chain Management 47(1):4–8.
Haddud, A., & Khare, A. (2020). Digitalizing supply chains potential benefits and impact on lean operations. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 11(4), 731-765. ijlss-03-2019-0026
Kumar, A., Heide, J. B., & Wathne, K. H. (2011). Performance Implications of Mismatched Gov- ernance Regimes across External and Internal Relationships. Journal of Marketing, 75(2), 1-17.
Kuzmin O., Pozdniakov S., Kiiko V., Akіmova L. (2018). Development of quality management systems in the hotel-restaurant business // Transformational processes the development of economic systems in conditions of globalization: scientific bases, mechanisms, prospects: collective monograph / edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, in 2 vol. / ISMA University. – Riga:
«Landmark» SIA, Vol. 1. – pp. 221-232. (ISBN 978-9984-891-04-0)
Mun, S. G., & Jang, S. S. (2018). Restaurant operating expenses and their effects on profitabil- ity enhancement. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 71, 68-76. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2017.12.002
Narayanan, S., Jayaraman, V., Luo, Y., & Swaminathan, J. M. (2011). The antecedents of process integration in business process outsourcing and its effect on firm performance. Journal of Operations Management, 29(1-2), 3-16.
Parmigiani, A., & Rivera-Santos, M. (2011). Clearing a Path Through the Forest: A Meta-Review of Interorganizational Relationships. Journal of Management, 37(4), 1108-1136. https://doi. org/10.1177/0149206311407507
Saeed, K. A., Malhotra, M. K., & Grover, V. (2011). Interorganizational System Characteristics and Supply Chain Integration: An Empirical Assessment*: Saeed, Malhotra, and Grover. Decision Sciences, 42(1), 7-42.
Schubert, С., Kandampully, J., Solnet, D., Kralj, A. (2010). Exploring consumer perceptions of
green restaurants in the US, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 10(4) , 286-300.
Song, H., Turson, R., Ganguly, A., & Yu, K. (2017). Evaluating the effects of supply chain qual- ity management on food firms' performance: The mediating role of food certification and reputation. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 37(10), 1541- 1562.
Villena, V. H., Revilla, E., & Choi, T. Y. (2011). The dark side of buyer-supplier relationships: A social capital perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 29(6), 561-576. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jom.2010.09.001
Wong, C. Y., Boon-itt, S., & Wong, C. W. Y. (2011). The contingency effects of environmental un- certainty on the relationship between supply chain integration and operational performance. Journal of Operations Management, 29(6), 604-615.
Wu, Z., Choi, T. Y., & Rungtusanatham, M. J. (2010). Supplier-supplier relationships in buyer-sup- plier-supplier triads: Implications for supplier performance. Journal of Operations Manage- ment, 28(2), 115-123.
Zeller, M., & Drescher, F. (2017). Procurement Management in the German Restaurant Industry: A Comparison Between Top 100 Restaurants and Smaller Restaurants. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 15(4), 360-379.
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