Interaction between Tourism and Culture for the Purpose of Urban Regeneration of the Town of Smederevo
Marko Milosavljević - Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Belgrade, Serbia
Milica Dobričić - Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Belgrade, Serbia
Marko Milosavljević - Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Belgrade, Serbia
Milica Dobričić - Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Belgrade, Serbia
6th International Thematic Monograph - Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade, 2021/2022, Published by: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North Macedonia; ISSN 2683-5673, ISBN 978-86-80194-49-3; Editors: Vuk Bevanda, associate professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia; Snežana Štetić, full time professor, The College of Tourism, Belgrade, Serbia, Printed by: SKRIPTA International, Belgrade
Abstract: The authors of this chapter reveal the relevance of the interaction between tourism and culture for the purpose of urban regeneration in the example of the town of Smederevo, the Republic of Serbia. They analyze the town’s cultural and historical values and advantages for the development of tourism, in direct communication with urban methods required to revitalize the entire area and the town itself. Through the analysis of good practices of urban regeneration of the towns of Genoa and Dresden, the authors indicate possible guidelines for achieving the most effective urban regeneration. The aim of this chapter is to examine the opportunities that tourism and culture provide for the successful urban regeneration of the town of Smederevo, in order to contribute to a better understanding of their mutual relation.
Keywords: Urban regeneration; Tourism; Culture; Smederevo; Danube; Serbia
Brown, F. (1998). Tourism Reassessed: Blight or Blessing. Butterworth Heineman, Oxford University
Chen, C. F., & Chen, P. C. (2010). Resident attitudes toward heritage tourism development. Tourism
Geographies, 12(4), 525–545. DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2010.516398
Čeliković, B. (2011). Okolina Beograda i Smedereva: naselja, poreklo stanovništva, običaji.
Službeni glasnik, SANU, Beograd.
Dobričić, M., Kesić-Ristić, S., & Josimović, B. (2016). The spatial planning, protection ad management
of world heritage in Serbia. Spatium, 36, 75-83.
Dobričić, M., & Sekulić, G. (2020). Assessment of the value of Protected areas in Serbia, on
the example of application of Pa-Bat method and tourism development. In V. Bevanda &
S. Štetić (Eds.), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management Tools and
Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era (pp 285-299). Belgrade: Association of Economists
and Managers of the Balkans with Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North
Macedonia. DOI: 10.31410/tmt.2020.285
Dobričić, M., Sekulić, N., & Josimović, B. (2018). Spatial planning and ecological networks in
Serbia. Spatium, 18-26.
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Fletcher, J. (1989). Input-Output Analysis and Tourism Impact Studies. Annals of Tourism
Research, 16(4), 514-529
Galdini, R. (2005). Urban Regeneration Process-The Case Of Genoa, An Example of Integrated
Urban Development Approach. 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association:
“Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society”, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Louvain-la-Neuve.
Generalni urbanistički plan Smedereva, Službeni list grada Smedereva, broj 19/2009.
Genova, Italy: Getting Lost In The Winding Seaside Streets –|Jeremy MacLaine:
Accessed on 10.08.2021.
ICT_leaflet_DCC_Serbia.pdf (
Accessed on 20.08.2021.
Lak, A., Gheitasi, M., & Timothy, D. J. (2020). Urban regeneration through heritage tourism:
cultural policies and strategic management. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change,
18(4), 386-403.
Liu, Y. D. (2014). Cultural Events and Cultural Tourism Development: Lessons from the European
Capitals of Culture. European Planning Studies, 22(3), 498-514.
Maksić, M., Dobričić, M., & Trkulja, S. (2018). Institutional limitations in the management of
UNESCO cultural heritage in Serbia: The case of Gamzigrad-Romuliana archaeological
site. Land Use Policy, 78, 195-206.
Menchawy, A. E. (2008). Urban regeneration in Mediterranean cities: an integrated urban development
of Brownfield sites. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 117, 115-
127. doi:10.2495/SC080121
Milosavljević, M. (2019). Urbana regeneracija kroz kulturu i turizam, Studija slučaja: Industrijska
zona Milan Blagojević. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Arhitektonski fakultet i Politehnika
u Torinu, DAD – Odsek za arhitekturu i dizajn, master rad, 2019. (mentori: prof. dr Đukić
A, prof. dr Crotti M).
Milosavljević, M., & Dobričić, M. (2021). Urbana regeneracija industrijske zone u Smederevu -
komparativna analiza. Tehnika, 5, 565-571. DOI: 10.5937/tehnika2105564M
Ministarstvo ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja. (2007). Master plan kulturno istorijske rute,
Put rimskih careva.
Popović, L. (1980). Istorija Smedereva u reči i slici. Muzej Smederevo.
Popović, S. G., Dobričić, M., & Savić, S. V. (2021). Challenges of sustainable spatial development
in the light of new international perspectives-The case of Montenegro. Land Use Policy,
105, 105438.
Pin op Germani ( amp_client_
id=CLIENT_ID(_)&mweb_unauth_id=&simplified=true. Accessed on 04.09.2021.
Priča o Smederevu, gradu pobratimu|
gradu-pobratimu/. Accessed on 15.09.2021.
Prostorni plan grada Smedereva 2010-2015-2020 (Službeni list opštine Smederevo, broj 6/2005).
Prostorni plan Republike Srbije od 2010 do 2020 (Službeni glasnik RS, broj 88/2010).
Roberts, P., Sykes, H., & Granger, R. (2017). Urban Regeneration - Second edition. Los Angeles,
London, New DELPHI, Singapore, Washington DC, Melbourne.
Smederevo Fortress – UNESCO: Accessed on
Smederevske manifestacije|Smederevo ( https://filipovicfilip.wordpress. com/
najpoznatije-smederevske-manifestacije/. Accessed on 23.10.2021.
Smith, M. (Ed.). (2007). Tourism, culture and regeneration. London: Routledge.
Stojković, J. (1998). Sartid–srpska industrija čelika 1913-1940. PINUS zapisi 8, Zajednica tehničkih
fakulteta, Beograd.
Štoković, I. (2004). Benchmarking u turizmu. Ekonomski pregled, 55(1-2), 66-84.
Timothy, D. J. (2021). Cultural heritage and tourism. Channel View Publications.
UNWTO. (1993). General Assembly Documents, Volume 1993, Issue 1. https://www.e-unwto.
Urban Regeneration | GENOVA MERAVIGLIOSA: http://www.genovameravigliosa. com/en/
urban-regeneration. Accessed on 04.07.2021.
Uredba o utvrđivanju Prostornog plana područja posebne namene međunarodnog vodnog puta E
80 – Dunav (Panevropski koridor VII) (“Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 14/2015)
Wikipedia, Belgrade Fortress: Accessed on
Wikipedia, Ram Fortress: Accessed on 23.10.2021.
Yearly event calendar of the town of Smederevo ( https://www.visitsmederevo.
com/index.php/dogadjaj/12/Kalendar-manifestacija. Accessed on 23.10.2021.
Keywords: Urban regeneration; Tourism; Culture; Smederevo; Danube; Serbia
Brown, F. (1998). Tourism Reassessed: Blight or Blessing. Butterworth Heineman, Oxford University
Chen, C. F., & Chen, P. C. (2010). Resident attitudes toward heritage tourism development. Tourism
Geographies, 12(4), 525–545. DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2010.516398
Čeliković, B. (2011). Okolina Beograda i Smedereva: naselja, poreklo stanovništva, običaji.
Službeni glasnik, SANU, Beograd.
Dobričić, M., Kesić-Ristić, S., & Josimović, B. (2016). The spatial planning, protection ad management
of world heritage in Serbia. Spatium, 36, 75-83.
Dobričić, M., & Sekulić, G. (2020). Assessment of the value of Protected areas in Serbia, on
the example of application of Pa-Bat method and tourism development. In V. Bevanda &
S. Štetić (Eds.), 5th International Thematic Monograph: Modern Management Tools and
Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era (pp 285-299). Belgrade: Association of Economists
and Managers of the Balkans with Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, North
Macedonia. DOI: 10.31410/tmt.2020.285
Dobričić, M., Sekulić, N., & Josimović, B. (2018). Spatial planning and ecological networks in
Serbia. Spatium, 18-26.
Dresden | URBACT: accessed on 17.09.2021.
EBRD. (2020). Prijedlog razvojne strategije - Urbana regeneracija napuštene industrijske
zone u Šibeniku. ARUP, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Accessed on 20.09.2021.
Fletcher, J. (1989). Input-Output Analysis and Tourism Impact Studies. Annals of Tourism
Research, 16(4), 514-529
Galdini, R. (2005). Urban Regeneration Process-The Case Of Genoa, An Example of Integrated
Urban Development Approach. 45th Congress of the European Regional Science Association:
“Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society”, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Louvain-la-Neuve.
Generalni urbanistički plan Smedereva, Službeni list grada Smedereva, broj 19/2009.
Genova, Italy: Getting Lost In The Winding Seaside Streets –|Jeremy MacLaine:
Accessed on 10.08.2021.
ICT_leaflet_DCC_Serbia.pdf (
Accessed on 20.08.2021.
Lak, A., Gheitasi, M., & Timothy, D. J. (2020). Urban regeneration through heritage tourism:
cultural policies and strategic management. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change,
18(4), 386-403.
Liu, Y. D. (2014). Cultural Events and Cultural Tourism Development: Lessons from the European
Capitals of Culture. European Planning Studies, 22(3), 498-514.
Maksić, M., Dobričić, M., & Trkulja, S. (2018). Institutional limitations in the management of
UNESCO cultural heritage in Serbia: The case of Gamzigrad-Romuliana archaeological
site. Land Use Policy, 78, 195-206.
Menchawy, A. E. (2008). Urban regeneration in Mediterranean cities: an integrated urban development
of Brownfield sites. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 117, 115-
127. doi:10.2495/SC080121
Milosavljević, M. (2019). Urbana regeneracija kroz kulturu i turizam, Studija slučaja: Industrijska
zona Milan Blagojević. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Arhitektonski fakultet i Politehnika
u Torinu, DAD – Odsek za arhitekturu i dizajn, master rad, 2019. (mentori: prof. dr Đukić
A, prof. dr Crotti M).
Milosavljević, M., & Dobričić, M. (2021). Urbana regeneracija industrijske zone u Smederevu -
komparativna analiza. Tehnika, 5, 565-571. DOI: 10.5937/tehnika2105564M
Ministarstvo ekonomije i regionalnog razvoja. (2007). Master plan kulturno istorijske rute,
Put rimskih careva.
Popović, L. (1980). Istorija Smedereva u reči i slici. Muzej Smederevo.
Popović, S. G., Dobričić, M., & Savić, S. V. (2021). Challenges of sustainable spatial development
in the light of new international perspectives-The case of Montenegro. Land Use Policy,
105, 105438.
Pin op Germani ( amp_client_
id=CLIENT_ID(_)&mweb_unauth_id=&simplified=true. Accessed on 04.09.2021.
Priča o Smederevu, gradu pobratimu|
gradu-pobratimu/. Accessed on 15.09.2021.
Prostorni plan grada Smedereva 2010-2015-2020 (Službeni list opštine Smederevo, broj 6/2005).
Prostorni plan Republike Srbije od 2010 do 2020 (Službeni glasnik RS, broj 88/2010).
Roberts, P., Sykes, H., & Granger, R. (2017). Urban Regeneration - Second edition. Los Angeles,
London, New DELPHI, Singapore, Washington DC, Melbourne.
Smederevo Fortress – UNESCO: Accessed on
Smederevske manifestacije|Smederevo ( https://filipovicfilip.wordpress. com/
najpoznatije-smederevske-manifestacije/. Accessed on 23.10.2021.
Smith, M. (Ed.). (2007). Tourism, culture and regeneration. London: Routledge.
Stojković, J. (1998). Sartid–srpska industrija čelika 1913-1940. PINUS zapisi 8, Zajednica tehničkih
fakulteta, Beograd.
Štoković, I. (2004). Benchmarking u turizmu. Ekonomski pregled, 55(1-2), 66-84.
Timothy, D. J. (2021). Cultural heritage and tourism. Channel View Publications.
UNWTO. (1993). General Assembly Documents, Volume 1993, Issue 1. https://www.e-unwto.
Urban Regeneration | GENOVA MERAVIGLIOSA: http://www.genovameravigliosa. com/en/
urban-regeneration. Accessed on 04.07.2021.
Uredba o utvrđivanju Prostornog plana područja posebne namene međunarodnog vodnog puta E
80 – Dunav (Panevropski koridor VII) (“Službeni glasnik RS”, broj 14/2015)
Wikipedia, Belgrade Fortress: Accessed on
Wikipedia, Ram Fortress: Accessed on 23.10.2021.
Yearly event calendar of the town of Smederevo ( https://www.visitsmederevo.
com/index.php/dogadjaj/12/Kalendar-manifestacija. Accessed on 23.10.2021.
tmt.2021-2022.517.pdf | |
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